CSC/ECE 517 Summer 2008/wiki3 3 cd

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Problem Statement

We introduced the idea of low coupling in Lecture 20, and used the Observer pattern as an example in Lecture 23. But we've really only scratched the surface on what there is to know about achieving low coupling. Browse the Web and the ACM DL for other information, both theoretical and practical, and produce a guide to what there is to know about low coupling. Be sure to highlight those aspects that would be appropriate for inclusion in CSC/ECE 517.

Low coupling.

Coupling in Software Design can be either High or Low. What this means is that object and classes in your code can exist indepently of other objects or classes. Coupling between modules/components is their degree of mutual interdependence. For example a system that has high coupling might experience the following issues:

  • Change in one module forces a ripple of changes in other modules.
  • Modules are difficult to understand in isolation.
  • Modules are difficult to reuse or test because dependent modules must be included.

Examples of low coupling include.

  • size: low number of connections between routines
  • intimacy: minimal number of connections between routines
  • visibility: the prominence of the connection between routines
  • flexibility: the ease of changing the connections between routines

Coupling in Theory

Coupling in Practice

Coupling is easy to measure and understand because it is mechanical in nature and requires less interpretation. Suppose there are three components A, B, and C. A's behavior depends upon B in some way (any way), A’s behavior depends upon C in some way, and the behavior of B and C do not appear to depend upon anything else.

That is the coupling of the system and it is measureable.


What is Coupling Really? Coupling on Wikipedia Coupling and Cohesion

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