CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2021 - E2169. Testing - Answer Tagging

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Answer tagging (see answer_tab.rb and wiki) helps determine a few metrics on a student’s responses to a questionnaire. Students can tag these metrics for other students for things such as “Positive Tone” or “Suggest Solutions”.

These specs below all need to be further developed to cover missing methods/lines. Some structures currently exist at the top of spec files (such as assignments, participants, etc) to help make writing tests easier. Please feel free to add to these and write extra tests to cover any edge cases you may think of.

As an instructor on an assignment, going to Etc/View Reports/Answer Tagging Report will show student answer tagging. You will be able to see the percentage of answers tagged, # of answers tagged, # not tagged, and # of taggable answers for each student on a questionnaire.

Initial Coverage

Answer_tags_controller_spec : 0% Covered

Tag_prompt_deployment_spec : 18% Covered

Missed Methods

  • app/controllers/answer_tags_controller.rb
    • action_allowed?
    • index
    • create_edit
    • destroy
  • app/models/tag_prompt_deployment.rb
    • get_number_of_taggable_answers
    • assignment_tagging_progress

Test Plan

Controller: answer_tags_controller.rb

Existing coverage = 0%

Description: The purpose of this controller is to track down the total number of tags done by the students. The database structure for the answer_tags can be found here [1]


1. action_allowed? ( params: action )

Description: To allow the functionality only if the accessing user is having student privileges (current_user_has_student_privileges?)

Test cases:

  • When the session is null, Access should be denied
  • When the session is of student type, access should be allowed and operation should be executed.

2. index ( params : assignment_id, questionnaire_id, user_id )

Description: Populates the tags by fetching the records from AnswerTag corresponding to each TagPromptDeployment based on the filers provided as params.

Test cases:

  • When the params for fetching TagPromptDeployment are null, 0 tags prompts should be returned.
  • When all valid params are passed, the function should populate the tag prompts.
  • When user_id is provided, tag prompts specific to that user should only be populated.

3. create_edit ( params : answer_id, tag_prompt_deployment_id, value )

Description: Fetches the answer tag with the params provided and then updates the respective tag values by the updated values provided as params.

Test cases:

  • When the existing tag is found based on the params passed, the existing tag should be updated with new values.

Controller: tag_prompt_deployment.rb

Existing coverage = 18%

Description: This Controller is when a user (with instructor privilege) wants to see tagging summary of every user that participated in a tagging assignment.


1. tag_prompt Description: tag_prompt has existing test cases scoring 18 percentage coverage.

2. get_number_of_taggable_answers ( params: user_id)

Description: To calculate total taggable answers reviewed by a user that participated in the given tagging assignment. user_id is the parameter passed to this method. An individual and his team will have the same score. Fig 1: The last column values are processed by this method.

Test cases:

  • when a team has not given any response then assert count of taggable answer = 0
  • When question does not exists then count of taggable answer = 0
  • When a valid response exists, count of taggable answer (answer.count should be integer type)
  • When answer_length_threshold not set, count taggable answer
  • When answer_length_threshold is set, count taggable answer

3. assignment_tagging_progress

Description: To compute the number of tagged answers, number of untagged answers, and percentage of answers tagged by the users that participated in the tagging Assignment to a particular question. Fig 1: First three columns after the 2nd column onwards are updated with results obtained from this method.

Test cases:

  • When not team participated in the assignment, assert count(user_answer_tagging) =0
  • When the question does not exist, assert count(user_answer_tagging) =0
  • When multiple rounds of review, render ReviewResponseMap and assert response object
  • When single round of review, render ResponseMap and assert response object
  • When answer_length_threshold is SET, number of answers and when answer_length_threshold is NOT SET, number of answers
  • When route is success answer_tagging object structure matching