E2145. OSS Project Beige

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Revision as of 18:27, 11 October 2021 by Alunava (talk | contribs)
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This page provides description of Open source project on Expertiza.


Background Expertiza allows instructors to have students review each others work as part of the peer review system. A student or team upon submitting their work can review others work. The problem arises when a student has multiple reviews in different stages and has no way to telling which review is in which stage.

Motivation We wish to implement a color scheme that will help students identify the stages of their review instantly. For example, a completed review will be in green color and an unfinished one in brown. We believe this will allows users to identify and prioritize their review without having to dig deep into individual reviews.

Tasks The following would be the key tasks:

  • Add a new model to track the status of a review
  • Upon change of review stage, update the data in the database.
  • Change color in the UI based on the status of the review.