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E2057. Time travel Not Allowed..!!! Restrict TAs’ ability to change their own grade + limit file-size upload

This page provides a description of the Expertiza based OSS project.

Team Information

  • Palash Gupta -
  • Sneha Kumar -
  • Yen-An Jou -

Issue 1412 - Problem Statement

If a person is listed as a TA in one course and as a student in another course, then if they navigate to the "Your scores" page of one of the assignments in which they are participating as a student, they can see a TA's view of that page - effectively allowing them to assign their own grade!

The below screenshot shows the TA view for the course he is added as the TA:

As evident from the screenshot, the user, "student003" is assigned as a TA for CSC502.

The user, "student003" is also a student in the course, CSC501:

The issue here is that this user, "student003" who is a TA in one course is able to alter the grades for his assignments in other courses he is taking in the semester:


Once TA clicks on Assignment > view scores, they will no longer be able to see the form to add/edit the grade and comment for the course in which they are participating as a student.

Files modified: view_team.html

We are rendering the TA view(to grade and comment) only if the TA ID has an entry in the ta_mapping table. This ensures that the TA will be able modify the grades for courses for which they are assigned as TA.

  • Get the course ID for the course which the student is currently viewing.
  • Get the user ID, which will be the teacher ID as well
  • Using these two fields we are restricting the access for the student to modify the grades.

Only for the courses for which a user is a TA, he will be able to see 'TA Grade-Comment:' section under Assignment > view scores

The green-highlighted lines indicate the changes.

Below is the screenshot which indicates the TA view for which the user is registered as a student:

Code Addition
  • view_team.html.erb
  @assign_id = Assignment.find_by(id: @participant.parent_id).course_id;
  @teacher_id = @participant.user_id;  
 <% if TaMapping.where(ta_id: @teacher_id, course_id: @assign_id).exists? %>
   <%= form_tag 'save_grade_and_comment_for_submission' do %>
     <%= hidden_field_tag :participant_id, params[:id] %>
     <%= number_field_tag 'grade_for_submission', @team.try(:grade_for_submission) ,min: 0, max: 100, maxlength: 3, size: 3, class: "form-control width-150", placeholder: 'Grade' %>
     <%= text_area_tag 'comment_for_submission', @team.try(:comment_for_submission), size: '75x10', placeholder: 'Comment', class: "form-control width-500" %>
     <%= submit_tag 'Save' ,class: "btn btn-default" %>
   <% end %>
 <% end %>

RSpec test

Issue 1351 - Problem Statement

A student can upload files with their submission. In some cases, students upload long videos that might not be necessary for the submission.

What’s wrong with it: As there is no restriction on the files being uploaded, this is a security issue in Expertiza. Large files should be restricted. A student may also upload malware into the system affecting expertiza

Drawbacks and Solutions

  • Problem 1: No file size restriction while uploading files.
  • Solution:
  file_size_limit = 5
  # check file size
  if !check_content_size(file, file_size_limit)
    flash[:error] = "File size must smaller than #{file_size_limit}MB"
    redirect_to action: 'edit', id:
  # Verify the size of uploaded file is under specific value.
  # @param file [Object] uploaded file
  # @param size [Integer] maximum size(MB)
  # @return [Boolean] the result of verification
  def check_content_size(file, size)
    return !(file.size > size*1024*1024)
  • Problem 2: No file type restriction while uploading files. The existing method get_file_type only checks the extension of the file name. It is easy for users to bypass the validation.
  def get_file_type file_name
    base = File.basename(file_name)
    return base.split(".")[base.split(".").size - 1] if base.split(".").size > 1
  • Solution: We use MimeMagic to detect the mime type by its content.
  file_content =

  # check file type
  if !check_content_type_integrity(file_content)
    flash[:error] = 'File type error'
    redirect_to action: 'edit', id:
  # Verify the integrity of uploaded files.
  # @param file_content [Object] the content of uploaded file
  # @return [Boolean] the result of verification
  def check_content_type_integrity(file_content)
    limited_types = ['application/pdf', 'image/png', 'image/jpeg', 'application/zip', 'application/x-tar', 'application/x-7z-compressed', 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text', 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document']
    mime = MimeMagic.by_magic(file_content)
    return limited_types.include? mime.to_s


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