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Users associated with either a course or an assignment

Participants variable documentation

Field Name Type Description
id INT(10) unique identifier for the person participating
can_submit BIT bit to identify whether the person can submit or not
can_review BIT bit to identify whether the person can review or not
user_id INT(10) unique id referring to the user
parent_id INT(10) unique id referring to parent assignment or course
submitted_at DATETIME Date and Time of the submission made
permission_granted BIT the on or off bit tells whether the permission is granted or not
penalty_accumulated INT UNSIGNED
grade FLOAT Grade allotted for the submission after evaluation
type VARCHAR(255)
handle VARCHAR(255) the handle used during submission
time_stamp DATETIME
digital_signature TEXT to record what was the evaluation
duty VARCHAR(255) the "role" of this person on their team, e.g., tester. Used only when roles are assigned to team members.
can_take_quiz BIT this bit signifies whether the participant can take quiz or not
Hamer FLOAT the reputation of this participant using the Hamer algorithm
Lauw FLOAT the reputation of this participant using the Lauw algorithm

E/R diagram for Parents Tables

Tables referred by the Participants Table as Foreign Key Relationship.

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