E1920 Fix Code Climate Issues
This wiki page describes the changes are made in the Expertiza source code to implement E1920 OSS Project, "Fix Code Climate issues in models with names beginning with 'Se' thru 'Z'" in the Spring 2019 semester, CSC/ECE 517.
This is intro section. We can talk about what is our project and how we got started.
Expertiza is a peer to peer application whereby students gain knowledge through submitting their work into the system and review the work of others. This is system diverges from the customary systems where a instructor or body of teaching staff would grade the papers/assignments and provide feedback to the students. This process misses out on a learning opportunity for students performing reviews. Allowing students to see the work of others allows them to see more code examples and from different aspects. This exercise during the review process forces the student to think through lecture material and apply during the process. The Expertiza application can also be used as an iterative process from class to class. The examples of the current semester can be used by students of subsequent semesters to identify short comings and suggest further improvements.
Code Climate
Code Climate is an analysis software used to improve the quality and security of your code. The Code Climate results for the Expertiza project can be found here.
Code Climate will use various engines to analyze your code to look for issues that may concern potential security issues, (.i.e. marking code to html_safe), or add to maintainability issues (.i.e number of lines in method exceeding 25 lines). Some of the engines include: RuboCop, Brakeman, Bundler-Audit, etc.
Code Climate can ran from either a 3rd party remote server of via the local application using CLI. The Expertiza project uses the 3rd party remote server to analyze the code. In order to use CodeClimate via remote server, you have to register your repository. Following this process will allow you to check your code for quality issues after Pushing your code to the monitored repository.
Project Description
Some of the Expertiza source code violates many of the Ruby on Rails best practices and must be rectified to improve code readability, robustness and maintainability of the Expertiza application.
Our team was assigned to fix all code smells detected by Code Climate in the given set of Expertiza source code files.
Files Involved
All files in the app/models directory with names beginning with Se (e.g. section_header.rb) through Z, except users_controller.rb file were targeted by our team to be Code Climate issue free files. Therefore, our team was assigned exactly with 50 (fifty) files to fix in total. Some of the files had no issues reported by the Code Climate to begin with, and hence were not modified. However, changes/improvements performed on other files had an affect globally on the files outside of the app/models scope and also had to be modified to adapt changes we implemented. For example, renaming method is_leaf as follows:
def leaf?
in the team_user_node.rb file require to change all callers to this method in different files accordingly. Such changes had to be done in the following files (for this particular example):
- models/assignment_node.rb
- models/node.rb
- models/questionnaire_node.rb
- views/tree_display/_row_header.html.erb
These files are outside of the requirements specifications, but we had to modify them in order to maintain correct behavior of the App. There were few such cases when we had to modify multiple files to fix one or more Code Climate issue(s). The list of all of files changed can be found in the Pull Request discussed in this article.
Ignored Code Climate Smells
There are some Code Climate issues that were ignored and not resolved intentionally.
The following issues are exempt based the given requirements specifications and were not fixed:
- Assignment Branch Condition size for [method name] is too high.
- Perceived complexity for [method name] is too high.
- Cyclomatic complexity for [method name] is too high.
- Method [method name] has a Cognitive Complexity of XX (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.
- File [file name] has XXX lines of code (exceeds 250 allowed). Consider refactoring.
- Class [class name] has XX methods (exceeds 20 allowed). Consider refactoring.
- Method [method name] has XX lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring.
There are also two Code Climate issues that our team decided to ignore after consulting our mentor and discussing their impact on the existing code and Expertiza project. It was determined that the following Code Climate issues reported as False Positive and may not need to be resolved:
- Mass assignment is not restricted using attr_accessible.
- Potentially dangerous attribute available for mass assignment.
Finally, there was a duplicate code issue that was ignored due to a future project. The following files have a duplicate method, self.export_fields(options):
- user.rb
- participant.rb
For further clarification with regard to ignored Code Climate issues please contact our mentor.
Project Implementation
Talk about how we fixed the most common issues reported by Code Climate.
Most Common Issues Reported by Code Climate
As we worked on the Code Climate issues for the Expertiza project, we noticed a set of common code smells and issues made by software developers. Since these issues can easily be avoided and most importantly, avoiding them improves code quality, we decided to warn all Expertiza developers about them by providing the list of these issues, their descriptions, how they can be avoided, and how the code quality can be improved.
- Do not use Time.now or Time.parse without zone.
This is very common issue reported by Code Climate. Since time is relative and may have different values (UTC, EST, and etc), it is a good practice to specify the time zone, whenever the Time class used. For example, (code sample is used from app/models/student_task.rb file):
# Bad - use Time without zone stage_deadline: (Time.parse(participant.stage_deadline) rescue Time.now + 1.year) # Good - use Time with zone stage_deadline: (Time.zone.parse(participant.stage_deadline) || (Time.zone.now + 1.year))
Above example is good practice how Time class should be used.
- Method x has n arguments (exceeds 4 allowed). Consider refactoring:
Any method that takes more than 4 arguments must be refactored with accordance to good RoR coding standards. There are multiple ways to refactor signature of such methods and there is no single standard way of resolving this issue. Each method must be considered separately and requires unique approach to refactor, utilizing hash, array and other Ruby's built-in libraries and tools. Below we provide one sample of how fixed such issue utilizing Ruby's built-in hash (code sample is used from app/models/vm_question_response_row.rb file):
# Bad - initialize method has 5 arguments def initialize(question_text, question_id, weight, question_max_score, seq) @question_text = question_text @weight = weight @question_id = question_id @question_seq = seq @question_max_score = question_max_score # Good - initialize method has 1 argument, hash def initialize(question_data) @question_text = question_data[:text] @question_id = question_data[:id] @weight = question_data[:weight] @question_max_score = question_data[:max_score] @question_seq = question_data[:seq]
Note that since method signature is changed, it of the callers must be changed accordingly to adapt new method signature. For example, the following is illustration of such change to adapt above refactored method signature (code sample is used from app/models/vm_question_response.rb file):
# Bad - passing in 5 arguments to the constructor row = VmQuestionResponseRow.new(question.txt, question.id, question.weight, question_max_score, question.seq) # Good - passing in 1 argument to the constructor, hash row = VmQuestionResponseRow.new(text: question.txt, id: question.id, weight: question.weight, max_score: question_max_score, seq: question.seq)
- Prefer each over for:
We noticed there is a lot of iteration in the code using for loop instead of each. Generally, you want to avoid any for loops and use each, each_index, each_with_index, upto and etc. For example, (code sample is used from app/models/sign_up_sheet.rb file):
# Bad - use of for loop for user_signup_topic in user_signup return false if user_signup_topic.is_waitlisted == false # Good - use of each user_signup.each do |user_signup_topic| return false if user_signup_topic.is_waitlisted == false
Similarly, if you need to iterate the given block, passing in integer as an index, utilize each_index, each_with_index, upto instead of for. For example, (code sample is used from app/models/sign_up_sheet.rb file):
# Bad - use of for loop for round in 1..@review_rounds process_review_round(assignment_id, due_date, round, topic) # Good - use of upto 1.upto(@review_rounds) do |r| process_review_round(assignment_id, due_date, r, topic)
- Specify an :inverse_of option:
Whenever there are two models defined with many|one-to-one relationship (has_many|has_one and belongs_to association) out of scope of each other or with certain options used (e.g. foreign_key: and etc.), Active Record is unable to determine the inverse association of them. This would cause redundant look up operation performed on the database for the same object. It is not really an issue that could cause significant problems, but for such massive application like Experiza, it could affect performance and cause delay in response. Therefore, the :inverse_of option must be specified manually to use the associated object in memory instead of loading it from database twice. For example, (code sample is used from app/models/teams_user.rb and app/models/team_user_node.rb files respectively):
class TeamsUser < ActiveRecord::Base has_one :team_user_node, foreign_key: 'node_object_id', dependent: :destroy, inverse_of: 'node_object' end class TeamUserNode < Node belongs_to :node_object, class_name: 'TeamsUser', inverse_of: :team_user_node end
- Specify a :dependent option:
The has_many association should always be specified with one of the :dependent options, which specifies the behavior of the associated objects whenever their owner is destroyed. This is common practice and should be utilized adequately for the Expertiza app to work correctly. No specifying :dependent option could lead to run time errors, unpredictable behavior of the app, and creating orphan objects that will never be referenced again. Specify a :dependent option whenever utilizing has_many association. For example, (code sample is used from app/models/site_controller.rb file):
# Bad - not specifying a :dependent option class SiteController < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :controller_actions # Good - specifying a :dependent option class SiteController < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :controller_actions, dependent: :destroy
- Tagging a string as html safe may be a security risk:
For example,
html.html_safe # George can you please talk about it how you fixed it
- Use a guard clause instead of wrapping the code inside a conditional expression.
This is very common issue reported by Code Climate that can be easily avoided by properly utilizing `if` statements applying some logic. In general, avoid using bulk of if/else statements whenever possible. For example, (code sample is used from app/models/sign_up_topic.rb file):
# Bad - too many conditional expressions that also contain nested ones if !no_of_students_who_selected_the_topic.nil? if topic.max_choosers > no_of_students_who_selected_the_topic.size return true else return false end else return true end # Good - use guard close return true if no_of_students_who_selected_the_topic.nil? topic.max_choosers > no_of_students_who_selected_the_topic.size
Above is typical example when 9 lines of code (LoC) can be reduced to 2 LoC and overall code quality improved.
- Use find_by instead of where.first:
Always use find_by with an attempt to find the first record matching the specified conditions. However, keep in mind that find_by and where_first return different object IFF no record was found based on specified conditions.
- Model.find_by - if there is a record match, returns the object. If there is no record match, returns nil
- Model.where.first - if there is a record match, returns first ActiveRecord::Relation matched. If there is no record match, returns an Empty ActiveRecord::Relation
Therefore, always handle nil appropriately if there is no record match (with if/else block and etc.) Do not assume that the record will always be found. For example,
user = User.find_by(name: row_hash[index.to_sym].to_s) raise ImportError, "The user, " + row_hash[index.to_sym].to_s.strip + ", was not found." if user.nil?
- Use snake_case for method names and for variable names:
There are a lot of instances where developers use camelCase instead of snake_case in the Expertiza project naming methods and variables. Since Expertiza project is based on RoR, it is preferred to use snake_case for all method and variable names. For example, (code sample is used from app/models/sign_up_sheet.rb and app/models/sign_up_topic.rb files receptively):
# Bad method name - camelCase def self.slotAvailable?(topic_id) # Good method name - snake_case def self.slot_available?(topic_id) # Bad variable name - camelCase dropDate = AssignmentDueDate.where(parent_id: assignment.id, deadline_type_id: '6').first # Good method name - snake_case drop_date = AssignmentDueDate.where(parent_id: assignment.id, deadline_type_id: '6').first
Resolved Code Climate Issues
Along with Most Common Issues Reported by Code Climate we also fixed and verified numerous other code smells. The following is the list of all issues we have resolved. We do not provide solutions for them since most of them were trivial code changes.
- Argument x was shadowed by a local variable before it was used.
- Avoid more than 3 levels of block nesting.
- Avoid too many return statements within the method.
- Avoid using update_attribute because it skips validations.
- Consider simplifying this complex logical expression.
- Convert if nested inside else to elsif.
- Do not place comments on the same line as the end keyword.
- Do not prefix reader method names with get_.
- Do not prefix writer method names with set_.
- Do not use DateTime.parse.strftime without zone. Use one of Time.zone.parse.strftime, DateTime.current, DateTime.parse.strftime.in_time_zone, DateTime.parse.strftime.utc, DateTime.parse.strftime.getlocal, DateTime.parse.strftime.iso8601, DateTime.parse.strftime.jisx0301, DateTime.parse.strftime.rfc3339, DateTime.parse.strftime.to_i, DateTime.parse.strftime.to_f instead.
- Extra empty line detected at method body beginning.
- end at xxx, xx is not aligned with unless at xxx, xx
- Line is too long.
- Method x is defined at both app/models/y.rb and app/models/z.rb
- Optional arguments should appear at the end of the argument list.
- Place the condition on the same line as elsif.
- Prefer Date or Time over DateTime.
- Redundant use of Object#to_s in interpolation.
- Rename has_x to x?.
- Rename is_x to x?.
- Replace class var @@variable_name with a class instance var.
- Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.
- Unnecessary spacing detected.
- Unused method argument - x. If it's necessary, use _ or _x as an argument name to indicate that it won't be used.
- Use find_by instead of where.first.
- Use x.zero? instead of x == 0.
- Useless assignment to variable - x.
- Variable x used in void context.
Additional Improvements
Talk about additional improvements if there are any ( I(Nikolay) had some some I will include them here).
Remaining Issues
Talk about remaining issues and further improvements.
Further Suggestions
Talk about suggestions you have on files that you fixed if there are any? May be break down some methods into several and etc?
Pull Request
Let's add some info about pull request
There we 2 types of frame works that we used to verify our code modifications/creation within the models: RSpec and Travis CI.
RSpec was used to locally test the changes we had implemented without having to Push the change to the GitHub, this is discussed more in-depth in the section below.
Travis CI is a more comprehensive testing used by the Expetiza team to verify code changes from multiple sources, (.i.e forks from students). Travis CI will analyze the code once you Push your changes to the GitHub server for your given repository. Travis CI will need to be setup independently for your repository
Talk about Testing we performed
Rspec Testing
To verify the code changes we made did not break the existing application, we used the RSpec Testing Framework. Several of the models already had existing RSpecs Tests already created. For those, we just simply ran the corresponding test via the terminal window. Example
rspec spec/models/tag_prompt_spec.rb *rspec path/to/spec/file.rb*
This would execute the RSpec test for the tag_prompt.rb file located in the app/models folder. As you can see, there is a particular format that is used when naming the RSpec file:
Once the execution of the RSpec model testing is completed, results will be display
$ rspec spec/models/tag_prompt_spec.rb [10:45:15] [Coveralls] Set up the SimpleCov formatter. [Coveralls] Using SimpleCov's 'rails' settings. Randomized with seed 19443 ......... Finished in 3.35 seconds (files took 23.23 seconds to load) 9 examples, 0 failures Randomized with seed 19443 Coverage report generated for RSpec to /home/expertiza_developer/RubymineProjects/expertiza_testbed/coverage. 1254 / 17313 LOC (7.24%) covered. [Coveralls] Outside the CI environment, not sending data.
In addition to running the individual RSpec Test, we also executed broader in scope testing. To achieve this, we executed the following command in the terminal window:
$ bundle exec rspec --seed 5114
This produces the following results:
Finished in 1 minute 11.23 seconds (files took 23.19 seconds to load) 131 examples, 1 failure, 1 pending Failed examples: rspec ./spec/features/assignment_creation_spec.rb:707 # assignment function check to find if the assignment can be added to a course Randomized with seed 5114 Coverage report generated for RSpec to /home/expertiza_developer/RubymineProjects/expertiza_testbed/coverage. 2998 / 14031 LOC (21.37%) covered. [Coveralls] Outside the CI environment, not sending data. FAIL: 1
As you can see from the examples above there are failures. However, we are only looking for failures caused by the code we modified/created in a given model. In this case, all code we have created/modified is not causing failures.
UI Testing
We concentrated our UI testing based on how changes to Code Climate issues affected the interface between callers and methods. Two main culprits were found. The first was the change from Time.parse to Time.zone.parse. While Time.parse returns an error for invalid or unknown times, Time.zone.parse returns nil for those types. The second culprit was changing where().first to find_by(). Using where().first return empty records if nothing is found, while find_by() returns nil is nothing is found.
The user interface testing concentrated on three type of user stories. The first set of user stories was general functionality, could users still access the basic menu items from before. The second set of user stories were those that dealt with time issues, such as sorting. The third set of user stories were those that dealt with searching.
Talk about conclusion.
Team Contacts and Contribution
We have 3 (three) members in our team and 1 (one) mentor was assigned to us. For any project-related questions/concerns please contact us:
- Christopher Adkins - cladkins@ncsu.edu
- George Hugh - gshugh@ncsu.edu
- Nikolay G. Titov - ngtitov@ncu.edu
- Zachariah Mathews (mentor) - zmathew@ncsu.edu
If you have questions or concerns related to a specific file that was improved/modified by our team, please contact an engineer who worked on the file based on the Assignment Grid we created to keep track of our progress and contribution. Please CC in email all team members and our mentor.
- Ruby [1]
- CodeClimate [2]
- Expertiza [3]
- E. F. Gehringer, L. M. Ehresman, S. G. Conger and P. A. Wagle, "Work in Progress: Reusable Learning Objects Through Peer Review: The Expertiza Approach," Proceedings. Frontiers in Education. 36th Annual Conference, San Diego, CA, 2006, pp. 1-2. [4]
- The has_many Association [5]
- Module ActiveRecord::Associations::ClassMethods Options [6]
- TimeZone Class [7]