E1859 Visualizations for Instructors

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Expertiza is an online assignment grading platform. Instructors can create assignments and implement peer reviews for submitted assignments. This project concerns the creation of a system for visualizing student performance on those assignments, primarily as graded in peer reviews. Graphs will be made to show various rubric criteria and the class' performance on the criteria. If the criteria are the same for multiple stages of review, an instructor should be able to compare performance over time or between reviews.

Project Purpose

Our task is to provide an interactive visualization or a table for instructors that shows how their class performed on selected rubric criteria. Such feature would be immensely helpful for instructors as it would assist them to identify what they need to focus more attention on. For example, creating a graph showing the average scores for all or a certain subset of main rubric criteria (questionnaire). If the average score of the class on selected criteria (question) is low means the instructor can emphasize more on the learning materials related to it.

Proposed Changes

The visualizations will be implemented as either a single or stacked bar chart with a bar for each of the selected criteria to be observed. If a single bar, then the height of the bar will be the total class average, but a stacked bar chart may be better to show the percentage of the class that received each score. The changes made to the expertiza project will primarily include HTML/ERB changes to the view files to accommodate the added charts on the page and the necessary javascript to allow responsive design. Brief controller modifications will be made to facilitate database filtering to get the displayed data.

1. On clicking Manage and then on assignments, following page appears.

2. Click on 'view score' icon of an assignment. The summary report page of the selected assignment comes up.

3. Following are mockup screens which we wish to create:

a) Instructor would select the round and rubric criteria of the assignment for which he/she wants to view the class performance.

b) The bar graph of the class performance for those criteria would be displayed.

Project Design

Design Flow

The flowchart representing graphical flow of an instructor visiting view scores under assignments is given below:

Tools and Design Choice

We plan to use the lightweight Google Charts library for displaying the chart data on the page, with standard HTML for all of the options and dropdowns for option selection. Google Charts was chosen because of its high compatibility, full option set, and comparable graphical quality to the rest of expertiza while keeping a small JS footprint, which should help prevent slow page responsiveness.


The following graph shows the expected view of the 'view scores' page. The instructor selects a subset of rubric criteria for which he/she wants to know how a class performed. A bar graph of the average score of the class for that subset of criteria would be displayed.

The above graph shows average score of the class for 5 rubric criteria in Round 1 selected by the instructor. A live demo with randomly generated data can be found on JSFiddle

Files Involved

We plan to work on the files that the previous team were involved with such as controllers of grade and assignment and the view of grade and review_mapping. Hopefully there is only slight controller modifications necessary, as the chart can use the existing information collected by controller methods to display the raw details on the existing page.

Proposed files:









<%= content_tag :div, class: "chartdata_information", data: {chartdata: @chartdata} do %>
   <% end %>
<%= content_tag :div, class: "text_information", data: {text: @text} do %>
   <% end %>
   <%= content_tag :div, class: "minmax_information", data: {minmax: @minmax} do %>
   <% end %>
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://www.gstatic.com/charts/loader.js"></script>
   <script type="text/javascript">
     google.charts.load('current', {packages: ['corechart', 'bar']});
      //Display Options
     var showLabels = true;
     var barColors = [ // Other colors generated from the expertiza base red
         '#A90201',    // using paletton.com
     function getData(){ //Loads all chart data from the page
       chartData = $('.chartdata_information').data('chartdata');
       chartText = $('.text_information').data('text');
       chartRange = $('.minmax_information').data('minmax');
for (var i = 0; i < chartData.length; i++){ //Set all the criteriaSelected to true
         var criteria = [];
         for (var j = 0; j < chartData[i].length; j++){
      function generateData() {	//Generates random data for testing
       var rounds = 3;
       for(var i = 0; i < rounds; i++) {
 var criteriaNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * 5 + 5);  //Random number of criteria
         var round = [];
         var criteria = [];
         for(var j = 0; j < criteriaNum; j++) {
 round.push(Math.floor(Math.random() * 101));  //Random score for each criterion
           criteria.push(true);  //Everything starts out true

       chartOptions = {		//Render options for the chart
         title: 'Class Average on Criteria',
         titleTextStyle: {
 fontName: 'arial',
           fontSize: 18,
           italic: false,
           bold: true
        chart = new google.visualization.ColumnChart(document.getElementById('chart_div'));
       var checkBox = document.getElementById("labelCheck");
       checkBox.checked = true;
       checkBox.style.display = "inline";
       loadRounds(); }
function updateChart(roundNum) {	//Updates the chart with a new round number and renders
       currentRound = roundNum;
     function renderChart() {	//Renders the chart if changes have been made
         var data = loadData();
chartOptions.vAxis.viewWindow.max = 5;
         chartOptions.vAxis.viewWindow.min = 0;
         if (chartRange[currentRound]) { //Set axis ranges if they exist
             if (chartRange[currentRound][1])
                 chartOptions.vAxis.viewWindow.max = chartRange[currentRound][1];
if (chartRange[currentRound][0])
                 chartOptions.vAxis.viewWindow.min = chartRange[currentRound][0];
         chart.draw(data, chartOptions);

          chartOptions.hAxis.ticks = [];
         var rowCount = 1;
for(var i = 0; i < chartData[currentRound].length; i++) { //Add a chart row for each criterion if not null
             if (criteriaSelected[currentRound][i] && chartData[currentRound][i]) {
 data.addRow([rowCount, chartData[currentRound][i], barColors[0], (showLabels) ? chartData[currentRound][i].toFixed(1).toString() : ""]);
                 chartOptions.hAxis.ticks.push({v: rowCount++, f: (i+1).toString()});

         var data = new google.visualization.DataTable();
         data.addColumn('number', 'Criterion');
         var i;
for(i = 0; i < roundNum; i++) { //Add all columns for the data
             data.addColumn('number', 'Round ' + (i+1).toString());
             data.addColumn({type: 'string', role: 'style'});	//column for specifying the bar color
             data.addColumn({type: 'string', role: 'annotation'});

             var newRow = [];
             var elementsAdded = false;
for(var j = 0; j < roundNum; j++) { //If the round has the criterion, add it
                 if (chartData[j][i]) {
                     elementsAdded = true;
                 } else {
 newRow.push(barColors[j % barColors.length]); //Add column color
                 if (chartData[j] && chartData[j][i] && showLabels)
 newRow.push(chartData[j][i].toFixed(1).toString()); //Add column annotations
      function loadCriteria() {	//Creates the criteria check boxes
         var form = document.getElementById("chartCriteria");
while (form.firstChild) //Clear out the old check boxes
if (currentRound == -1) //Don't show criteria for 'all rounds'
         chartData[currentRound].forEach(function(dat, i) {
             var checkbox = document.createElement('input');
             checkbox.type = "checkbox";
             checkbox.id = "checkboxoption" + i;
checkbox.onclick = function() { //Register callback to toggle the criterion
             var label = document.createElement('label')

   <form id="chartOptions" name="chartOptions">
     <select id="chartRounds" name="rounds" 
onChange="updateChart(document.chartOptions.chartRounds.options[document.chartOptions.chartRounds.options.selectedIndex].value)" style = "display: none">
<label><input type="checkbox" id = "labelCheck" checked="checked" style="display: none" onclick="showLabels = !showLabels; renderChart();">Show 


def action_allowed?
    case params[:action]
    when 'view_my_scores'
       'Teaching Assistant',
      'Student'].include? current_role_name and
       are_needed_authorizations_present?(params[:id], "reader", "reviewer") and
when 'view_team'
     if ['Student'].include? current_role_name # students can only see the head map for their own team
       participant = AssignmentParticipant.find(params[:id])
       session[:user].id == participant.user_id
      'Teaching Assistant',
      'Super-Administrator'].include? current_role_name
  # collects the question text for display on the chart
  # Added as part of E1859
  def assign_chart_text
    @text = []
    (1..@assignment.num_review_rounds).to_a.each do |round|
      question = @questions[('review' + round.to_s).to_sym]
      @text[round - 1] = []
      next if question.nil?
      (0..(question.length - 1)).to_a.each do |q|
        @text[round - 1][q] = question[q].txt

  # find the maximum and minimum scores for each questionnaire round
  # Added as part of E1859
  def assign_minmax(questionnaires)
    @minmax = []
    questionnaires.each do |questionnaire|
     next if questionnaire.symbol != :review
     round = AssignmentQuestionnaire.where(assignment_id: @assignment.id, questionnaire_id: questionnaire.id).first.used_in_round
     next if round.nil?
 @minmax[round - 1] = []
     @minmax[round - 1][0] = if !questionnaire.min_question_score.nil? and questionnaire.min_question_score < 0
     @minmax[round - 1][1] = if !questionnaire.max_question_score.nil?
# this method collects and averages all the review scores across teams
  # Added as part of E1859
  def assign_chart_data
    @rounds = @assignment.num_review_rounds
    @chartdata = []
    (1..@rounds).to_a.each do |round|
      @teams = AssignmentTeam.where(parent_id: @assignment.id)
      @teamids = []
      @result = []
      @responseids = []
      @scoreviews = []
      (0..(@teams.length - 1)).to_a.each do |t|
        @teamids[t] = @teams[t].id
        @result[t] = ResponseMap.find_by_sql ["SELECT id FROM response_maps
          WHERE type = 'ReviewResponseMap' AND reviewee_id = ?", @teamids[t]]
        @responseids[t] = []
        @scoreviews[t] = []
        (0..(@result[t].length - 1)).to_a.each do |r|
          @responseids[t][r] = Response.find_by_sql ["SELECT id FROM responses
            WHERE round = ? AND map_id = ?", round, @result[t][r]]
         @scoreviews[t][r] = Answer.where(response_id: @responseids[t][r][0]) unless @responseids[t][r].empty?
     @chartdata[round - 1] = []
     # because the nth first elements could be nil
     # iterate until a non-nil value is found or move to next round
     t = 0
     r = 0
t += 1 while @scoreviews[t].nil?
     while t < @scoreviews.length and @scoreviews[t][r].nil?
       if r < @scoreviews[t].length - 1
         r += 1
def assign_chart_data
     next if t >= @scoreviews.length
(0..(@scoreviews[t][r].length - 1)).to_a.each do |q|
       sum = 0
       counter = 0
def retrieve_questions(questionnaires)
   questionnaires.each do |questionnaire|
     round = AssignmentQuestionnaire.where(assignment_id: @assignment.id, questionnaire_id: questionnaire.id).first.used_in_round
     questionnaire_symbol = if !round.nil?
                        (questionnaire.symbol.to_s + round.to_s).to_sym
     @questions[questionnaire_symbol] = questionnaire.questions
def update
   if format("%.2f", total_score) != params[:participant][:grade]
     participant.update_attribute(:grade, params[:participant][:grade])
     message = if participant.grade.nil?
          "The computed score will be used for " + participant.user.name + "."
                 "A score of " + params[:participant][:grade] + "% has been saved for " + participant.user.name + "."
   flash[:note] = message
   redirect_to action: 'edit', id: params[:id]


   <script type="text/javascript" src="https://www.gstatic.com/charts/loader.js"></script>
   <script type="text/javascript">
google.charts.load('current', {packages: ['corechart', 'bar']});
      var chart;
     var chartOptions;
      var chartData = [];					//Stores all data for the chart to display
     var currentRound = 0;				//Stores the current displayed round
     var criteriaSelected = [];	//Stores selected criteria to display
      function generateData() {	//Generates random data for testing
       var rounds = 3;
        for(var i = 0; i < rounds; i++) {
         var criteriaNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * 5 + 5);
          var round = [];
         var criteria = [];
         for(var j = 0; j < criteriaNum; j++) {
           round.push(Math.floor(Math.random() * 101));
function drawBasic() {	//Initializes all google chart information
        chartOptions = {		//Render options for the chart
         title: 'Average Scores',
         titleTextStyle: {
           fontName: 'arial',	//Fonts to be changed to Helvetica when implemented
           fontSize: 18,
           italic: false,
           bold: true
         legend: 'none',
         bar: {
           groupWidth: 'default'
         hAxis: {
           title: 'Criterion',
           titleTextStyle: {
             fontName: 'arial',
             fontSize: 14,
             italic: false,
             bold: false,
           viewWindow: {
             min: 0.5
         vAxis: {
           title: 'Average Score',
           titleTextStyle: {
             fontName: 'arial',
             fontSize: 14,
             italic: false,
             bold: false
           viewWindow: {
             min: 0,
             max: 100
        chart = new google.visualization.ColumnChart(document.getElementById('chart_div'));
     function updateChart(roundNum) {	//Updates the chart with a new round number
       currentRound = roundNum;
   function renderChart() {	//Renders the chart if changes have been made
       var data = loadData();
       chart.draw(data, chartOptions);
      function loadData() {	//Pulls data from the page and renders the chart with it
       var data = new google.visualization.DataTable();
       data.addColumn('number', 'Criterion');
       data.addColumn('number', 'Average Score');
       data.addColumn({type: 'string', role: 'style'});	//column for specifying the bar color
       data.addColumn({type: 'number', role: 'annotation'});
        var rowCount = 1;
       for(var i = 0; i < chartData[currentRound].length; i++) {
         if (criteriaSelected[currentRound][i]) {
           data.addRow([rowCount++, chartData[currentRound][i], '#a90201', i+1]);
        return data;
      function loadRounds() {	//Creates the Rounds in the dropdown menu
       var rounds = document.getElementById("chartRounds");
       for(var i = 0; i < chartData.length; i++) {
         var option = document.createElement('option');
         option.value = i;
         option.text = "Round " + (i+1);
       rounds.style.display = "inline";
     function loadCriteria() {	//Creates the criteria check boxes
       var form = document.getElementById("chartCriteria");
       while (form.firstChild)
        chartData[currentRound].forEach(function(dat, i) {
         var checkbox = document.createElement('input');
         checkbox.type = "checkbox";
         checkbox.name = "name";
         checkbox.value = "value";
         checkbox.id = "checkboxoption" + i;
         checkbox.onclick = function() {
          var label = document.createElement('label')
         label.htmlFor = checkbox.id;
         label.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Criteria " + (i+1)));
         checkbox.checked = criteriaSelected[currentRound][i];
      function checkboxUpdate(checkid) {	//Update function to change the displayed criteria
       var check = document.getElementById("checkboxoption" + checkid);
       criteriaSelected[currentRound][checkid] = check.checked;
function checkboxUpdate(checkid) {
<select id="chartRounds" name="rounds" 
onChange="updateChart(document.chartOptions.chartRounds.options[document.chartOptions.chartRounds.options.selectedIndex].value)" style = "display: none">

Test Plan

The specification of the project does not require us to use automated tests. However, we plan to test the modified ruby code or the new features that will be added to the grades_controller. We will be approaching RSpec testing framework. For the javascript, the tests will be conducted manually.

JavaScript Chart

To validate all functionality of the chart when adding new features or fixing old ones, the following criteria were tested manually for expected functionality:

  1. Chart is displaying correctly
    1. Bars are showing up where expected
    2. Bar annotations are showing the expected value
    3. Criteria labels are for the correct bar and displaying correct values
    4. Hover text is displaying the correct values
    5. Null values are not present on the chart
    6. Correct colors are used for the multi-round view
  2. Show Labels checkbox works as expected
  3. Round Criteria is displaying correctly
    1. Round dropdown menu shows all rounds for the assignment
    2. Selecting a round changes the criteria checkboxes
    3. All checkboxes are displayed with appropriate text
    4. Checkboxes correctly remove or add criterion bars to the chart

RSpec Tests

RSpec tests were added to validate functionality of the helper methods that were added to the grades controller.


   context 'when current assignment does not vary rubric by round' do
     it 'calculates scores and renders grades#view page' do
       allow(AssignmentQuestionnaire).to receive(:where).with(assignment_id: 1, used_in_round: 2).and_return([])
       # added AssignmentQuestionnaire 'allow' below to handle chart functionality added in E1859
       allow(AssignmentQuestionnaire).to receive(:where).with(assignment_id: 1, questionnaire_id: 1).and_return([assignment_questionnaire])
       allow(ReviewResponseMap).to receive(:get_assessments_for).with(team).and_return([review_response])
       params = {id: 1}
       get :view, params