E1875 Revision Planning Tool
What's it about?
In the first round of Expertiza reviews, we ask reviewers to give authors some guidance on how to improve their work. Then in the second round, reviewers rate how well authors have followed their suggestions. We could carry the interaction one step further if we asked authors to make up a revision plan based on the first-round reviews. That is, authors would say what they were planning to do to improve their work. Then second-round reviewers would assess how well they did it. In essence, this means that authors would be adding criteria to the second-round rubric that applied only to their submission. We are interested in having this implemented and used in a class so that we can study its effect.
What needs to be done?
- Develop UI for authors to create new questions to add to the second round-rubric. This should be a form that includes the following:
- A description of the revision plan. Eg: We will add feature X to address issues a,b and c. We will modify feature Y and expect it to resolve errors d, c and e.
- One or more questions for every proposed improvement. Example:
- How effectively did feature X address / solve issues a, b and c?
- Did modification of feature Y resolve error d?
- Every new question must be linked to the second-round questionnaire.
- Every new question must be linked to the author’s submission
Problem Statement
In the 2nd round of reviews, the Author should be able to add a statement to direct towards Author selected improvements from Round 1 to Round 2.
The OSS and Final projects are different for every team. From a reviewers perspective, not all questions make sense for all projects. The motivation behind this project is:
- Questions unique to each project gives the reviewers a perspective on the author’s objectives.
- Allow the Author to get feedback on whether or not they accomplished their self-directed goal.
Criteria for completion
- Direct user to Revision Improvement Questionnaire.
- Create a form for a Assignment Team to add Questions to a Questionnaire that are specific to that Submission.
- Append Revision Improvement Questionnaire to 2nd Round Review Questionnaire.
Implementation Plan
Files to be modified
- questionnaire_controller.rb
- questionnaire.rb
- author_review_questionnaire.rb ( doesn’t exist, needs to be created and named appropriately )
- questionnaires/*.erb
Submitted Content
- submitted_content_controller.rb
- submission_record.rb
UI mockups
Test Plan
- Authors should be able to add additional review questions to their submission.
- Reviewers should be able to give feedback according to the review question written by the author.
- Authors should be able to view the feedback given on the questions they wrote.
- Stretch: Instructors should be able to set requirements on the number of additional review questions authors are required to add.