CSC/ECE 517 Spring 2018/E1823 Write integration tests for users controller.rb

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This wiki page is a description of E1813 final project for Spring 2018, CSC/ECE 517.

Project Statement


This project is to write unit tests using rspec for menu_items.rb model. It is to test all class and instance methods used in this file. The unit tests are to be written to make the path coverage of menu_item.rb more than 90% and achieve the highest possible branch coverage.

Files Involved

The files to be understood and created are:

1. app/models/menu_items.rb

2. spec/models/menu_items_spec.rb

Team Members

Students who collaborated to work on this problem statement are :

1. Harish Pullagurla ( )

2. Kalyan Ghosh (

3. Sandeep Rajendran(