CSC/ECE 517 Spring 2016/Refactor review mapping controller.rb

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E1615. Refactoring the Review Mapping Controller

This page provides details about the OSS project which was based on refactoring one of controllers related to peer reviewing strategies used in Expertiza.

Wiki write up

About Review mapping controller

/* When a reviewerreport reviews, assigning reviews and quizzes to teams. It also contains methods to assign reviews to participants automatically*/ Ignore this

Review mapping controller contains methods related to peer reviewing strategies. It contains methods to add a reviewer, delete a reviewer, selecting a reviewer. Depending on the number of students and number of submissions, the topics to be reviewed are assigned to the students automatically. If a user wants to look for the submission team , it returns the team by comparing the submission id's with the team id's. Also, it assigns quizzes dynamically. Generation of review report, feedback report and teammate review is done.

Code Improvements

1. Unused variables and arguments: There are unused variables in the methods. If there are unused variables in the methods, it uses stack unnecessarily. So, it is better to remove the unused variables.

When both keys and values are not used, but given as arguments, then the used variables can be added "_" or replaced with "_" to represent it as unused variable but allowed in the arguments.

At line 533 and line 539
Previous Code: teams_hash = unsorted_teams_hash.sort_by{|k, v| v}.to_h
After Changing the code: teams_hash = unsorted_teams_hash.sort_by{|_, v| v}.to_h

2. Use sample instead of shuffle When sample is used, the elements are chosen by using random and unique indices in the array so that the elements doesn't repeat in the array. This cannot be guaranteed in shuffle.

Previous Code:
assignment_team = assignment_teams.to_a.shuffle[0] rescue nil

topic = assignment.candidate_topics_to_review(reviewer).to_a.shuffle[0] rescue nil
After Changing the code:

assignment_team = assignment_teams.to_a.sample rescue nil

topic = assignment.candidate_topics_to_review(reviewer).to_a.sample rescue nil


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  5. Expertiza project documentation wiki
  6. Rspec Documentation
  7. Clean Code: A handbook of agile software craftsmanship. Author: Robert C Martin