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(→‎Background: updated the wording of the definition and explanation of test fixtures)
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Factory Girl's purpose is to expedite good testing by creating test fixtures for the developer, eliminating the need to create large fixtures by hand. There are two versions, one for use with regular Ruby (factory_girl) and one for use with Ruby on Rails (factory_girl_rails<ref></ref>)
Factory Girl's purpose is to expedite good testing by creating test fixtures for the developer, eliminating the need to create large fixtures by hand. There are two versions, one for use with regular Ruby (factory_girl) and one for use with Ruby on Rails (factory_girl_rails<ref></ref>)

'''Test fixtures''' are used to create an application state through which you can test code.<ref></ref> This can be as simple as constructing two objects with which to perform a comparison (testing the comparison operator) or as complicated as can be imagined.
'''Test fixtures''' are used to create an application state through which you can test code.<ref></ref> In some cases, the application state you need to build is very simple. For example, in unit testing you are testing very small pieces of code, the state that you need to set up is very small (typically one or two instances of a single model class). In other cases the application state may be complicated and the data handled very large, in which case the fixture will also be very large. Large fixtures could be used in performance testing in order to load the system up and tax its resources.

==Generic Examples==
==Generic Examples==

Revision as of 19:58, 21 February 2014

Factory Girl

Assignment Spec


From Factory Girl's Ruby Toolbox page<ref></ref>:

factory_girl provides a framework and DSL for defining and using factories - less error-prone, more explicit, and all-around easier to work with than fixtures.

Also from the Factory Girl's github page<ref></ref>:

factory_girl is a fixtures replacement with a straightforward definition syntax, support for multiple build strategies (saved instances, unsaved instances, attribute hashes, and stubbed objects), and support for multiple factories for the same class (user, admin_user, and so on), including factory inheritance.

Factory Girl's purpose is to expedite good testing by creating test fixtures for the developer, eliminating the need to create large fixtures by hand. There are two versions, one for use with regular Ruby (factory_girl) and one for use with Ruby on Rails (factory_girl_rails<ref></ref>)

Test fixtures are used to create an application state through which you can test code.<ref></ref> In some cases, the application state you need to build is very simple. For example, in unit testing you are testing very small pieces of code, the state that you need to set up is very small (typically one or two instances of a single model class). In other cases the application state may be complicated and the data handled very large, in which case the fixture will also be very large. Large fixtures could be used in performance testing in order to load the system up and tax its resources.

Generic Examples

All examples taken from the github project<ref></ref>


Factories are the basic unit of Factory Girl, they wrap up a constructor into a single method call that can be used in multiple test fixtures. A factory looks pretty similar to a normal constructor but can be used multiple times without having to specify any parameters, as shown below.

FactoryGirl.define do
  factory :user do
    first_name "John"
    last_name  "Doe"
    admin false

The above creates a factory for class User (inferred by Factory Girl from the name of the factory) that can then be called in many different ways. You can also define factories using specific classes, not only inferred from the name of the factory, as below (in the same word as the above example).

FactoryGirl.define do
  factory :admin, class: User do
    first_name "Admin"
    last_name  "User"
    admin      true

Using Factories

You can use factories in a variety of ways, as shown. You can also overwrite predefined attributes on the fly by passing in a hash of attributes and values.

# Returns a User instance that's not saved
user = build(:user)

# Returns a saved User instance
user = create(:user)

# Returns a hash of attributes that can be used to build a User instance
attrs = attributes_for(:user)

# Returns an object with all defined attributes stubbed out
stub = build_stubbed(:user)

# Passing a block to any of the methods above will yield the return object
create(:user) do |user|

# Build a User instance and override the first_name property
user = build(:user, first_name: "Joe")
# => "Joe"


You can utilize aliases to make somewhat more specialized factories out of existing factories, as shown.

factory :user, aliases: [:author, :commenter] do
  first_name    "John"
  last_name     "Doe"
  date_of_birth { 18.years.ago }

factory :post do
  # instead of
  # association :author, factory: :user
  title "How to read a book effectively"
  body  "There are five steps involved."

factory :comment do
  # instead of
  # association :commenter, factory: :user
  body "Great article!"

The above code creates a factory called user and then uses that factory to add users as attributes of post and comment with a different name (author and commenter).

Lazy, Dependent, and Transient Attributes

Attributes need not be statically defined. There are several other ways to define attributes of factories, all termed lazy attributes because they acquire a value after the object has been instantianted. The simplest case of lazy attributes is the simple lazy attribute, determined by a block rather than given as a static value.

factory :user do
  # ...
  activation_code { User.generate_activation_code }
  date_of_birth   { 21.years.ago }

Dependent attributes are lazy attributes that use the values of other attributes in the factory to determine their value.

factory :user do
  first_name "Joe"
  last_name  "Blow"
  email { "#{first_name}.#{last_name}".downcase }

create(:user, last_name: "Doe").email
# => ""

Finally, transient attributes allow you to further modify factories and prevent repetition of code, in a way passing arguments to the factory creation function.

factory :user do
  ignore do
    rockstar true
    upcased  false

  name  { "John Doe#{" - Rockstar" if rockstar}" }
  email { "#{name.downcase}" }

  after(:create) do |user, evaluator|! if evaluator.upcased

create(:user, upcased: true).name

Further Reading

Factory Girl contains far more than can be expressed in so verbose a fashion in a summary page, so be sure to read the entirety of the Getting Started guide. This guide goes through all of the above and more, in detail, with code examples.

Using with Ruby on Rails

As mentioned earlier, Factory Girl can be used in Ruby on Rails through the factory_girl_rails gem. All of the same benefits apply, including those not mentioned above.


A typical test scenario is benchmarking the time a sort takes to complete on a random assortment of objects. A stock Rake test fixture implementation might look something like the following:

    id: 1
    name: Bob
    dob: 10-11-1990

    id: 2
    name: George
    dob: 9-8-1990

    id: 3
    name: Stanley
    dob: 1-9-1990

This could get tedious with more than 3 values, so you could use ERb (Embedded Ruby)

  <% for i in 1..1000 %>
  fix_<%= i %>:
    id: <%= i %>
    name: guy_<%= 1 %>
    dob: <%="%Y-%m-%d") %>
  <% end %>

However, this is harder to maintain and is not very DRY-friendly. Instead, we could use Factory Girl and expedite the process, also making it more DRY while we're at it (using some Factory Girl features not shown above)!

FactoryGirl.define do
  sequence :email do |n|

  sequence :id do |n|

  sequence :dob do |n|
    (20.years.ago)+(Random.rand(20).months)#give random DOB from 20 years ago + 0..20 months

  factory :user do
    first_name "John"
    last_name  "Doe"

built_users_2500 = build_list(:user, 2500) #make 2500 users with unique email addresses and id's and random DOB
built_users_10 = build_list(:user, 10) #make 10 more users


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