CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2011/ch1 1h ps: Difference between revisions

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|Pythonic way of implementing getters and setters is to using public members and turning them into properties when needed
|Pythonic way of implementing getters and setters is to using public members and turning them into properties when needed
|Syntax used for method calls and variable references is sometimes the same and different at times (when there are arguments)
|Syntax used for method calls and variable references is sometimes the same and different at times (when there are arguments)
Line 200: Line 199:
|Syntax is different for method calls and instance-variable reference
|Syntax is different for method calls and instance-variable reference
Line 207: Line 205:
|N/A. Attributes can be accessed directly.
|N/A. Attributes can be accessed directly.
|Syntax is different for method calls and instance-variable reference
|Syntax is different for method calls and instance-variable reference
Line 225: Line 221:
|Syntax may be same for method calls and instance-variable reference
|Syntax may be same for method calls and instance-variable reference
Line 246: Line 241:
|Syntax is same for method calls and instance-variable reference
|Syntax is same for method calls and instance-variable reference
   local index = getters and
   local index = getters and
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|Syntax is different for method calls and instance-variable reference
|Syntax is different for method calls and instance-variable reference
Line 285: Line 278:
|Syntax is different for method calls and instance-variable reference
|Syntax is different for method calls and instance-variable reference

Revision as of 05:15, 8 September 2011

Common Attribute/Member Syntax

Different object oriented programming languages include different ways of accessing the member variables and methods. This page discusses the various usages and their advantages and disadvantages.


The purpose of Object Oriented Programming is to make programs model things the way people think or deal with the world i.e it's modeled around data rather than logic. Objects form the basis of OOP. Let us now look at objects, their manipulation and the ways to do so.

Objects - Attributes and Methods

Similar to real world objects, software objects also consist of state and related behavior. An object stores it's state in attributes and exposes its behavior through methods. Let's look at the pseudo code for a bicycle object.

CLASS Bicycle
	speed: NUMBER
	gear: NUMBER
	pedal_cadence: NUMBER

In the above pseudo code, the attributes define the object and the methods provide a way of achieving the desired functionality from that object. The methods use the attributes to manipulate the object and achieve the functionality. From this we can observe that this manipulation is the very essence of programming using objects. Therefore the access of attributes and way of defining method calls very important in OOP.

Method call / Instance Variable reference Syntax

A running debate in O-O languages is whether method calls and instance-variable references should have the same syntax. Different programming languages implement this in different ways. Let's look at them by examples.

Same Syntax

Languages like Ruby use the same syntax for method calls and variable references. There is no distinction between these. We can see this in the example below:

class Song
  def duration=(newDuration)
    @duration = newDuration
aSong ="Bicylops", "Fleck", 260)
aSong.duration	»	260
aSong.duration = 257   # set attribute with updated value
aSong.duration	»	257

This makes it simpler for the programmer to code. Also, it presents uniformity in the code.

Differing Syntax

Languages like Java employ different syntax for method calls and variable references as seen in this example below:

class Song{
	int duration;
	void setDuration(int dur){
		duration = dur;

Song sng = new Song();
System.out.println("Song duration = "+sng.duration);

As seen above, a method is always called using parenthesis, within which arguments may be included if required. However, instance variable is accessed directly.

Comparison of syntax between various Programming Languages

The usage syntax of methods, instance variables, getters and setters is in the table below

Programming Languages Method call Fields/Attributes Getter / Setter Comparison
ABAP (Advanced Business Application Programming)
CALL METHOD <meth> EXPORTING... <ii> =.<f i>... 
                   IMPORTING... <ei> =.<g i>... 
                   CHANGING ... <ci> =.<f i>... 
                   RECEIVING         r = h 
                   EXCEPTIONS... <ei> = rc i...
data field type type Same as other methods with the only difference that they start with SET or GET Syntax is different for method calls and instance-variable reference
C++ <instance-variable>.method(parameters) [Eg: x.method()] type field Same as methods. Example below:
int getHealth() const { return health; }
void setHealth(int h) { health = h; }
Different syntax is used to call methods and instance-variable references
C# <instance-variable>.method(parameters) [Eg: x.method()] <instance-variable>.field [Eg: x.field] They are just like methods. Example below:
public string GetName()
        return m_name;

    public void SetName(string name)
        m_name = name;
Different syntax is used to call methods and instance-variable references
Java <instance-variable>.method(parameters) [Eg: x.method()] <instance-variable>.field [Eg: x.field] They are nothing but method calls Different syntax is used to call methods and instance-variable references
D <instance-variable>.method(parameters) [Eg: x.method()] <instance-variable>.field [Eg: x.field] No need for getters and setters. It can be directly accessed.
import std.stdio;

class Car
    float speed = 1.0;

void main(){
    auto my_car = new Car();
    my_car.speed = 2.5;
Syntax used for method calls and variable references is different
Objective C output = [object methodWithOutput] x->field An example of getter is below
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
@interface Photo : NSObject {
    NSString* caption;
    NSString* photographer;

- (NSString*) caption;
- (NSString*) photographer;


An example of setter is below

#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
@interface Photo : NSObject {
    NSString* caption;
    NSString* photographer;
- (NSString*) caption;
- (NSString*) photographer;

- (void) setCaption: (NSString*)input;
- (void) setPhotographer: (NSString*)input;

Syntax used for method calls and variable references is different
Python x.method(parameters) x.field Pythonic way of implementing getters and setters is to using public members and turning them into properties when needed Syntax used for method calls and variable references is sometimes the same and different at times (when there are arguments)
Javascript ObjectName.MethodName(Parameters); ObjectName.Attribute
var lost = {
	loc : "Island",
	get location () {
		return this.loc;
	set location(val) {
		this.loc = val;
lost.location = "Another island";
Syntax is different for method calls and instance-variable reference
PHP $ObjectName->MethodName(Parameters); $ObjectName->Attribute N/A. Attributes can be accessed directly. Syntax is different for method calls and instance-variable reference
VB.NET ObjectName.MethodName(Parameters);


Public Property myProperty As String
        Return String.Empty
    End Get
    Private Set(ByVal value As String)
        somethingElse = value
    End Set
End Property
Syntax may be same for method calls and instance-variable reference
Ruby $ObjectName->MethodName(Parameters); $ObjectName->Attribute
class Message
  attr_reader :message
  def message=(m)
    @message = m.dup

class Message
  attr_writer :message
  def message
Syntax is same for method calls and instance-variable reference
Lua ObjectName.MethodName(Parameters); ObjectName.Attribute
  local index = getters and
    function(self, key)
      -- read from getter, else from fallback
      local func = getters[key]
      if func then return func(self) else return fallback[key] end
    or fallback  -- default to fast property reads through table
  local newindex = setters and
    function(self, key, value)
      -- write to setter, else to proxy
      local func = setters[key]
      if func then func(self, value)
      else rawset(self, key, value) end
Syntax is different for method calls and instance-variable reference
Perl $ObjectName->MethodName(Parameters); $ObjectName->Attribute

    my @attr = qw(author title number);
    no strict 'refs';
    for my $a (@attr){
        *{__PACKAGE__ . "::get_$a"} = sub { $_[0]->{$a}         };
        *{__PACKAGE__ . "::set_$a"} = sub { $_[0]->{$a} = $_[1] };
Syntax is different for method calls and instance-variable reference


Using the same syntax for method calls and instance variable references have some advantages and disadvantages. One could argue that having the same syntax makes it simpler for the programmer. It makes the code lighter in terms of lines of code, thus avoiding bulky code. However, including distinct ways for using methods and variables enhances readability by enabling better understanding. This is possible because the manipulation is visible whereas if the syntax were the same(i.e. compact), the one reading has no idea about what is happening "under the hood".


  1. Declaring and Calling Methods
  2. Comparison of Programming Languages
  3. Setters and Getters in ABAP
  4. Getters and Setters
  5. Objective C