CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2021 - E2168. Testing - Reputations: Difference between revisions

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rounds_of_reviews = 2;<br>
rounds_of_reviews = 2;<br>
reputation_algorithm = lauw; (Lauw only, Hamer is currently out of scope)<br>
reputation_algorithm = lauw; (Lauw only, Hamer is currently out of scope)<br>
Note: We will create multiple two-round review assignment objects with 3 reviews required done per students. Because the Hamer was migrated to a web service from Expertiza code base, we are only required to test on the Lauw algorithm only.
Note: We will create multiple two-round review assignment objects with 3 reviews required done per students. Because the Hamer was migrated to a web service from Expertiza code base, we are only required to test on the Lauw algorithm only.<br>
2. Submission to Assignment
2. Submission to Assignment

Revision as of 02:01, 9 November 2021

Project Overview


Online peer-review systems are now in common use in higher education. They free the instructor and course staff from having to provide personally all the feedback that students receive on their work. However, if we want to assure that all students receive competent feedback, or even use peer-assigned grades, we need a way to judge which peer reviewers are most credible. The solution is to use a reputation system.
Currently the reputation system is implemented in Expertiza through web-service, but there's no test written for it. Thus our goal is to write tests to verify the reputation system.


Our objectives for this project are the following:

  • Double and stub an assignment, a few submissions to the assignment, under different review rubrics
  • Manually calculate reputation scores based on paper "Pluggable reputation systems for peer review: A web-service approach"
  • Validate correct reputation scores based on different review rubrics generated by reputation management VS manual computation of reputation score expectation

Files Involved

  • reputation_web_service_controller_spec

Project Design

Test Plan

Testing Objects

In order to implement testing on reputation, it is essential to create sample reviews so that we could possibly obtain reputation score. During the kickoff meeting, our team identified the following objects will be created and confined for the purpose of testing.

1 : Setup Assignment

- Essential Parameters to be configured
submitter_count = 0;
num_reviews = 3;
staggerred_deadline = false;
rounds_of_reviews = 2;
reputation_algorithm = lauw; (Lauw only, Hamer is currently out of scope)
Note: We will create multiple two-round review assignment objects with 3 reviews required done per students. Because the Hamer was migrated to a web service from Expertiza code base, we are only required to test on the Lauw algorithm only.
2. Submission to Assignment

- Essential Parameters to be configured
content = website_link;
Note: We will have to check on how submission is determined by the system. The initial thought is to just submit a website. However, the alternative way might be check on the directory number.

3. Setup Questionnaires/Rubrics

- Essential Parameters to be configured
instructor_id = from_fixture;
min_question_score = 0;
max_question_score = 5;
default_num_choices =100;
type = ReviewQuestionnaire;
Note: We will define the assignment with ReviewQuestionnaire type rubric.

4. Setup response map

- Essential Parameters to be configured
reviewed_object_id = assignment_id;
reviewer_id = participants; reviewee_id = AssignmentTeam; Note: we will setup response map to determine relationship between reviewer and reviewee of an assignment.

The manifestation of each object will contribute to the success of the following test on reputations. Some fields in each object can be empty or have default values. Some attributes are not relevant to the test. When implementing the test, the test scripts need to generate or set fixed values for corresponding fields.

Relevant Methods


  • db_query

This is the normal db query method, call this method will return peer review grades with given assignment id. We will test this method in two aspect. 1. Test whether or not the grade return is right based on the specified algorithm. 2. We need to test the correctness of the query.

  • db_query_with_quiz_score

This is the special db query, call this method will return quiz scores with given assignment id. We will test this method with same logic as the first one.

  • json_generator

This method will generate the hash format of the review, we will test this method by calling to and convert the result to json format the print to test its correctness.

  • client

client method will fill many instance variables with corresponding class variables, we need to test this method with send_post_request.

  • send_post_request

This method send a post request to to calculate get the reputation result and use show the result in corresponding UI and update given reviewer's reputation. We will test this method based on the algorithm in the paper, first to test the result reputation value, second to test the update value in database.



Jinku Cui (jcui23)

Henry Chen (hchen34)

Dong Li (dli35)

Zijun Lu (zlu5)


  1. Expertiza on GitHub
  2. The live Expertiza website
  3. Pluggable reputation systems for peer review: A web-service approach