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8. Those who are alive at second coming of Jesus experience the transformation of their earthly, perishable bodies (from New int'l dict of Bible).
8. Those who are alive at second coming of Jesus experience the transformation of their earthly, perishable bodies (from New int'l dict of Bible).
Heading 1

'''What Worship Involves'''

There are four substitutes for worship in our contemporary culture. The first type is a lecture approach to worship, which emphasizes on the mind, learning, and education leading to worship mentality. The second type is evangelism, where preaching replace worship. The third are overriding concerns of entertainment and number. For example, a stage, performers, the overall package, and the audience. The fourth type is a self-help approach, where you learn how to affirm and fulfill personal greatness. (Twenty Centuries of Christian Worship)
There are four substitutes for worship in our contemporary culture. The first type is a lecture approach to worship, which emphasizes on the mind, learning, and education leading to worship mentality. The second type is evangelism, where preaching replace worship. The third are overriding concerns of entertainment and number. For example, a stage, performers, the overall package, and the audience. The fourth type is a self-help approach, where you learn how to affirm and fulfill personal greatness. (Twenty Centuries of Christian Worship)

Revision as of 19:22, 24 September 2007

Topic 19: How should we worship God? Question: Based on what you know from the Bible & other sources (including the Theology Matters reading), how do you think we should worship God? (Be sure to do more research into the issue. If the group cannot come to a consensus, feel free to have different group members each express their own opinions.)

When we consider how we should worship God, perhaps it would be best to start by asking another question. What exactly is worship? Merriam-Webster's collegiate dictionary defines worship as "reverence offered a divine being or supernatural power; an act of expressing such reverence." But what does this mean in our day-to-day Christian lives? Does worship have one way, and one way only, of being expressed? Or have we been so caught up in the arguments and conflicts surrounding worship that we have forgotten its true purpose? Suffice it to say that all of these questions have been asked repeatedly throughout history. It is our job as Christians to examine the information, understand what the Bible says about worship, and then implement what we learn into our lives. As you will see, we have discovered that worship is not just a song, a prayer, or a belief. Worship is a way of life, a command to honor Jesus Christ in everything we do because of what He has done for us.

Old Testament Worship There are many different ways that people in the Old testament worshiped the Lord. Many of them were through sacrificing, (Genesis 8:20-And Noah built an altar unto the Lord; and took of every clean beast and clean fowl, and offered burnt offering on the altar), dancing,(2 Samuel 6:14-And David danced before the Lord with all his might; and David was girded with linen ephod), singing,(Psalm 66:1-2-Make a joyful noise God, all ye lands. Sing fourth the honour of his name: make his praise glorious), and playing instruments(Psalm 92:3-Upon an instrument of ten strings, and upon the psaltry: upon the harp with a solemn sound. Some would even worship the Lord by just being still.(Psalm 84:4-Blessed are they that dwell in thy house: they will be still praising thee. Selah.)

Worshiping is only reserved for God. Only He is worthy; we are not to worship saints, idols, angels, prophets, statues or any other false gods. Worship is done for God. Worship can be public praise to God.(Psalm 22:22-I will declare thy name unto my brethren: in the midst of the congregation will I praise thee).

King David was a great example of how to worship God. David worship the Lord with all his heart. Many of the Psalms reflect David’s passionate heart for worship.(Psalm 92:1-It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord and to sing praises unto thy name, O most high.

(For Works cited page)

Zondervan. King James Bible. Ed. Zondervan. Michigan: Grand Rapids, 1992. 502. Zondervan. King James Bible. Ed. Zondervan. Michigan: Grand Rapids, 1992. 502. Zondervan. King James Bible. Ed. Zondervan. Michigan: Grand Rapids, 1992. 489. Zondervan. King James Bible. Ed. Zondervan. Michigan: Grand Rapids, 1992. 6. Zondervan. King James Bible. Ed. Zondervan. Michigan: Grand Rapids, 1992. 273. Zondervan. King James Bible. Ed. Zondervan. Michigan: Grand Rapids, 1992. 471. Zondervan. King James Bible. Ed. Zondervan. Michigan: Grand Rapids, 1992. 476. http://www.allaboutgod.com/worship-c.htm . 2 Lynn Williams

Brittney Barnhart's contribution (mistakenly pasted in Sakai wiki instead of here): 1. Jesus Christ is coming one, but we regard his coming as progressive and not to be confined to any single event (from The Coming Day by Oscar L. Joseph).

2. In one sense, the coming of Christ refers to "his presence in the Church and in the hearts of believers" (from The Coming Day by Oscar L. Joseph).

3. He has come again and again at great crises and turning points in the history of the world. These coming have been not only to judgement but also for the justice and righteousnes (from The Coming Day by Oscar L. Joseph).

4. The coming will be nothing less than the personal, visible, and glorious return of the same Jesusu wo ascended into heaven (from New int'l dict of Bible).

5. Some scholars hold that Christ will come in two stages: first secretly, later, openly to be seen by all (from New int'l dict of Bible).

6. Having returned to earth, Jesusu Christ will be the judge of the nations and of every person who has ever lived (from New int'l dict of Bible).

7. At his coming, the old universe will be marveously regenerated in order to be born as "new heaven and earth" (from New int'l dict of Bible).

8. Those who are alive at second coming of Jesus experience the transformation of their earthly, perishable bodies (from New int'l dict of Bible).

What Worship Involves

There are four substitutes for worship in our contemporary culture. The first type is a lecture approach to worship, which emphasizes on the mind, learning, and education leading to worship mentality. The second type is evangelism, where preaching replace worship. The third are overriding concerns of entertainment and number. For example, a stage, performers, the overall package, and the audience. The fourth type is a self-help approach, where you learn how to affirm and fulfill personal greatness. (Twenty Centuries of Christian Worship)

Worship is one of the most important callings of the Christian church, along with evangelism, education, mission, fellowship, servant hood, and emotional healing. It's not something that is done for us, but something that is done by us. We can give praises and offerings of thanks to the Lord as an act of worship. (Twenty Centuries of Christian Worship)

The medieval church took a worship opportunity away from its congregation by making worship only the band and choir. The others just simply had to watch. (Twenty Centuries of Christian Worship)

Worship is the act of adoring and praising God, which is ascribing worth to God as the one who deserves homage and service. It is an act of reverence and devotion, and the way to express our love and praise to Jesus. There are five different acts of worship. They include what we think about, what we do, what we say, what we eat, and what we spend our time doing. (Emerging Worship)

Worship involves praise, adoration, awareness of God, humility, confession, forgiveness, contemplation, offering (an obedient sacrifice), thanksgiving, proclamation, dedication, commitment, and prayer, which is considered to be a very vital aspect of worship. (New ways in Christian Worship)

Witnessing is worship because it is the outpouring to God and the outpouring to others around you as an act of worship. Prayer is above all about God is and what he wants. Praying with thanksgiving is worship. (Unceasing Worship)

Worship is not only about God, but about Satan as well. When we worship, we continually disarm Satan. Worship never stops, during every moment of everyday; every person is bowing down or severing someone or something whether is for good or evil. Christians do not attend church to worship, they go to continue worshiping. "Worship is the continuous outpouring of the all that I am all that I do and all that I can ever become in light of a chosen or choosing god." (Unceasing Worship)

A worship war that has occurred is one between God and Satan, in which being in Christ or in Satan. Although it is not our battle to fight, it’s the Lord's battle. (Unceasing Worship)

The two different types of worship currently present in our world today are contemporary and traditional. The use of arts and music can be used during worship. Music is a tool for worship and can be used to bring others into an atmosphere of worship. However, performing and worshipping are two different things. The role of music in much of our worship is the contemporary equivalent of holding on to the high places in biblical times. "Instead of depending on the power of the arts to enhance their worship or bring it about, faithful worshippers can actually enhance the power of the arts by the faith-driven force of their worship."(Unceasing Worship)

All worship outside of the worship of God through Jesus Christ, is idolatrous. Idolatry is the chief enemy of the most fervently worshiping Christians, even to the extent that some may end up worshipping worship. (Unceasing Worship)