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==Advantages & Disadvantages==
==Duck Typing vs. Static Typing==

Duck Typing Static Typing
The most obvious advantage of duck typing over static typing is conciseness of code. In a statically typed language, more code is often required to ensure type safety.
Advantages Concise and elegant code

Less restrictive Safer (errors are caught at compile time)
The disadvantage of duck typing is that potential errors will occur at run time, when the program is out of the control of the programmer. In a statically typed language, type safety error can be caught and corrected at compile time, before product release. As a result, statically typed languages are more suited for safety critical software, such as control systems.
Interfaces can ensure that certain methods are always defined
Disadvantages Potential errors at runtime (code cannot be monitored at runtime)
No guarantee that required methods are implemented in subclasses More verbose code is required to check for errors

==Other Examples and Discussion==
==Other Examples and Discussion==

Revision as of 19:14, 12 September 2007

Duck Typing

The term “duck typing” comes from the common American analogy of the duck test. This test can be summed up with the following phrase:

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, I would call it a duck.[1]

In dynamically typed languages, such as Ruby, the parameters of a given method do not need to have a pre-specified type. At run time, if the argument passed to the parameter has the necessary methods, the code will run.

Java Example

Take the following code snippet:

class ImaginaryNumber extends Object {
  public int realPart;
  public int imaginaryPart;

  public ImaginaryNumber(int realPart, int imaginaryPart) {
	  this.realPart = realPart;
	  this.imaginaryPart = imaginaryPart;
  public int getRealPart() {
    return realPart;

  public int getImaginaryPart() {
    return imaginaryPart;

class MyMath {
  public static boolean equals(Object a, Object b) {   
    // this will create a compile-time error in Java
    return (a.getRealPart() == b.getRealPart());

In a non-duck typed language, such as Java, the Equals() method above has two parameters a and b. It is required that these parameters have a specific type, in this case “Object”. A compile-time error will be generated even if two ImaginaryNumber objects are passed to the method. This occurs in spite of the fact that ImaginaryNumber has definitions for all of the methods called in Equals() and that ImaginaryNumber is a subclass of Object. In order to correct this error, Equals() would have to be changed to take two ImaginaryNumber objects as parameters. The corrected, functional version of the MyMath class is shown below.

class MyMath {
  public static boolean equals(ImaginaryNumber a, ImaginaryNumber b) {   
    return (a.getRealPart() == b.getRealPart());

Ruby Example

In a duck typed language, such as Ruby, the Equals() method below would require parameters to have a defined type. A runtime error would be generated only if a non-ImaginaryNumber object was passed to the Equals() method. As long as only objects of type ImaginaryNumber are passed to the Equals() method, no error will ever be generated. The equivalent Ruby code is shown below.

class ImaginaryNumber
  def initialize(realPart, imaginaryPart)
    @realPart = realPart
    @imaginaryPart = imaginaryPart
  attr_reader :realPart, :imaginaryPart

class MyMath
  def self.equals(a, b)
    a.realPart == b.realPart

Duck Typing vs. Static Typing

The most obvious advantage of duck typing over static typing is conciseness of code. In a statically typed language, more code is often required to ensure type safety.

The disadvantage of duck typing is that potential errors will occur at run time, when the program is out of the control of the programmer. In a statically typed language, type safety error can be caught and corrected at compile time, before product release. As a result, statically typed languages are more suited for safety critical software, such as control systems.

Other Examples and Discussion

For a more detailed example using Boo, a language that uses both static typing and duck typing, see For a real-world example of duck-typing in C#, visit

