CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2021 - E2161. Merge code for role based reviewing with code for topic specific rubrics: Difference between revisions
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== teammate_review_response_map_spec.rb == | == teammate_review_response_map_spec.rb == | ||
This Rspec testing file tests that a specific questionnaire can be returned when the student has a role assigned to them. This is needed for the role based reviewing because | |||
== duties_controller_test.rb == | == duties_controller_test.rb == |
Revision as of 14:09, 28 November 2021
This wiki page contains description of changes designed and implemented for E2161. Merge code for role-based reviewing with code for topic-specific rubrics, a Final Project for CSC/ECE 517, Fall 2021.
In CSC/ECE 517, there are Expertiza-based course projects, Mozilla-based course projects, etc. However, currently, we can only specify one kind of rubric for all kinds of course projects. This means that refactoring projects, testing projects, and Mozilla projects need to use the same rubric. We hope we could specify different rubrics to be used with different kinds of course projects.
The project objective is to merge E2147- with the existing E2026- While merging, we found out that the code for E2026 has already been merged on Expertiza beta branch and so now the actual implementation is to write test cases for both E2147 and E2026.
Brief Overview of E2147 and E2026 Projects
- E2147(Role based reviewing): The project objective was to develop teammate review varying by the roles that each team member has in order to evaluate the particular role that each team member has taken rather than asking a generic questionnaire which was same for all the team members previously. For eg, the instructor would create a separate teammate questionnaire for developer role and for tester role respectively.
- E2026(Specialized rubrics for different topics): The project objective was to develop specialized rubrics based on project topics, previously we had same type of questionnaire for all the different types of projects. This implementation made sure that we evaluate different projects based on personalised rubrics rather than having same rubrics.
Testing Plan
Test Scenarios for E2147(Role based reviewing)
- Only Instructor/TA/Admin should be able to create or update duties: Only the instructor/admin should be able to create or update duties. Also, the corresponding TA of the assignment should be able to create or update duties.
- Create new roles: If the assignment is role based reviewing then the instructor should be able to create new roles for the same and save it in the database using new role functionality.
- Only allow student to update duties in Student View: Only student should be able to update his duties in Student View.
- Edit existing roles: Once the new roles have been created, then the instructor should be able to edit its details such as the maximum number of each role allowed.
- Delete existing roles: The instructor should also be able to delete any roles if he wants.
- Review rubric by role: On Rubrics tab, if the instructor clicks on Review rubric by role, then the corresponding rubric roles based teammate questionnaire should appear and get saved successfully.
- Student View: If the assignment is role based assignment, then the respective students should be able to see the respective teammate questionnaire based on roles for his other team members.
- Selection of Roles: On student login, a student should be able to see the existing roles that he can take up in the project. Only the roles which are available should be shown to the student.
Test Scenarios for E2026(Specialized rubrics for different topics)
As part of our implementation, we modified existing code as well as added new code. To ensure that existing functionality was not broken, and new functionality worked as expected, we used the following Test Strategy (which was also used by previous team):
Run and pass existing RSpec Tests
- The following existing RSpec test files have been modified and they pass as part of testing:
- spec/controllers/assignments_controller_spec.rb
- spec/controllers/questionnaires_controller_spec.rb
- spec/controllers/response_controller_spec.rb
- spec/factories/factories.rb
- spec/features/assignment_creation_spec.rb
- spec/features/quiz_spec.rb
- spec/features/staggered_deadline_spec.rb
- spec/models/assignment_form_spec.rb
- spec/models/assignment_spec.rb
- spec/models/on_the_fly_calc_spec.rb
- spec/models/response_spec.rb
- spec/models/review_response_map_spec.rb
Develop New RSpec Tests
- spec/helpers/duties_controller_spec.rb
- All these rspec tests passed.
We have created this new test file to unit test the duties scenarios.
First we mock the data accordingly as needed by the tests.
describe DutiesController do let(:assignment) { build(:assignment, id: 1,course_id: 1,instructor_id: 6, due_dates: [due_date], microtask: true, staggered_deadline: true)} let(:admin) { build(:admin) } let(:instructor) { build(:instructor, id: 6) } let(:instructor2) { build(:instructor, id: 66) } let(:ta) { build(:teaching_assistant, id: 8) } let(:duty) { build(:duty, id: 1, duty_name: "Role", max_members_for_duty: 2, assignment_id: 1) } let(:due_date) { build(:assignment_due_date, deadline_type_id: 1) }
We then run the arbitrary code that is needed before each test
before(:each) do allow(Assignment).to receive(:find).with('1').and_return(assignment) allow(Assignment).to receive(:find).with(1).and_return(assignment) stub_current_user(instructor,, instructor.role) allow(Duty).to receive(:find).with('1').and_return(duty) end
Test scenarios for duties controller: 1) Only admin, superadmin, TA, Instructor can perform edit or update action
describe '#action_allowed?' do
The whole context that defines if the action allowed is edit or update. We do this by mocking the action to edit
context 'when params action is edit or update' do before(:each) do controller.params = {id: '1', action: 'edit'} end
When the current logged in user role is super admin or admin
context 'when the role name of current user is super admin or admin' do it 'allows certain action' do stub_current_user(admin,, admin.role) expect(controller.send(:action_allowed?)).to be true end end
When the current logged in user role is instructor
context 'when current user is the instructor of current assignment' do it 'allows certain action' do expect(controller.send(:action_allowed?)).to be true end end
When the current logged in user role is the TA of the course
context 'when current user is the ta of the course which current assignment belongs to' do it 'allows certain action' do stub_current_user(ta,, ta.role) allow(TaMapping).to receive(:exists?).with(ta_id: 8, course_id: 1).and_return(true) expect(controller.send(:action_allowed?)).to be true end end
When the current logged in user is the instructor of the course
context 'when current user is the instructor of the course which current assignment belongs to' do it 'allows certain action' do stub_current_user(instructor2,, instructor2.role) allow(Course).to receive(:find).with(1).and_return(double('Course', instructor_id: 66)) expect(controller.send(:action_allowed?)).to be true end end end
When the parameter action is neither edit nor update, we do this by mocking the action to new
context 'when params action is not edit and update' do before(:each) do controller.params = {id: '1', action: 'new'} end
We now check if super admin/admin/instructor/ta can perform this action which is neither edit nor update
context 'when the role current user is super admin/admin/instructor/ta' do it 'allows certain action except edit and update' do expect(controller.send(:action_allowed?)).to be true end end end end
And then we added few tests to test creation/edit/deletion of a duty
Creation of a duty, we create a duty and check if it is saved successfully
describe '#create' do
Checking if the right page is rendered after successful creation of a duty
context 'when new duty can be saved successfully' do it 'sets up a new duty and redirects to assignment#edit page' do allow(duty).to receive(:save).and_return('OK') params = { id: 1, duty: { duty_name: 'Scrum Master', max_members_for_duty: 2, assignment_id: 1 } } post :create, params expect(response).to redirect_to('/assignments/1/edit') expect(flash[:notice]).to match(/Role was successfully created.*/) end end
Test to check if the right error message is shown if the creation of duty is failed
context 'when new duty cannot be saved successfully' do it 'shows error message and redirects to duty#new page' do allow(duty).to receive(:errors) params = { id: 1, duty: { duty_name: 'Scrum Master', max_members_for_duty: -1, assignment_id: 1 } } post :create, params expect(flash[:error]).to eq('Max members for duty must be greater than or equal to 1. ') expect(response).to redirect_to('/duties/new?id=1') end end end
Test to check the edit functionality of a duty
describe '#update' do
When the duty can be edited successfully, we check if the right page is rendered
context 'when duty can be found' do it 'updates current duty and redirects to assignment#edit page' do allow(Duty).to receive(:find).with('1').and_return(build(:duty, id: 1)) params = { id: 1, assignment_id: 1, duty: { duty_name: 'Scrum Master', max_members_for_duty: 5, assignment_id: 1 } } post :update, params expect(response).to redirect_to('/assignments/1/edit') expect(flash[:notice]).to match(/Role was successfully updated.*/) end end
When the duty cannot be updated, we check if the right error message is displayed
context 'when new duty cannot be updated successfully' do it 'shows error message and redirects to duty#new page' do allow(duty).to receive(:errors) params = { id: 1, duty: { duty_name: 'SM', max_members_for_duty: 1, assignment_id: 1 } } post :create, params expect(flash[:error]).to eq('Duty name is too short (minimum is 3 characters). ') expect(response).to redirect_to('/duties/new?id=1') end end end
Now finally, we test the delete functionality of the duty
describe '#destroy' do context 'when duty can be found' do it 'redirects to assignment#edit page' do params = {id: 1, assignment_id: 1} post :destroy, params expect(response).to redirect_to('/assignments/1/edit') expect(flash[:notice]).to match(/Role was successfully destroyed.*/) end end end
We have added a test case in this file which tests if the action is allowed only by specific user roles
First, we mock the data
describe TeamsUsersController do let(:assignment) do build(:assignment, id: 1, name: 'test assignment', instructor_id: 6, staggered_deadline: true, directory_path: 'same path', participants: [build(:participant)], teams: [build(:assignment_team)], course_id: 1) end let(:assignment_form) { double('AssignmentForm', assignment: assignment) } let(:student) { build(:student) }
before(:each) do allow(Assignment).to receive(:find).with('1').and_return(assignment) stub_current_user(student,, student.role) end
Then we check if the student can perform the update action for duties
describe '#action_allowed?' do context 'when params action is update duties' do before(:each) do controller.params = {id: '1', action: 'update_duties'} end context 'when the role current user is student' do it 'allows certain action' do stub_current_user(student,, student.role) expect(controller.send(:action_allowed?)).to be true end end end end
This file also contains a test case to ensure the duties can be properly updated. The test case checks this by ensuring that the user is redirected to the student view page. just as with the previous section the first step is to mock the data by creating a team user object.
let(:teams_user1) { id:1, duty_id:1}
Then the data is actually updated and we ensure that the user is redirected to the proper place.
describe '#update_duties' do it 'updates the duties for the participant' do allow(TeamsUser).to receive(:find).with('1').and_return(teams_user1) allow(teams_user1).to receive(:update_attribute).with(any_args).and_return('OK') params = { teams_user_id: '1', teams_user: {duty_id: '1'}, participant_id: '1' } session = {user: stub_current_user(student,, student.role)} get :update_duties, params, session expect(response).to redirect_to('/student_teams/view?student_id=1') end end
The assignemnt_form_spec.rb file contains all the test files for the assignment form, which includes adding object to a queue. the first step was to create mock data so that the test could run on objects created for the tests. the code below shows how the mock data was created for the specific tests that we created to ensure the functionality of the projects.
let(:new_assignment_questionnaire) { build(:assignment_questionnaire) }
The new_assignment_questionnaire object is used for both test cases in this file. the first test case checks for when the active record cannot be found for a specific assignment id or duty id.
context 'when active record for assignment_questionnaire is not found for a given assignment_id and duty_id' do it 'returns new instance of assignment_questionnaire with default values' do allow(assignment).to receive(:questionnaire_varies_by_duty).and_return(true) allow(AssignmentQuestionnaire).to receive(:where).with(assignment_id: 1, duty_id: anything).and_return([]) allow(AssignmentQuestionnaire).to receive(:where).with(user_id: anything, assignment_id: nil, questionnaire_id: nil).and_return([]) allow(AssignmentQuestionnaire).to receive(:new).and_return(new_assignment_questionnaire) expect(assignment_form.assignment_questionnaire('TeammateReviewQuestionnaire', nil, nil, 1)).to eq(new_assignment_questionnaire) end end
The next next test checks when the assignment questionnaire is found given the assignment id and duty id parameters. this test is very similar to the one where the test is not found because the it searches through the active record to find the assignment questionnaire.
context 'when active record for assignment_questionnaire is found for a given assignment_id and duty_id' do it 'returns new instance of assignment_questionnaire with default values' do allow(assignment).to receive(:questionnaire_varies_by_duty).and_return(true) allow(Questionnaire).to receive(:find).with(1).and_return(questionnaire3) allow(AssignmentQuestionnaire).to receive(:where).with(assignment_id: 1, duty_id: 1).and_return([assignment_questionnaire2]) allow(AssignmentQuestionnaire).to receive(:where).with(user_id: anything, assignment_id: nil, questionnaire_id: nil).and_return([]) allow(AssignmentQuestionnaire).to receive(:new).and_return(new_assignment_questionnaire) expect(assignment_form.assignment_questionnaire('TeammateReviewQuestionnaire', nil, nil, 1)).to eq(assignment_questionnaire2) end end
the main purpose of the duty_spec.rb file is to test any duty to make sure a duty can be assigned to a team member. it also tests if a duty is unavailable to a team member because the max number of people have been assigned that duty. to test this functionality the mock data is created to allow for testing of the objcect.
let(:assignment) { build(:assignment, id: 1, name: 'no assgt') } let(:participant) { build(:participant, id:1, user_id: 1) } let(:participant2) { build(:participant, id:2, user_id: 2) } let(:participant3) { build(:participant, id:3, user_id: 3) } let(:user) { build(:student, id: 1, name: 'no name', fullname: 'no one', participants: [participant]) } let(:user2) { build(:student, id: 2, name: 'no name2', fullname: 'no one2', participants: [participant2]) } let(:user3) { build(:student, id: 3, name: 'no name3', fullname: 'no one3', participants: [participant3]) }
let(:team1) { build(:assignment_team, id: 1, name: 'no team', users: [user, user2, user3]) } let(:sample_duty_taken) { build(:duty, id: 1, max_members_for_duty:1, assignment_id:1) } let(:sample_duty_not_taken) { build(:duty, id: 1, max_members_for_duty:2, assignment_id:1) }
let(:team_user1) { build(:team_user, id: 1, user: user) } let(:team_user2) { build(:team_user, id: 2, user: user2) } let(:team_user3) { build(:team_user, id: 3, user: user3, duty_id:1) }
an assignment is created on which the duties can be tested. for the testing multiple users and participants are created. Finally we created team users that could be assigned duties through the duty_id field. the next step was to set up the reoccurring steps for each of the tests.
before(:each) do allow(team1).to receive(:participants).and_return([participant, participant2, participant3]) allow(participant).to receive(:get_team_user).and_return(team_user1) allow(participant2).to receive(:get_team_user).and_return(team_user2) allow(participant3).to receive(:get_team_user).and_return(team_user3) end
Finally the actual tests were implemented. The tests are fairly simple because they just need to check if the duty can be assigned or not.
describe '#can_be_assigned?' do context 'when users in current team want to assign roles that are available' it 'returns true' do expect(sample_duty_not_taken.can_be_assigned?(team1)).to be true end context 'when users in current team want to assign roles that are unavailable' it 'returns false' do expect(sample_duty_taken.can_be_assigned?(team1)).to be false end
This Rspec testing file tests that a specific questionnaire can be returned when the student has a role assigned to them. This is needed for the role based reviewing because
Manual Testing in Expertiza UI
Here we describe manual UI Testing steps to edit an existing assignment to allow it have to specialized rubrics for different topic types. These steps are also shown in recorded demo video.
- Login to Expertiza using instructor account (For testing, username: instructor6, password: password)
- Click on Manage > Assignments
- Click on Edit option for any assignment, you should get following view. Make sure Has topics? box is checked.
- Click on Rubrics tab. You will see 2 checkboxes (Review rubric varies by round?, Review rubric varies by topic?)
- Check the box for Review rubric varies by topic?
- Go to Topics tab and verify that there is dropdown menu beside each Topic.
- Select a rubric from dropdown menu, and click Save
- Go back to Home, and select the same assignment to edit. When you click on Topics tab, you should see the rubric you had selected.
Team Information
- Naman Shrimali
- Kanchan Rawat
- Subodh Thota
- Andrew Shipman
Mentor : Prof. Edward F. Gehringer