CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2020 - E2084 sort instructor reports by name ID score etc: Difference between revisions

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* /views/reports/review_report.html.erb
* /views/reports/review_report.html.erb

Changes made:
Changes made:

* Throughout the .erb file responsible for rendering the review report page there were many one or two letter words that did not properly  
* Throughout the .erb file responsible for rendering the review report page there were many one or two letter words that did not properly explain the variables use. We changed these variable names to make them more readable.
explain the variables use. We changed these variable names to make them more readable.
* We added comments to the file to ensure that it is easily explained and readable for future developers
* We added comments to the file to ensure that it is easily explained and readable for future developers

Revision as of 23:00, 16 November 2020


E2084 is concerned primarily with the different reports that can be viewed for a specific assignment. Our issue revolves around formatting these report views correctly and in a way that displays all necessary information in an organized fashion, as well as implementing and improving upon the sorting functions for each report/table of information. We also refined the existing code by increasing the documentation, removing out-standing bugs, and writing additional rspec tests.

Problem Statement

Expertiza allows instructors to view kinds of reports of assignments in their courses such as submissions, scores, and review reports. To improve the report views, some table columns such as team name, score, average should be made sortable by using the same existing sort library. This project was attempted previously and was partially merged. We will need to review their code and fix the bugs and refactor the code to ensure that the implementation will be able to merge. Note: This project has been attempted and partially merged.

Previous Implementation: There has been an attempt on this project this spring after the partial merge, and the following submission was made:

Current Implentation:

What needs to be done

1. When the user clicks on the “View reports” icon, a page appears with a drop-down. However, that page does not say what assignment’s reports are being viewed. Add a header, “Reports for [name of assignment]” at the top.
2. For Author feedback reports, when no feedback has been submitted by any student, the names of the participants appear in a strange horizontal format. Fix this so that the formatting is correct, regardless of how many participants have done author feedback.
3. In Chrome on Windows 10, the dropdown has a tendency to freeze up, especially after one report has been viewed. Please reproduce the problem, find a fix, and implement it.
4. For “Author feedback report” table, change the header name “Review response rejoined” to “Review responded to” and “Last rejoined at” to “Last responded at”. Then, sort “Rejoinder” and “Review responded to” as string (alphabetically), sort “# author feedbacks done” by the first number then the second number (same as “Review done” in the “View review report” table) and sort “Last responded at” as date.
5. For “Teammate review report” table, sort the first 3 columns as string and sort the last column as date.
6. Refactor previous implementation. We have reviewed the code and found bugs that are preventing the program from working correctly that need to be fixed.

Add Assignment Name Header

Our goal is to add a header to every “Review Report” view page that will show the name of the assignment that is being viewed.

Author Feedback Report Formatting

Our goal is to format the Author Feedback Report to resolve a formatting issue when no feedback has been submitted by any student. When this is the case, the names of the participants appear in a strange horizontal format. We must resolve this so that the formatting is correct regardless of how many participants have done author feedback.

Chrome Dropdown Freezing

Our to reproduce the problem of the drop down freezing when viewing within a Chrome browser and if possible change the current implementation to prevent the freezing from occurring.

Edit Author Feedback Report table headers

Our goal is to change the header name “Review response rejoined” to “Review responded to” and “Last rejoined at” to “Last responded at” within the author feedback report table view.

Sorting Author Feedback Report Table

Our goal is to refactor the sorting mechanism for sorting the author feedback report table. This will consist of four different ways to sort: Sort “Rejoinder” as string (alphabetically) Sort “Review responded to” as string (alphabetically) Sort “# Author Feedbacks Done” by the first number and then the second number Same as “Review done” in the “View review report” table Sort “Last responded to” as date

Sort Teammate Review Report table

Our goal is to edit the way the sorting operates for the teammate review report table. The first three columns of the teammate review report table will be sorted as strings and the last column as date.


Files Requiring Modification

  • app/views/reports/response_report.html.haml (issue 1, 3, 4)

It appears this HAML file defines the dropdown that appears at the top of the “Review reports” page and renders the partials for the requested type of report when submitting the dropdown.

  • app/controllers/reports_controller.rb (issue 1)

We will also likely need to be adding a line to determine the assignment name and pass it into the view.

  • app/views/reports/_feedback_report.html.erb (issue 2, 4)

This file contains the code which generates the author Feedback reports table. This is a form that is rendered by the response_report.html.haml file when the Feedback report is requested from the dropdown. This gives us access to the column names which require change. Making the columns sortable will be done in this file.

  • app/helpers/review_mapping_helper.rb (issue 2)

This file has code which generates the instance variables used by the Feedback reports table and it also creates the headers used by the reports table. Changes may be needed to the header to make the columns sortable.

  • app/views/reports/_searchbox.html.erb (issue 3)

This file contains the html erb form code for the dropdown to select which type of review the user wants to render. After reproducing and determining the root of the issue, we will likely need to make edits to this file in order to resolve the problem. This is for Chrome on Windows 10, and will have to be reproduced to see what’s causing the issue.

  • app/views/reports/_review_report.html.erb (issue 4)

This issue requires the assignment name to be displayed for the particular review report. We will use the set instance variables to display the assignment name.

  • app/views/reports/_teammate_review_report.html.erb (issue 5)

This file contains the source for displaying the teammate review report. We will have to edit this file to adjust the sorting of the columns.

Design Patterns aren't applicable to our project since all it involves is to make columns sortable and some isolated issues.

UML Diagram


To address the sorting issues stated above the previous team utilized tablesorter jQuery. This implementation worked well to solve the sorting problems and so our group will reuse that strategy; however, by using that implementation we introduced a lot of bugs that were not previously fixed as well as code that needed to be refactored to ensure it followed proper Ruby guidelines. We were able to find the root of each bug we found using UI testing, and fixed each issue. Additionally, we added numerous comments to further explain both the new code introduced into the project by our group and the previous team, and the code that was already present within the project. While at the same time renaming variables and refactoring code within views that did not follow proper guidelines.

  • To learn more about the use of tablesorter jQuery to sort the tables view the following design document:

Solution Implemented

Sort Headers in View Review Report

All changes for this issue were made in the files:

  • /views/reports/review_report.html.erb
  • /views/reports/_team_score_score_awarded.html.erb

The changes required for the Review Report table were:

  • Make the "Reviews Done", "Team Reviewed", and "Score Awarded/Average Score" columns sortable.

Refactor and Re-document Review Report

All changes for this issue were made in the files:

  • /views/reports/review_report.html.erb

Changes made:

  • Throughout the .erb file responsible for rendering the review report page there were many one or two letter words that did not properly explain the variables use. We changed these variable names to make them more readable.
  • We added comments to the file to ensure that it is easily explained and readable for future developers

Sort/Modify Headers in Author Feedback report

All changes for this issue were make in the file /views/reports/_feedback_report.html.erb

The changes required for Author Feedback table were -

  • Changing the header name “Review response rejoined” to “Review responded to” and “Last rejoined at” to “Last responded at”.

Sort Teammate Review report

All changes for this issue were made in the file /views/reports/_teammate_review_report.html.erb

Changes needed for these issue were -

  • We have to sort the first 3 columns as a string and sort the last column as a date in the “Teammate Reviews” table

Verify added Header to View Reports

All changes for this issue were made in the file /views/reports/response_report.html.haml

Previous implementation added a header to the top of the "View Reports" page reading "Reports for <name of assignment>".

Verified that prior implementation indeed was successful. Hence, no further additions were required for this issue.

Refactored and enhanced documentation in Author Feedback Reports

All changes for this issue were make in the file /views/reports/_feedback_report.html.erb

The issues presented were -

  • For "Author feedback reports" table when no feedback has been submitted, the names of students appear in a strange horizontal format. This formatting should be fixed.

Verify dropdown menu performance

Issue wasn't replicable in Chrome on Windows 10, same as prior implementation group. Hence, no changes were made for this issue.

Test Plan

For our project, which is mostly concerned with making changes to different views, we are planning to do the majority of testing through manual UI testing. As of now, we don't anticipate having to make many/any changes to files that are not views. If any changes are made to controllers, models, etc to accomplish our tasks, we will adjust or add SPEC tests to make sure our code is covered.

UI Testing


1. Log in as an instructor6
2. Click manage and then assignments.
3. Choose an assignment and click the button/icon for 'View Reports'

  • A good assignment to use is the 'Final project (and design doc)' for testing purposes.

Review Report Sorting

1. From the dropdown, select Review report and click View Test the following features for correctness:

  • “Reviewer” and “Metric” are sortable
  • “Review done” by the first number then the second number (e.g., 0/1, 0/2, 0/3, 1/1, 1/5, 2/2...)
  • “Team reviewed” is sorted alphabetically
  • “Score awarded / Avg. score” (the first percentage) is sorted in both ascending or descending order

Author Feedback Report Sorting

1. From the dropdown, select Author feedback and click View Verify the following changes:

  • Header name “Review response rejoined” -> “Review responded to”
  • Change “Last rejoined at” to “Last responded at”.
  • Verify sorting works as expected:
    • Sort “Rejoinder” and “Review responded to” as string (alphabetically)
    • Sort “# author feedbacks done” by the first number then the second number (same as “Review done” in the “View review report” table)
    • Sort “Last responded at” as date.

Current Implementation:

Fixed Implementation:

Teammate Review Report Sorting

1. From the dropdown, select Teammate Review Report and click View Verify the following changes:

  • Able to sort the first 3 columns as string
  • Able to sort the last column as date.

Drag and Drop Bug

Upon implementation of previous groups' work, we found a drag and drop bug where items in report were draggable. We have fixed the bug,
but testing can be performed by the following:

  • Navigate to all three of the different reports outlined above
  • Verify no items/cells are draggable

Automated Testing

We made changed to the Assignmnet#vary_rubrics_by_round? method in order to fix a bug. The method did not have any RSPEC tests written.
We have written RSPEC tests to throughly test this method. The RSPEC tests are added in spec/models/assignment_spec.rb and are as follows:

 describe '#vary_rubrics_by_round?' do
   context 'when rubrics varies over rounds' do
     it 'should return true' do
       assignment_questionnaire1.used_in_round = 2
       assignment_questionnaire2.used_in_round = 2
       allow(AssignmentQuestionnaire).to receive(:where).and_return([assignment_questionnaire1, assignment_questionnaire2])
       expect(assignment.varying_rubrics_by_round?).to be true
   context 'when rubrics do not vary over rounds' do
     it 'should return false' do
       assignment_questionnaire1.used_in_round = 2
       assignment_questionnaire2.used_in_round = 1
       allow(AssignmentQuestionnaire).to receive(:where).and_return([assignment_questionnaire1])
       expect(assignment.varying_rubrics_by_round?).to be false

Team Information

John Bumgardner
Luke Burgess
Robert Casano
Micah Gafford