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(Expanding the introduction to provide a more in depth explanation.)
(Expanding the problem statement.)
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===Problem Statement===
===Problem Statement===
The instructor does expert reviews first, then after students review calibration assignments and submit peer review results, they can check the expert review. Instructor can check "calibration results" to check the calibration results of the whole class. Currently, there is no feature test for calibration function. The goal is to understand the flow of the calibration function by mock this flow in the '''Feature Tests''' using '''RSpec''' and '''Capybara''' framework.
Expertiza has a feature called Calibration that can be turned on for an assignment. When this feature is enabled an expert, typically the instructor, can provide an expert review for the assignment artifacts. After students finish their own reviews they may compare their responses to the expert review. The instructor may also view calibration results to view the scores for the entire class.
While this is a preexisting feature within Expertiza, there currently exist no tests for it. The goal of this project is to fully test the entire flow of the calibration feature using the '''RSpec''' and '''Capybara''' frameworks.


Revision as of 00:56, 19 March 2016

Expertiza is a web application where students can submit and peer-review learning objects (articles, code, web sites, etc). It is used in select courses at NC State and by professors at several other colleges and universities. <ref>Expertiza on GitHub</ref>


Our contribution to this project is a suite of functional tests for the assignment calibration function. These tests are designed to provide integration, regression, and acceptance testing by using automation technologies.

Problem Statement

Expertiza has a feature called Calibration that can be turned on for an assignment. When this feature is enabled an expert, typically the instructor, can provide an expert review for the assignment artifacts. After students finish their own reviews they may compare their responses to the expert review. The instructor may also view calibration results to view the scores for the entire class.

While this is a preexisting feature within Expertiza, there currently exist no tests for it. The goal of this project is to fully test the entire flow of the calibration feature using the RSpec and Capybara frameworks.


Once the application is built, it is necessary to test its functionality. More importantly, it is essential to test the functionality from users perspective. Feature spec allows testing of your application's functionality from the outside either by simulating a browser or by headless browser simulation. By manually clicking on the interface, the tests can discover bugs in the system and so has ours.

Flow of the calibration function

Before analyzing code, one must familiarize themselves with the steps involved in assignment submission by student on Expertiza. The steps involved are:

  1. Login with valid instructor username and password
  2. Click on "Assignment"
  3. Click on "New public assignment"
  4. Input all the information needed, check the “Calibrated peer-review for training?” box, click on Create
  5. Select the review rubric in “Rubrics” tab
  6. Go to “Due dates” tab, make sure that this assignment is currently in Review phase, also, make the submission allowed in review phase.
  7. Go to the list of assignments, click “edit” icon of the assignment
  8. Go to the “Calibration” tab, click on the "Begin" link next to the student artifact for the expert review, and click “Submit Review”
  9. Go to “Review strategy” tab, select Instructor-Selected as review strategy, then select the radio button “Set number of reviews done by each student” and input the number of reviews
  10. Login with valid student username and password who is a reviewer for the assignment
  11. Click on the assignment
  12. Click on“Other’s work”
  13. After clicking “Begin”, Expertiza will display peer-review page
  14. Click “Submit Review”
  15. Click “Show calibration results” to see expert review
  16. Login with valid instructor username and password
  17. Click on "Assignment"
  18. Click on the “view review report” to see the calibration report

Creating the Tests

Gems involved

The gems used in feature testing are rspec-rails, capybara and selenium.


Rspec-rails is a testing framework for Rails 3.x and 4.x. It supports testing of models, controllers, requests, features, views and routes. It does this by accepting test scenarios called specs.<ref>rpsce-rails on GitHub</ref>


Capybara helps you test web applications by simulating how a real user would interact with your application. It comes with built in Rack::Test and Selenium support. WebKit is supported through an external gem.<ref>capybara on GitHub</ref> To control the environments in which the scenarios are run, it provides before and after hooks.<ref>Before and after hooks</ref>

  • before(:each) blocks are run before each scenario in the group
  • before(:all) blocks are run once before all of the scenarios in the group
  • after(:each) blocks are run after each scenario in the group
  • after(:all) blocks are run once after all of the scenarios in the group


Selenium is a portable software testing framework for web applications. Selenium provides a record/playback tool for authoring tests without learning a test scripting language (Selenium IDE). It is the default javascript webdriver for Capybara.

Test Scenarios

Based on the steps involved in manual submission of the assignment, the following test scenarios are considered:

Scenario to check whether student is able to login

Login with student13 and password
Click on Sign In button
Updated page should have text content Assignment

Scenario to check whether student is able to submit valid link to an ongoing assignment

Login with student13 and password
Click on Sign In button
Click on OnGoing Assignment
Click on Your work
Upload link
Updated page should have link

Scenario to check whether student is not able submit invalid link to an ongoing assignment

Login with student13 and password
Click on Sign In button
Click on OnGoing Assignment
Click on Your work
Upload link http://
Updated page should display flash message with text URI is not valid

Scenario to check whether student is able to upload a file to an ongoing assignment

Login with student13 and password
Click on Sign In button
Click on OnGoing Assignment
Click on Your work
Upload file student_submission_spec.rb
Updated page should contain filename student_submission_spec.rb

Scenario to check whether student is able to upload valid link and a file to an ongoing assignment

Login with student13 and password
Click on Sign In button
Click on OnGoing Assignment
Click on Your work
Upload link
Upload file users_spec.rb
Updated page should have link
Updated page should contain filename users_spec.rb

Scenario to check whether student is not able submit valid link to a finished assignment

Login with student13 and password
Click on Sign In button
Click on Finished Assignment
Click on Your work
Page should not have Upload link button

Scenario to check whether student is able upload file to a finished assignment

Login with student13 and password
Click on Sign In button
Click on Finished Assignment
Click on Your work
Upload file student_submission_spec.rb
Updated page should contain filename student_submission_spec.rb


Code for the feature test consist in two files:


require files

RSpec.feature 'assignment submission when student' do

before(:all) do
create assignments for submission
before(:each) do
capybara steps to login
after(:all) do
delete assignments created
scenario 'submits only valid link to ongoing assignment' do
mock steps using capybara
make assertions


Sample Scenario

require 'rails_helper'
require 'spec_helper'
require 'assignment_setup'

RSpec.feature 'assignment submission when student' do

  d = Date.parse(
  due_date1=(d >> 1).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:00")
  due_date2=(d << 1).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:00")

  # Before all block runs once before all the scenarios are tested
  before(:all) do
    # Create active/ongoing assignment
    create_assignment(active_assignment, due_date1)

    # Create expired/finished assignment
    create_assignment(expired_assignment, due_date2)

  # Before each block runs before every scenario
  before(:each) do
    # Login as a student before each scenario
    visit root_path
    fill_in 'User Name', :with => 'student13'
    fill_in 'Password', :with => 'password'
    click_on 'SIGN IN'

  # After all block runs after all the scenarios are tested
    # Delete active/ongoing assignment created by the test
    assignment = Assignment.find_by_name(active_assignment)

    # Delete expired/finished assignment created by the test
    assignment = Assignment.find_by_name(expired_assignment)

  # Scenario to check whether student is able to submit valid link to an ongoing assignment
  scenario 'submits only valid link to ongoing assignment' do
    click_on active_assignment
    click_on 'Your work'
    fill_in 'submission', :with => ''
    click_on 'Upload link'
    expect(page).to have_content ''


Running the tests

The following are steps required to run the test

  • Clone the repository in a new directory
$ mkdir review
$ cd review
$ git clone

In case you don't have a database with student and instructor entries then download the dump from Extract its contents.

$ cd expertiza
$ rake db:create:all
$ cd Downloads/
$ mysql -u root -p expertiza_development < expertiza_scrubbed_2015_08_14.sql

$ cd expertiza
$ rake db:migrate
  • Type the command to run tests for assignment submission
rspec spec/features/student_submission_spec.rb 

Test Results

The following screenshot shows the result of the rspec command.

Feature Test Result

Test Analysis

  • 7 examples, 0 failures imply that there are 7 test scenarios and none of them failed.
  • The tests take around 35 seconds to run, which implies that they are fast.
  • They are also repeatable as the assignments that are created in the before all block are also deleted in the after all block.
  • They are also self-verifying as all the results are in green, which mean that all the cases passed.

Project Resources

  1. GitHub Link
  2. YouTube Demo



External links