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==E1466: Refactoring GradesController==
==E1466: Refactoring GradesController==

This wiki deals with our implementation of a controller in expertiza: [ grade_controller]  for the Expertiza Project using Ruby on Rails.
This wiki deals with our implementation of a controller in expertiza:  
[ grade_controller]  for the Expertiza Project using Ruby on Rails.

== Introduction ==
== Introduction ==
Line 22: Line 24:
*Refactor '''view_my_scores''' method to '''grades_show''' and delete the unnecessary variables.
*Refactor '''view_my_scores''' method to '''grades_show''' and delete the unnecessary variables.
*Try not to query for reviews and meta reviews in '''grades_show''' method.
*Try not to query for reviews and meta reviews in '''grades_show''' method.
'''What we have done:'''
*Modify '''calculate_all_penalties''' method.
*Refactor the '''conflict_notification''' method to '''conflict_email''' method.
*Simplify sending email function and make it delegated to the mailer.
*Send a conflict email to the reviewer automatically when instructor click the button "email reviewer".
*Remove '''get_body_text''' and '''send_grading_email''' method from grades_controller.
*Refactor '''conflict_nofication''' method to '''conflict_email''' and make it delegated to the mailer.
*Use Design Pattern Delegation in ConflictMailer.
*Refactor '''view_my_scores''' method to '''grades_show''' method.
*Search for the key reasons which lead to huge waiting time for getting score.
*Refactor '''get_assessments_for''' method in response_map.rb and lead to more than 90% off the current waiting time.
*Eliminate the search for reviews and meta reviews during the '''grades_show''' method.
*Delete unnecessary instance Variables.
==Set Up Environment==
===User Guide===
Current System (After Refactoring Grades_controller):
Instructor: user6 Password: test
Student: user1600 and user1601 Password: test
Original System (Before Refactoring Grades_controller):
Instructor: user6 Password: test
Student: user1600 and user1601 Password: test
All our test result based on the following test cases on expertiza, please follow these step to get it.
Instructor: (Searching "Program 2" using "Ctrl + F" will be convinient for you.)
Steps: Login -> Assignments->Program 2 style ->view scores.
Steps: Login -> Assignments->Program 2 style ->Your scores.
===Set Up Environment Locally===
====Get Expertiza from Github====
<pre style="white-space:normal;">git clone</pre>
====Use rvm to install ruby-2.1.0====
<pre style="white-space:normal;">curl -L | bash -s stable</pre>
<pre style="white-space:normal;">source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm</pre>
<pre style="white-space:normal;">echo "source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm" >> ~/.bashrc</pre>
<pre style="white-space:normal;">rvm install 2.1.0</pre>
<pre style="white-space:normal;">rvm use 2.1.0 --default</pre>
<pre style="white-space:normal;">ruby -v</pre>
====Install Bundled Gems====
Set JAVA_HOME for the rjb gem:
Your path may be different. You can generally find out the path by looking at the symbolic link at /etc/alternatives/java
<pre style="white-space:normal;">ls -la /etc/alternatives/java</pre>
This outputs something like '/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/java'. Only part of this path may need to be set to JAVA_HOME. In this instance, it is '/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk-amd64'.
<pre style="white-space:normal;">export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk-amd64</pre>
<pre style="white-space:normal;">bundle install</pre>
====Set Up the Database====
=====Enable and Start the MySql Daemon=====
<pre style="white-space:normal;">sudo service mysqld enable</pre>
<pre style="white-space:normal;">sudo service mysqld start</pre>
=====Set the MySql Root Password=====
<pre style="white-space:normal;">mysqladmin -u root password</pre>
=====Log in to MySql=====
<pre style="white-space:normal;">mysql -uroot -p</pre>
====Create the Databases====
<pre style="white-space:normal;">rake db:create:all</pre>
====Build the Expertiza Database====
<pre style="white-space:normal;">rake db:migrate</pre>
====Start Expertiza service====
<pre style="white-space:normal;">rails server</pre>

==Code Modification==
==Code Modification==
Line 111: Line 190:

We refactored the '''conflict_notification''' method to '''conflict_email''' method. When instructor click the button "email reviewer" whom he thought give a unfair review, the system should be able to send an email to the reviewer automatically.
We refactored the '''conflict_notification''' method to '''conflict_email''' method. When instructor click the button "email reviewer" whom he thought give a unfair review, the system should be able to send an email to the reviewer automatically.The '''get_body_text''' and '''send_grading_email''' were removed from the controller. The sending email function is well simplified and delegated to a conflict_mailer.
====Design Pattern====
Delegation: The conflict_email should be able to send email. The class ConflictMailer works as its delegate .The conflict_email calls the send_conflict_email function to take the job of sending an email.
UML: Draw UML graph for Grades_controller

The old conflict_notification action queries an email address list of a certain kind of reviews.  
The old '''conflict_notification''' action queries an email address list of a certain kind of reviews. In its view conflict_notifiction.html.erb, A email form contains email list for instructor to choose from and email content.  
'''Before Refactorring''', in conflict_notification:
First,Get the instructor email address as sender
      if session[:user].role_id !=6           
        @instructor = session[:user]
        @instructor = Ta.get_my_instructor(session[:user].id)
      @participant = AssignmentParticipant.find(params[:id])
      @assignment = Assignment.find(@participant.parent_id)
Then,Based on submission of review, the action query all the reviewers' email address 
      @questions =
      questionnaires = @assignment.questionnaires
      questionnaires.each {
        @questions[questionnaire.symbol] = questionnaire.questions
The email list is for instructor to choose from. The process_response method queries the email address.   
      @reviewers_email_hash =           
      @caction = "view"
      @submission = params[:submission]
      if @submission == "review"
        @caction = "view_review"
        @symbol = "review"
        process_response("Review", "Reviewer",, "ReviewQuestionnaire")
      elsif @submission == "review_of_review"
        @symbol = "metareview"
        process_response("Metareview", "Metareviewer", @participant.metareviews, "MetareviewQuestionnaire")
      elsif @submission == "review_feedback"
        @symbol = "feedback"
        process_response("Feedback", "Author",, "AuthorFeedbackQuestionnaire")
      elsif @submission == "teammate_review"
        @symbol = "teammate"
        process_response("Teammate Review", "Reviewer", @participant.teammate_reviews, "TeammateReviewQuestionnaire")
The get_body_text method construct email content which should be removed from controller.
      @body = get_body_text(params[:submission])     
The conflict_notification action requiring another two method "process_response" and "get_body_text" method to get the recipient email list and email content which contributes to extra complexity. The instructor only have to click the button "send email" in conflict_notifiction.html.erb and turn to send_conflict_email action, then he/she can send the email. If the instructor want to send another email, the process will repeat again,which will be terrible when reloading the "view" scores page.
'''After Refactoring''':The querying reviews actually have done in our show_reviews action, and we can get the individual reviewers' email address.In the reviewer table,we add extra button "email reviewer".Now the instructor could send to reviewer email directly.

Before Refactoring:
In _review_table.html.erb,we add the link to send email. The review_id is passed to the conflict_email action taken as the recipient.
<%= link_to 'email reviewer', :action => 'conflict_email',:remote=> true,:reviewer_id=>,:participant_id=>participant,:score=>sprintf("%.2f",score) %>
In our new '''conflict_email''' action:
We still need the instructor as the sender
      if session[:user].role_id !=6
        @instructor = session[:user]
        @instructor = Ta.get_my_instructor(session[:user].id)
The reviewer_id is passed from the link,we can query his/her email address to send the email
The responsibility of sending email has been delegated to a new mailer conflict_mailer. And the email content was constructed in the mailer. 
      participant = AssignmentParticipant.find(params[:participant_id])
Take a look at new conflict_mailer, it define a '''send_conflict_email''' method. the email was sent from sender's email and to reviewer's email.Some instance variables were used in view.
In conflict_mailer.erb
def send_conflict_email(sender,recipient,assignment,score)
      if recipient.role_id==1
        @role = "reviewer"
        @item = "submission"
        @role = "metareviewer"
        @item = "review"
    mail subject: "Confliction Email",from:,to:
In its view send_conflict_email.txt.haml, we edit the email content.By this way, we deleted the '''get_body_text''' and well followed the rule of MVC design
code here
%h1="Hi ,"
%p="You submitted a score of "+@score+" for assignment "" that varied greatly from another "+@role+"'s score for the same "+@item+"."
%p="The Expertiza system has brought this to my attention."
After Refactoring:
The link "email reviewer" request a ajax,so the current view page will not refresh when the action done
code here
      respond_to do |format|
If an email was successfully sent,The instructor should get the alert window by ajax.

=== view_my_scores method===
=== view_my_scores method===
Line 130: Line 321:
We refactored '''view_my_scores''' method to grades_show, deleted many unnecessary instance variables along with several review and meta reviews methods inside it. Therefore, the system will only search for scores in the database rather than search for scores and reviews, which wastes a lot of time during the grade show process. After refactoring, the complexity on this decreased from '''53''' to '''35'''.
We refactored '''view_my_scores''' method to grades_show, deleted many unnecessary instance variables along with several review and meta reviews methods inside it. Therefore, the system will only search for scores in the database rather than search for scores and reviews, which wastes a lot of time during the grade show process. After refactoring, the complexity on this decreased from '''53''' to '''35'''.
We also optimize '''get_scores''' method to improve the efficiency of showing scores by students and instructors, which cost us most of the time during the project. After refactoring this method, the time cost of views in grade controller decreased by '''80%'''.
We also optimize '''get_scores''' method to improve the efficiency of showing scores by students and instructors, which cost us most of the time during the project. After refactoring this method, the time cost of views in grade controller decreased by more than '''90%'''.

We have done the following to the original methods:
We have done the following to the original methods:

*Refactored '''view_my_scores''' method to '''grades_show''' method
*Refactored '''view_my_scores''' method to '''grades_show''' method.

*Searched for the key reasons which lead to huge waiting time for getting score
*Searched for the key reasons which lead to huge waiting time for getting score.

*Refactored '''get_assessments_for''' method in response_map.rb and lead to 80% off the current waiting time.
*Refactored '''get_assessments_for''' method in response_map.rb and lead to more than 90% off the current waiting time.

*Eliminated the search for reviews during the '''grades_show''' method
*Eliminated the search for reviews during the '''grades_show''' method.

*Used Ajax to show and search for reviews for a specific team
*Deleted unnecessary instance Variables.
*Deleted unnecessary instance Variables

Line 170: Line 359:

*Modify '''get_assessments_for''' method in response_map.rb
*Modify '''get_assessments_for''' method in response_map.rb
After doing this, the time cost of view function decreased by 80%
After doing this, the time cost of view function decreased by more than 90%
Before Refactoring:
Before Refactoring:
Line 190: Line 379:

*Adopt Ajax into grades_controller.rb
*Add a new method into grades_controller.rb

Add Method:
Add Method:
Line 214: Line 403:

*Add Ajax in views(show_reviews.html.haml)
*Change view_my_score.html.erb into show_reviews.html.erb in views.
*Add in views(show_reviews.html.erb)

%h1 Grades#show_reviews
  <%= render :partial=>@partial, :locals => {:prefix => @prefix, :participant => @participant, :rscore => @score} %>
%p Find me in app/views/grades/show_reviews.html.haml
  <%= render :partial=>'grades/reviews', :locals => {:prefix => 'user', :participant => @participant, :rscore => @score} )%>

====Test Result====
*The following test results based on the test case on Expertiza(Assignments: Program 2 style)
{| class="wikitable" style="font-size: 90%;"
{| class="wikitable" style="font-size: 90%;"
|+ style="font-size: 1.25em;" |
|+ style="font-size: 1.25em;" |
Line 259: Line 449:
[[File:Student_new.png‎|frame|center|Time for Student to View all scores after Refactoring]]
[[File:Student_new.png‎|frame|center|Time for Student to View all scores after Refactoring]]


==See Also==
*[ Expertiza Website]
*[ GradesController Readme File]
*[ GradesController Video Instructions]
*[ Original Expertiza Website]
*[ Expertiza Website After Refactoring]
*[ Original GradesController on CodeClimate]

*[  Modified GradesController on CodeClimate]

Latest revision as of 15:46, 1 December 2014

E1466: Refactoring GradesController

This wiki deals with our implementation of a controller in expertiza: grade_controller for the Expertiza Project using Ruby on Rails.


Expertiza is a web application where students can submit and peer-review learning objects (articles, code, web sites, etc). It is used in select courses at NC State and by professors at several other colleges and universities.

Project Description

Classes involved: grades_controller.rb

What it does:

This class lists the grades of all the participants for an assignments and also their reviews. Instructor can edit scores, calculate penalties and send emails for conflicts.

What needs to be done:

  • Modify calculate_all_penalties method which is too complex and long.
  • Put the get_body_text method in a mailer rather than in the grades_controller.
  • Refactor conflict_nofication method to conflict_email and make it delegated to the mailer.
  • Refactor view_my_scores method to grades_show and delete the unnecessary variables.
  • Try not to query for reviews and meta reviews in grades_show method.

What we have done:

  • Modify calculate_all_penalties method.
  • Refactor the conflict_notification method to conflict_email method.
  • Simplify sending email function and make it delegated to the mailer.
  • Send a conflict email to the reviewer automatically when instructor click the button "email reviewer".
  • Remove get_body_text and send_grading_email method from grades_controller.
  • Refactor conflict_nofication method to conflict_email and make it delegated to the mailer.
  • Use Design Pattern Delegation in ConflictMailer.
  • Refactor view_my_scores method to grades_show method.
  • Search for the key reasons which lead to huge waiting time for getting score.
  • Refactor get_assessments_for method in response_map.rb and lead to more than 90% off the current waiting time.
  • Eliminate the search for reviews and meta reviews during the grades_show method.
  • Delete unnecessary instance Variables.

Set Up Environment

User Guide

Current System (After Refactoring Grades_controller):

Instructor: user6 Password: test

Student: user1600 and user1601 Password: test

Original System (Before Refactoring Grades_controller):

Instructor: user6 Password: test

Student: user1600 and user1601 Password: test

All our test result based on the following test cases on expertiza, please follow these step to get it.

Instructor: (Searching "Program 2" using "Ctrl + F" will be convinient for you.)

Steps: Login -> Assignments->Program 2 style ->view scores.


Steps: Login -> Assignments->Program 2 style ->Your scores.

Set Up Environment Locally

Get Expertiza from Github

git clone

Use rvm to install ruby-2.1.0

curl -L | bash -s stable
source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm
echo "source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm" >> ~/.bashrc
rvm install 2.1.0
rvm use 2.1.0 --default
ruby -v

Install Bundled Gems

Set JAVA_HOME for the rjb gem: Your path may be different. You can generally find out the path by looking at the symbolic link at /etc/alternatives/java

ls -la /etc/alternatives/java

This outputs something like '/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/java'. Only part of this path may need to be set to JAVA_HOME. In this instance, it is '/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk-amd64'.

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk-amd64
bundle install

Set Up the Database

Enable and Start the MySql Daemon
sudo service mysqld enable
sudo service mysqld start
Set the MySql Root Password
mysqladmin -u root password
Log in to MySql
mysql -uroot -p

Create the Databases

rake db:create:all

Build the Expertiza Database

rake db:migrate

Start Expertiza service

rails server

Code Modification

calculate_all_penalties Method


We have modified the calculate_penalties method and implemented all the functions it originally has. After our modification the method shrinks from 45 lines to 32 lines of Ruby code. Originally, the method includes a lot of unnecessary if and unless statements which makes the method uneasy to read and seems to have a difficult logic to calculate the penalties.

According to the codeclimate which calculate the complexity of the method, originally, it has a complexity of 85, however, after we modified it, the complexity goes down to 65. Please check at original version,modified version

We have done the following to the original methods:

  • Used for loop with selective choice to create penalty attributes and put it into the CalculatedPenalty Table, instead of duplicating the almost same code.
  • Used Object-Oriented Design patterns of Ruby: let the array respond to the method min which returns the minimum number in the array and get the logical penalty other than using if statement.(max_penalty if total_penalty is larger than max_penalty, total_penalty if total_penalty is smaller than max_penalty)
  • Eliminated the unnecessary if statements to make the code clear to read.


  • Modify if statements:

Before Refactoring:


After Refactoring:

penalties[:submission] = 0 if penalties[:submission].nil?
penalties[:review] = 0 if penalties[:review].nil?
penalties[:meta_review] = 0 if penalties[:meta_review].nil?
  • Using Objected-oriented Pattern

Before Refactoring:

 if(@total_penalty > l_policy.max_penalty)
      @total_penalty = l_policy.max_penalty

After Refactoring:

  • Using loops rather than duplicate same code

Before Refactoring:

 penalty_attr1 = {:deadline_type_id => 1,:participant_id =>, :penalty_points => penalties[:submission]}
 penalty_attr2 = {:deadline_type_id => 2,:participant_id =>, :penalty_points => penalties[:review]}
 penalty_attr3 = {:deadline_type_id => 5,:participant_id =>, :penalty_points => penalties[:meta_review]}
 @all_penalties[] =
       @all_penalties[][:submission] = penalties[:submission]
       @all_penalties[][:review] = penalties[:review]
       @all_penalties[][:meta_review] = penalties[:meta_review]
       @all_penalties[][:total_penalty] = @total_penalty"

After Refactoring:

 if calculate_for_participants
      for i in 0..2
           penalty_attr={:deadline_type_id=>deadline_type[i],:participant_id =>, :penalty_points => penalties[penalty_type[i]]}
 @all_penalties[] = {}
      for i in 0..2
          @all_penalties[][:penalty_type[i]] = penalties[:penalty_type[i]]
 @all_penalties[][:total_penalty] = @total_penalty"

conflict_notification Method


We refactored the conflict_notification method to conflict_email method. When instructor click the button "email reviewer" whom he thought give a unfair review, the system should be able to send an email to the reviewer automatically.The get_body_text and send_grading_email were removed from the controller. The sending email function is well simplified and delegated to a conflict_mailer.

Design Pattern

Delegation: The conflict_email should be able to send email. The class ConflictMailer works as its delegate .The conflict_email calls the send_conflict_email function to take the job of sending an email.

UML: Draw UML graph for Grades_controller


The old conflict_notification action queries an email address list of a certain kind of reviews. In its view conflict_notifiction.html.erb, A email form contains email list for instructor to choose from and email content.

Before Refactorring, in conflict_notification: First,Get the instructor email address as sender

      if session[:user].role_id !=6             
        @instructor = session[:user]
        @instructor = Ta.get_my_instructor(session[:user].id)
      @participant = AssignmentParticipant.find(params[:id])
      @assignment = Assignment.find(@participant.parent_id)

Then,Based on submission of review, the action query all the reviewers' email address

      @questions =
      questionnaires = @assignment.questionnaires
      questionnaires.each {
        @questions[questionnaire.symbol] = questionnaire.questions

The email list is for instructor to choose from. The process_response method queries the email address.

      @reviewers_email_hash =            
      @caction = "view"
      @submission = params[:submission]
      if @submission == "review"
        @caction = "view_review"
        @symbol = "review"
        process_response("Review", "Reviewer",, "ReviewQuestionnaire")
      elsif @submission == "review_of_review"
        @symbol = "metareview"
        process_response("Metareview", "Metareviewer", @participant.metareviews, "MetareviewQuestionnaire")
      elsif @submission == "review_feedback"
        @symbol = "feedback"
        process_response("Feedback", "Author",, "AuthorFeedbackQuestionnaire")
      elsif @submission == "teammate_review"
        @symbol = "teammate"
        process_response("Teammate Review", "Reviewer", @participant.teammate_reviews, "TeammateReviewQuestionnaire")

The get_body_text method construct email content which should be removed from controller.

      @body = get_body_text(params[:submission])      

The conflict_notification action requiring another two method "process_response" and "get_body_text" method to get the recipient email list and email content which contributes to extra complexity. The instructor only have to click the button "send email" in conflict_notifiction.html.erb and turn to send_conflict_email action, then he/she can send the email. If the instructor want to send another email, the process will repeat again,which will be terrible when reloading the "view" scores page.

After Refactoring:The querying reviews actually have done in our show_reviews action, and we can get the individual reviewers' email address.In the reviewer table,we add extra button "email reviewer".Now the instructor could send to reviewer email directly.

In _review_table.html.erb,we add the link to send email. The review_id is passed to the conflict_email action taken as the recipient.

<%= link_to 'email reviewer', :action => 'conflict_email',:remote=> true,:reviewer_id=>,:participant_id=>participant,:score=>sprintf("%.2f",score) %>

In our new conflict_email action:

We still need the instructor as the sender

      if session[:user].role_id !=6
        @instructor = session[:user]
        @instructor = Ta.get_my_instructor(session[:user].id)

The reviewer_id is passed from the link,we can query his/her email address to send the email


The responsibility of sending email has been delegated to a new mailer conflict_mailer. And the email content was constructed in the mailer.

      participant = AssignmentParticipant.find(params[:participant_id])

Take a look at new conflict_mailer, it define a send_conflict_email method. the email was sent from sender's email and to reviewer's email.Some instance variables were used in view. In conflict_mailer.erb

 def send_conflict_email(sender,recipient,assignment,score)
      if recipient.role_id==1
        @role = "reviewer"
        @item = "submission"
        @role = "metareviewer"
        @item = "review"
    mail subject: "Confliction Email",from:,to:

In its view send_conflict_email.txt.haml, we edit the email content.By this way, we deleted the get_body_text and well followed the rule of MVC design

%h1="Hi ,"

%p="You submitted a score of "+@score+" for assignment "" that varied greatly from another "+@role+"'s score for the same "+@item+"."

%p="The Expertiza system has brought this to my attention."

The link "email reviewer" request a ajax,so the current view page will not refresh when the action done

      respond_to do |format|

If an email was successfully sent,The instructor should get the alert window by ajax.

view_my_scores method


We refactored view_my_scores method to grades_show, deleted many unnecessary instance variables along with several review and meta reviews methods inside it. Therefore, the system will only search for scores in the database rather than search for scores and reviews, which wastes a lot of time during the grade show process. After refactoring, the complexity on this decreased from 53 to 35. We also optimize get_scores method to improve the efficiency of showing scores by students and instructors, which cost us most of the time during the project. After refactoring this method, the time cost of views in grade controller decreased by more than 90%.

We have done the following to the original methods:

  • Refactored view_my_scores method to grades_show method.
  • Searched for the key reasons which lead to huge waiting time for getting score.
  • Refactored get_assessments_for method in response_map.rb and lead to more than 90% off the current waiting time.
  • Eliminated the search for reviews during the grades_show method.
  • Deleted unnecessary instance Variables.


  • Deleted the unnecessary instance variables

Deleted Code:

 @average_score_results =
 @average_score_results = ScoreCache.get_class_scores(
 @statistics =
 @average_score_results.each { |x|
 @statistics << x
  • Deleted query for reviews and meta_reviews

Deleted Code:

 @average_reviews = ScoreCache.get_reviews_average(
 @average_metareviews = ScoreCache.get_metareviews_average(
 @my_reviews = ScoreCache.my_reviews(
 @my_metareviews = ScoreCache.my_metareviews(
  • Modify get_assessments_for method in response_map.rb

After doing this, the time cost of view function decreased by more than 90% Before Refactoring:

 # the original method to find all response 
 for element in @all_resp
     if (element.map_id == map.map_id)
         @array_sort << element
         @test << map

After Refactoring:

 @array_sort << @all_resp
 @test << map
  • Add a new method into grades_controller.rb

Add Method:

 #show_reviews method gets reviews, meta reviews and author feedback information from server.
  def show_reviews
    params[:score][:assessments].each do |assessment|
    @assignment = @participant.assignment
    @questions = {}
    questionnaires = @assignment.questionnaires
    questionnaires.each do |questionnaire|
      @questions[questionnaire.symbol] = questionnaire.questions
  • Change view_my_score.html.erb into show_reviews.html.erb in views.
  • Add in views(show_reviews.html.erb)
 <%= render :partial=>@partial, :locals => {:prefix => @prefix, :participant => @participant, :rscore => @score} %>

Test Result

  • The following test results based on the test case on Expertiza(Assignments: Program 2 style)
Name Before Refactoring After Refactoring Reduced By
View all team's score(instructor) 484988ms 8642ms 98.21%
View own score(student) 8941ms 651ms 92.71%
  • Original Time for Instructor to View all scores
Original Time for Instructor to View all scores
  • Time for Instructor to View all scores after Refactoring
Time for Instructor to View all scores after Refactoring
  • Original Time for Student to View all scores
Original Time for Student to View all scores
  • Time for Student to View all scores after Refactoring
Time for Student to View all scores after Refactoring

See Also