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= Aspect-oriented programming and AspectR =
= Aspect-oriented programming and AspectR =

AspectR is a very useful Ruby module, but it is not easy to find documentation on it that is appropriate for students taking this class. Find, or construct, documentation that explains what it does without presuming previous knowledge of AspectJ, that describes many or all methods of the module and how they work. Also find or produce an easy-to-understand example that does not involve loggingShow how the example would be implemented in AspectJ and AspectR.
'''AspectR''' is a programming library that enables [ Aspect-Oriented Programming] (AOP) for Ruby programs by providing ways to wrap code around existing methods in a program. It is similar in functionality to and shares terminology with the [ AspectJ] library for Java.

== Overview ==
AspectR was developed by Avi Bryant and Robert Feldt; it is distributed under the GNU General Public License [1].

== Motivation ==
== Overview of AOP ==

== AspectR ==
Aspect-Oriented Programming is an approach to modularizing code that ''cross-cuts'' the core components or business logic of a program [2]. Logging is a classical example of a ''concern'' which cross-cuts the core components of a program, and thus violates the widely held principle on Separation of Concerns. AOP solves this problem and is complimentary to Object Oriented Programming because it allows the concerns which cuts across the program to be encapsulated into their own classes, called aspects.

=== Defining Aspects and wrapping methods ===

AspectR provides a simple mechanism for wrapping methods in a program. One begins by creating an "aspect" class that inherits from the AspectR Aspect class.  You then define the wrapper methods which will be called at the join points in the program. These methods are called Advice methods. AspectR currently supports only two method join points, <code>PRE</code> and <code>POST</code>. The inherited instance method <code>wrap</code> is then used to specify the wrapper methods to be called before and after a method invocation, along with the target class and methods to be intercepted.
==== Motivation ====

=== Methods ===
Consider the following exercise...

The following instance methods are inherited from the Aspect class.
: 1. Take a shopping cart application with a Cart class and method add_to_cart():

* <code>wrap (target, pre, post, *args)</code> - This is the main utility method which allows you to specify an advice method in the aspect class to be invoked before and after each intercepted method, along with the target class and an <code>*args</code> parameter which may contain the methods in the target class to intercept, or a regular expression to match method names in the target class.
class Cart
  has_many :items
  def add_to_cart(item)
    items << item
This code is easy to understand and maintain. 
: 2. Now add security, database transactions, and logging code:
class Cart
  has_many :items
  def add_to_cart(item)
    log('entering method')
    conn = new_connection
      items << item
    log('leaving method')   
: 3. Make the same changes to other business logic methods throughout the program.
: 4. Finally, try reusing this code in another application which has a different transaction framework, uses a different logging library, or handles security differently.
Aspect-Oriented Programming resolves this problem by encapsulating the concerns that cut across the program.
=== Terminology ===
AspectR uses a lot of the same terminology as AspectJ.  

* <code>unwrap (target, pre, post, *args)</code> - Undoes a wrapping made with the previous method.
* Aspects - Classes that implement functionality needed in many parts of a program, but are not part of the business logic or core concern of the program.

* <code>add_advice (target, joinpoint, method, advice)</code> - Allows you to specify an advice method to be called when the joinpoint is reached in the specified target class and method. Joinpoint must be either <code>PRE</code> or <code>POST</code>.
* Advice - Borrowed from AspectJ terminology, refers to Aspect methods or code to be applied around existing business logic.

* <code>remove_advice (target, joinpoint, method, advice)</code> - Removes an advice made with the <code>add_advice</code> method.
* Join Point - Places in the core business logic that advice should be applied or wrapped around.

* <code>disable_advice_dispatching</code> - Disables all dispatching of advice methods in the program.
== The AspectR API ==

* get_methods (AspectR::Aspect)
AspectR provides a simple mechanism for wrapping methods in a program. One begins by creating an "aspect" class that inherits from the AspectR Aspect class. For example, we define a new aspect class to implement a code profiler:

* prepare (AspectR::Aspect)
require aspectr.rb
include AspectR
class Profiler < Aspect

* wrap_with_code (AspectR::Aspect)
We then define the wrapper methods which will be called at the join points in the program. These methods are called Advice methods.

* wrappable? (AspectR::Aspect)
def method_start(method, object, exitstatus, *args)
  @begin =
def method_end(method, object, exitstatus, *args)
  timeElapsed = - @begin
  puts "#{object.class}.#{method} took #{timeElapsed} secs"

The following class methods are inherited from the Aspect class:
AspectR currently supports only two method join points, <code>PRE</code> and <code>POST</code>.

* <code>new (never_wrap = "^$ ")</code> -
Given the simple example,
class SomeClass
  def some_method
    puts "hello"
    sleep 5

* <code>dispatch?</code> - Returns true if dispatching to advice methods is enabled, false if disabled.
One can add advice to be invoked before or after a single target method using the <code>add_advice</code> method, for example:

The following utility methods are provided by the AspectR library:
profiler =
* <code>all_classes (regexp = /^.+$/)</code> - Returns all classes whose class name matches a given regular expression.
profiler.add_advice(SomeClass, :PRE, :some_method, :method_start)
profiler.add_advice(SomeClass, :POST, :some_method, :method_end)
This advice can be removed using <code>remove_advice</code>:
profiler.remove_advice(SomeClass, :PRE, :some_method, :method_start)
profiler.remove_advice(SomeClass, :POST, :some_method, :method_end)
We can wrap both the before and after join points, and specify multiple target methods, for example the following code will wrap all the methods from the class <code>SomeClass</code> which match the regular expression "/some/" with our advice methods for the before and after join points:
profiler.wrap(SomeClass, :method_start, :method_end, /some/)

* <code>wrap_classes (aspect, pre, post, classes, *methods)</code> - More flexible yet experimental version of the <code>wrap<code> method to wrap methods in multiple classes. Caller must provide the aspect object and regular expression used to match target classes.  The rest of the parameters are the same as the <code>wrap</code> method. Note that this API is likely to change in future versions of AspectR.
Similarly, this can be unwrapped:

profiler.unwrap(SomeClass, :method_start, :method_end, /some/)

Alternatively, you can have code directly injected into the beginning and ending of the target methods . This has performance advantages but cannot be unwrapped:

Wraps methods in one or more classes whose class name matches a regular expression. Unlike the
profiler.wrap_with_code(SomeClass, '@begin =', 'timeElapsed = - @begin; puts "took #{timeElapsed} secs"' , /some/)
Caller specifies the aspect class and methods to call before and after each method invocation. A regular expression is used to match on target class names, and either the target methods can be provided or a regu

Specifies an aspect class and advice methods to call before and after method invocations in one or more target classes and methods.  The target classes are speci
To wrap methods from multiple target classes, the AspectR library defines a  <code>wrap_classes</code> method. This is an experimental method and the API is likely to change [3]:

== Example ==
wrap_classes(profiler, :method_start, :method_end, /Some/, /some/)

The code examples implement a code [ profiler] to measure the duration of method calls.
One can specify that one or more methods which should never be wrapped by passing in the beginning of the method name to the constructor. There is also a <code>wrappable?</code> method to test if a method can be wrapped. For example this code will result in the wrap being ignored and return true:
profiler ="some")
profiler.wrap(SomeClass, :method_start, :method_end, /some/)
Code can be executed with dispatching by the API disabled using the <code>disable_advice_dispatching</code> instance method on the aspect class. Although temporary, the effect is global to the API. For example the following code will NOT result in the advice methods being called:
  profiler.wrap(SomeClass, :method_start, :method_end, /some/)
  profiler.disable_advice_dispatching { }
One can test to see if the API dispatching is disabled using the Aspect class method <code>dispatch?</code>, for example:
== Examples ==
The following code examples implement a code [ profiler] to measure the duration of method calls.

=== AspectR ===
=== AspectR ===
Line 64: Line 149:
  class Profiler < Aspect
  class Profiler < Aspect
   def method_start(method, object, exitstatus, *args)
   def method_start(method, object, exitstatus, *args)
     @begin =
     @begin =
   def method_end(method, object, exitstatus, *args)
   def method_end(method, object, exitstatus, *args)
     timeElapsed = - @begin
     timeElapsed = - @begin
Line 72: Line 159:
The following code defines a class <code>SomeClass</code> and tests the aspect:
  #if $0 == __FILE__
  #if $0 == __FILE__
   class SomeClass
   class SomeClass
Line 86: Line 175:

=== AspectJ ===
=== AspectJ ===
Unlike AspectR, the aspects in AspectJ programs must be transformed into valid Java code. 
import java.util.Date;
aspect Profiler {
  private Date beginTime;
  pointcut myMethod(SomeClass s): target(s) && call(public * some*(..));
  before(SomeClass s): myMethod(s) {
    this.beginTime = new Date();
  after(SomeClass s): myMethod(s) {
    Date newTime = new Date();
    int timeElapsed = this.beginTime.getTime() - newTime.getTime();
    System.out.println(thisJoinPointStaticPart + " took " + timeElapsed + " secs");
== Summary ==
Although the library is quite small, AspectR is a useful tool for implementing Aspect-Oriented Programming in Ruby programs. The main limitation of the library is that it only supports wrapping methods with join points either before or after the method calls. More complex join points are not supported at the time of this writing. 
Unlike AspectJ, however, AspectR does not require a separate language processor to coordinate the composition of program from the aspects and the business logic code.

== References ==
== References ==
# AspectR README. January 29, 2002
# Kiczales, Gregor; John Lamping, Anurag Mendhekar, Chris Maeda, Cristina Lopes, Jean-Marc Loingtier, and John Irwin (1997). "Aspect-Oriented Programming". Proceedings of the European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, vol.1241. pp. 220–242.
# AspectR Ruby documentation (RDoc), AspectR module

== External Links ==
== External Links ==
* [ Aspect-Oriented Programming on Wikipedia]
* [ Ruby Documentation]
* [ AspectR home page]
* [ AspectJ Programming Guide]
* [ Programming Ruby - The Pragmatic Programmer's Guide]
* [ GNU Public License]
* [ Separation of Concerns on Wikipedia]

Latest revision as of 15:50, 13 October 2010

Aspect-oriented programming and AspectR

AspectR is a programming library that enables Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) for Ruby programs by providing ways to wrap code around existing methods in a program. It is similar in functionality to and shares terminology with the AspectJ library for Java.

AspectR was developed by Avi Bryant and Robert Feldt; it is distributed under the GNU General Public License [1].

Overview of AOP

Aspect-Oriented Programming is an approach to modularizing code that cross-cuts the core components or business logic of a program [2]. Logging is a classical example of a concern which cross-cuts the core components of a program, and thus violates the widely held principle on Separation of Concerns. AOP solves this problem and is complimentary to Object Oriented Programming because it allows the concerns which cuts across the program to be encapsulated into their own classes, called aspects.


Consider the following exercise...

1. Take a shopping cart application with a Cart class and method add_to_cart():
class Cart
  has_many :items
  def add_to_cart(item)
    items << item

This code is easy to understand and maintain.

2. Now add security, database transactions, and logging code:
class Cart
  has_many :items
  def add_to_cart(item)
    log('entering method')
    conn = new_connection
      items << item
    log('leaving method')     
3. Make the same changes to other business logic methods throughout the program.
4. Finally, try reusing this code in another application which has a different transaction framework, uses a different logging library, or handles security differently.

Aspect-Oriented Programming resolves this problem by encapsulating the concerns that cut across the program.


AspectR uses a lot of the same terminology as AspectJ.

  • Aspects - Classes that implement functionality needed in many parts of a program, but are not part of the business logic or core concern of the program.
  • Advice - Borrowed from AspectJ terminology, refers to Aspect methods or code to be applied around existing business logic.
  • Join Point - Places in the core business logic that advice should be applied or wrapped around.

The AspectR API

AspectR provides a simple mechanism for wrapping methods in a program. One begins by creating an "aspect" class that inherits from the AspectR Aspect class. For example, we define a new aspect class to implement a code profiler:

require aspectr.rb
include AspectR

class Profiler < Aspect

We then define the wrapper methods which will be called at the join points in the program. These methods are called Advice methods.

def method_start(method, object, exitstatus, *args)
  @begin =

def method_end(method, object, exitstatus, *args)
  timeElapsed = - @begin
  puts "#{object.class}.#{method} took #{timeElapsed} secs"

AspectR currently supports only two method join points, PRE and POST.

Given the simple example,

class SomeClass
  def some_method
    puts "hello"
    sleep 5

One can add advice to be invoked before or after a single target method using the add_advice method, for example:

profiler =

profiler.add_advice(SomeClass, :PRE, :some_method, :method_start)
profiler.add_advice(SomeClass, :POST, :some_method, :method_end)

This advice can be removed using remove_advice:

profiler.remove_advice(SomeClass, :PRE, :some_method, :method_start)
profiler.remove_advice(SomeClass, :POST, :some_method, :method_end)

We can wrap both the before and after join points, and specify multiple target methods, for example the following code will wrap all the methods from the class SomeClass which match the regular expression "/some/" with our advice methods for the before and after join points:

profiler.wrap(SomeClass, :method_start, :method_end, /some/)

Similarly, this can be unwrapped:

profiler.unwrap(SomeClass, :method_start, :method_end, /some/)

Alternatively, you can have code directly injected into the beginning and ending of the target methods . This has performance advantages but cannot be unwrapped:

profiler.wrap_with_code(SomeClass, '@begin =', 'timeElapsed = - @begin; puts "took #{timeElapsed} secs"' , /some/)

To wrap methods from multiple target classes, the AspectR library defines a wrap_classes method. This is an experimental method and the API is likely to change [3]:

wrap_classes(profiler, :method_start, :method_end, /Some/, /some/)

One can specify that one or more methods which should never be wrapped by passing in the beginning of the method name to the constructor. There is also a wrappable? method to test if a method can be wrapped. For example this code will result in the wrap being ignored and return true:

profiler ="some")

profiler.wrap(SomeClass, :method_start, :method_end, /some/)


Code can be executed with dispatching by the API disabled using the disable_advice_dispatching instance method on the aspect class. Although temporary, the effect is global to the API. For example the following code will NOT result in the advice methods being called:

 profiler.wrap(SomeClass, :method_start, :method_end, /some/)

 profiler.disable_advice_dispatching { }

One can test to see if the API dispatching is disabled using the Aspect class method dispatch?, for example:



The following code examples implement a code profiler to measure the duration of method calls.


require aspectr.rb
include AspectR

class Profiler < Aspect

  def method_start(method, object, exitstatus, *args)
    @begin =

  def method_end(method, object, exitstatus, *args)
    timeElapsed = - @begin
    puts "#{object.class}.#{method} took #{timeElapsed} secs"

The following code defines a class SomeClass and tests the aspect:

#if $0 == __FILE__
  class SomeClass
    def some_method
      puts "hello"
      sleep 5
  end, :method_start, :method_end, /some/)


Unlike AspectR, the aspects in AspectJ programs must be transformed into valid Java code.

import java.util.Date;

aspect Profiler {
  private Date beginTime;
  pointcut myMethod(SomeClass s): target(s) && call(public * some*(..));

  before(SomeClass s): myMethod(s) {
    this.beginTime = new Date();

  after(SomeClass s): myMethod(s) {
    Date newTime = new Date();
    int timeElapsed = this.beginTime.getTime() - newTime.getTime();
    System.out.println(thisJoinPointStaticPart + " took " + timeElapsed + " secs");


Although the library is quite small, AspectR is a useful tool for implementing Aspect-Oriented Programming in Ruby programs. The main limitation of the library is that it only supports wrapping methods with join points either before or after the method calls. More complex join points are not supported at the time of this writing.

Unlike AspectJ, however, AspectR does not require a separate language processor to coordinate the composition of program from the aspects and the business logic code.


  1. AspectR README. January 29, 2002
  2. Kiczales, Gregor; John Lamping, Anurag Mendhekar, Chris Maeda, Cristina Lopes, Jean-Marc Loingtier, and John Irwin (1997). "Aspect-Oriented Programming". Proceedings of the European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, vol.1241. pp. 220–242.
  3. AspectR Ruby documentation (RDoc), AspectR module

External Links