CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2023 - E2387. Reimplement Teams backend (Phase 2): Difference between revisions

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== Overview of Expertiza ==
== Project Overview ==
Expertiza is a learning management system that is developed with Ruby on Rails and is accessible as open source software. It can create assignments, tests, assignment teams, and courses, among a wide range of other features and functions. It also has a thorough system for giving other teams and groups of teammates peer reviews and feedback. The files that are largely addressed in this project are the frontend React Components of User, Institution and Roles. A fully functional UI for these components will be developed using React for this project.
===Expertiza Background===
Expertiza is an online platform designed to facilitate peer review and submission of various types of academic work, including articles, codes, and websites. The application allows instructors to add assignments, grade them, and assign students to teams based on their topic preferences. The platform also enables students to provide feedback on each other's work through peer reviews, which can be helpful in improving the quality of their projects. Expertiza is backed by the National Science Foundation.
===Problem Statement===
The Team model and TeamsController are responsible for managing teams for users and create a team-based assignment system. In this, the system allows the admin to perform CRUD operations on teams model. An admin can create a new team, edit the name of the team, add a student to them team, remove a student from the team, and delete the team. This functinality has to be thoroughly tested and implemented to make sure the code is error-free. The TeamsController includes methods for creating, reading, updating the team name, and deleting the team naem. The create teams page should display all the exisiting teams, with members and their unity ID.
1. Write RESTful endpoints of create, show, update, and delete teams.
2. Develop and implement methods in the TeamsController that enable the following functionality: Create teams, show teams, show team members, update team details, delete team, and list all the teams.
3. Implement end-points API checks.
4. Return proper status codes and proper validation for RESTful endpoints.
5. Write models and controllers such that they use modern approaches to writing Ruby code, including utilizing language features and adhering to best practices for object-oriented design.
6. Adding relevant data to populate the tables
7. Write proper Rspec tests for all APIs, models, controllers.

== Technologies Used for the Design ==
== Technologies Used for the Design ==
Line 11: Line 32:
3. Swagger UI
3. Swagger UI

== Changes Made ==
4. React.js in TypeScript for FrontEnd
The Teams schema was not properly implemented and we have added more attributes.
== UI ScreenShots ==

'''Overall UI'''

Before Schema
[[ File:TeamsFE.jpeg|800px]]
[[ File:TeamsFE 2.jpeg|800px]]

Following attributes would be added to the teams table -
'''Adding Teams'''
1. Name of the Team (Unique)
2. Team ID (Unique)

[[File:Screenshot from 2023-12-04 16-05-49.png]]
[[ File:CreateTeams.jpeg|800px ]]

Final Schema.
'''Adding Users'''
We also added foreign keys in the Users table as one Team can have many Users  


== Methods Added ==  
'''Editing Teams'''
[[ File:EditTeamName.jpeg|800px]]
'''Deleting Users'''
'''Deleting Team'''
[[File:Deletion1 team.jpeg|800px]]
[[File:Deletion2 team.jpeg|800px]]
== Validations ==
'''Only Admins should be able to access this page.'''
1. Team ID's should be unique.
2. If a team member is already added to another team, it should give appropriate error.
== Design and Implementation ==
=== Class Diagram ===
[[File: ERDiagram2363Project4.png|500px|]]
=== UML Diagram ===
[[ File:UML teambackend.png |500px]]
== Development Strategy ==
We have tried to follow a Test Driven Development approach to implement both the Invitation model and the Invitation Controller.
Firstly a failing test case was written and then the code was added such that the test which was failing will pass now.
Also, we have tried to follow the rails philosophy of "Fat models" We have tried to move as much business logic from the controller to the model as possible. This will also help keep the controller code clean and encourage code reusability.
== Functionality ==  
We also added new controller (teams_controller.rb) in which we added the following methods.
We also added new controller (teams_controller.rb) in which we added the following methods.

Line 46: Line 105:

''' 4. destroy '''
''' 4. destroy '''
This will delete the particular team.
class Api::V1::TeamsController < ApplicationController
  before_action :set_team, only: %i[show update destroy add_ta view_tas remove_ta copy ]
  rescue_from ActionController::ParameterMissing, with: :parameter_missing
  # GET /teams
  # List all the teams
  def index
    teams = Team.order(:id)
    render json: teams, status: :ok
  # GET /teams/1
  # Get a team
  def show
    render json: @team, status: :ok
  # POST /teams
  # Create a team
  def create
    team =
      render json: team, status: :created
      render json: team.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity
  # PATCH/PUT /teams/1
  # Update a team
  def update
    if @team.update(team_params)
      render json: @team, status: :ok
      render json: @team.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity

This will delete the team.
  # DELETE /teams/1
  # Delete a team
  def destroy
    render json: { message: "Team with id #{params[:id]}, deleted" }, status: :no_content

  def set_team
    @team = Team.find(params[:id])

== Validations ==
  def team_params
'''Only Admins should be able to access this page.'''

1. Team ID's should be unique.
  def parameter_missing
    render json: { error: 'Parameter missing' }, status: :unprocessable_entity

2. If a team member is already added to another team, it should give appropriate error.
== End point summary ==
{| class="wikitable" style="margin-left:40px"
! Sr No !! Method !! Endpoint !! Request Body !! Description
| 1 || create || POST <br/>/teams||{  "name": String} ||Create a new team with given team name.
| 2 || index || GET <br/>/teams || ||Get a list of all the teams.
| 3 || show || GET <br/>/teams/<team_id> || || Get a particular team with the team_id.
| 4 || update || PATCH /teams/<team_id> || {  "name": String} || Modify the name of the team.
| 5 || destroy || DELETE <br/> /teams/<team_id> || || Delete the team.

== ER Diagram ==  
== Swagger UI ==  

[[File: ERDiagram2363Project4.png|500px|]]

== Test Plan ==  
== Test Plan ==  

We utilized RSpec as the testing framework for our system and the development process followed Test Driven Development and we wrote our tests first and then proceeded with Development. The tests were written in a comprehensive way.
We utilized RSpec as the testing framework for our system and the development process followed Test Driven Development. The controller tests were written in a comprehensive way.  
To run the controller tests:
1. git clone
2. cd reimplementation-back-end/
3. bundle install
4. bundle exec rspec spec/requests/api/v1/teams_spec.rb
{| class="wikitable" style="margin-left:30px"
! Sr No !! Test !! Description
| 1 || Test to list all Teams || This test verifies if the system can successfully retrieve a list of all teams available in the system.
| 2 || Test on empty teams list || This test verifies if no teams exist and returns an empty list
| 3 || Test to create a new Team || This test verifies if the system can successfully create a new team with valid parameters such as team name
| 4 || Test to update Team Name || This test verifies if the system can handle updating team name with valid parameters such as team name.
| 5 || Test to delete a Team || This test verifies if the system can team deletion
| 6 || Test to return message indicating team deletion || This test returns a message when a team is deleted
  require 'rails_helper'
  RSpec.describe 'Teams API', type: :request do
    describe 'GET /teams' do
      context 'when teams exist' do
        let!(:teams) { create_list(:team, 3) }
        it 'returns a list of all teams' do
          get '/teams', as: :json
          expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok)
          expect(response.content_type).to eq('application/json')
          parsed_response = JSON.parse(response.body)
          expect(parsed_response.length).to eq(teams.length)
          team_names =
          returned_team_names = { |team| team['name'] }
          expect(returned_team_names).to match_array(team_names)
      context 'when no teams exist' do
        it 'returns an empty list' do
          get '/teams', as: :json
          expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok)
          expect(response.content_type).to eq('application/json')
          parsed_response = JSON.parse(response.body)
          expect(parsed_response).to be_empty
    describe 'POST /api/v1/teams' do
      context 'with valid parameters' do
        it 'creates a new team' do
          team_params = {name: 'New Team'}
          post '/api/v1/teams', params: { team: team_params }, as: :json
          expect(response).to have_http_status(:created)
          expect(response.content_type).to eq('application/json')
          team = Team.last
          expect(JSON.parse(response.body)['id']).to eq(
    describe 'PATCH/PUT /api/v1/teams/:id' do
      let(:team) { create(:team, name: 'Old Team Name') }
      context 'with valid parameters' do
        let(:new_team_name) { 'Updated Team Name' }
        it 'updates the team name' do
          put "/api/v1/teams/#{}", params: { team: { name: new_team_name } }, as: :json
          expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok)
          expect(response.content_type).to eq('application/json')
          expect(JSON.parse(response.body)['id']).to eq(
          expect( eq(new_team_name)
    describe 'DELETE /api/v1/teams/:id' do
      let!(:team) { create(:team) }
      it 'deletes a team' do
        expect {
          delete "/api/v1/teams/#{}"
        }.to change(Team, :count).by(-1)
        expect(response).to have_http_status(:no_content)
        expect(response.body).to be_empty
      it 'returns a message indicating team deletion' do
        delete "/api/v1/teams/#{}"
        expect(response).to have_http_status(:no_content)
        expect(response.body).to be_empty
        # Optionally, you can check the response message
        expect(response.body).to eq({ message: "" }.to_json)
== Future Work ==
Currently, Some of the methods were not implemented due to dependency on other models which are not implemented yet. So, the major future work would be to include the complete integration of teams and users with the UI.
Other work would be to modify the UI for the teams page.
== References ==
Video Link []

[[ File:Tests1 team controller.png ]]  
Github BE Link []

[[File:Tests2 team controller.png]]
Github FE Link []

Github PR BE Link []

Github PR Link
Github PR FE Link []

Rspec []

Swagger UI [http://localhost:3002/api-docs]


Latest revision as of 21:17, 11 December 2023

Project Overview

Expertiza Background

Expertiza is an online platform designed to facilitate peer review and submission of various types of academic work, including articles, codes, and websites. The application allows instructors to add assignments, grade them, and assign students to teams based on their topic preferences. The platform also enables students to provide feedback on each other's work through peer reviews, which can be helpful in improving the quality of their projects. Expertiza is backed by the National Science Foundation.

Problem Statement

The Team model and TeamsController are responsible for managing teams for users and create a team-based assignment system. In this, the system allows the admin to perform CRUD operations on teams model. An admin can create a new team, edit the name of the team, add a student to them team, remove a student from the team, and delete the team. This functinality has to be thoroughly tested and implemented to make sure the code is error-free. The TeamsController includes methods for creating, reading, updating the team name, and deleting the team naem. The create teams page should display all the exisiting teams, with members and their unity ID.


1. Write RESTful endpoints of create, show, update, and delete teams.

2. Develop and implement methods in the TeamsController that enable the following functionality: Create teams, show teams, show team members, update team details, delete team, and list all the teams.

3. Implement end-points API checks.

4. Return proper status codes and proper validation for RESTful endpoints.

5. Write models and controllers such that they use modern approaches to writing Ruby code, including utilizing language features and adhering to best practices for object-oriented design.

6. Adding relevant data to populate the tables

7. Write proper Rspec tests for all APIs, models, controllers.

Technologies Used for the Design

1. Ruby on Rails

2. Rspec (for Testing)

3. Swagger UI

4. React.js in TypeScript for FrontEnd

UI ScreenShots

Overall UI

Adding Teams

Adding Users

Editing Teams

Deleting Users

Deleting Team


Only Admins should be able to access this page.

1. Team ID's should be unique.

2. If a team member is already added to another team, it should give appropriate error.

Design and Implementation

Class Diagram

UML Diagram

Development Strategy

We have tried to follow a Test Driven Development approach to implement both the Invitation model and the Invitation Controller. Firstly a failing test case was written and then the code was added such that the test which was failing will pass now.

Also, we have tried to follow the rails philosophy of "Fat models" We have tried to move as much business logic from the controller to the model as possible. This will also help keep the controller code clean and encourage code reusability.


We also added new controller (teams_controller.rb) in which we added the following methods.

1. create

This will create a new team.

2. index

This will list all the teams.

3. update

This will update the team's name.

4. destroy This will delete the particular team.

class Api::V1::TeamsController < ApplicationController

 before_action :set_team, only: %i[show update destroy add_ta view_tas remove_ta copy ]
 rescue_from ActionController::ParameterMissing, with: :parameter_missing
 # GET /teams
 # List all the teams
 def index
   teams = Team.order(:id)
   render json: teams, status: :ok
 # GET /teams/1
 # Get a team
 def show
   render json: @team, status: :ok
 # POST /teams
 # Create a team
 def create
   team =
     render json: team, status: :created
     render json: team.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity
 # PATCH/PUT /teams/1
 # Update a team
 def update
   if @team.update(team_params)
     render json: @team, status: :ok
     render json: @team.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity
 # DELETE /teams/1
 # Delete a team
 def destroy
   render json: { message: "Team with id #{params[:id]}, deleted" }, status: :no_content
 def set_team
   @team = Team.find(params[:id])
 def team_params
 def parameter_missing
   render json: { error: 'Parameter missing' }, status: :unprocessable_entity

End point summary

Sr No Method Endpoint Request Body Description
1 create POST
{ "name": String} Create a new team with given team name.
2 index GET
Get a list of all the teams.
3 show GET
Get a particular team with the team_id.
4 update PATCH /teams/<team_id> { "name": String} Modify the name of the team.
5 destroy DELETE
Delete the team.

Swagger UI

Test Plan

We utilized RSpec as the testing framework for our system and the development process followed Test Driven Development. The controller tests were written in a comprehensive way.

To run the controller tests:

1. git clone

2. cd reimplementation-back-end/

3. bundle install

4. bundle exec rspec spec/requests/api/v1/teams_spec.rb

Sr No Test Description
1 Test to list all Teams This test verifies if the system can successfully retrieve a list of all teams available in the system.
2 Test on empty teams list This test verifies if no teams exist and returns an empty list
3 Test to create a new Team This test verifies if the system can successfully create a new team with valid parameters such as team name
4 Test to update Team Name This test verifies if the system can handle updating team name with valid parameters such as team name.
5 Test to delete a Team This test verifies if the system can team deletion
6 Test to return message indicating team deletion This test returns a message when a team is deleted
 require 'rails_helper'
 RSpec.describe 'Teams API', type: :request do
   describe 'GET /teams' do
     context 'when teams exist' do
       let!(:teams) { create_list(:team, 3) }
       it 'returns a list of all teams' do
         get '/teams', as: :json
         expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok)
         expect(response.content_type).to eq('application/json')
         parsed_response = JSON.parse(response.body)
         expect(parsed_response.length).to eq(teams.length)
         team_names =
         returned_team_names = { |team| team['name'] }
         expect(returned_team_names).to match_array(team_names)
     context 'when no teams exist' do
       it 'returns an empty list' do
         get '/teams', as: :json
         expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok)
         expect(response.content_type).to eq('application/json')
         parsed_response = JSON.parse(response.body)
         expect(parsed_response).to be_empty
   describe 'POST /api/v1/teams' do
     context 'with valid parameters' do
       it 'creates a new team' do
         team_params = {name: 'New Team'}
         post '/api/v1/teams', params: { team: team_params }, as: :json
         expect(response).to have_http_status(:created)
         expect(response.content_type).to eq('application/json')
         team = Team.last
         expect(JSON.parse(response.body)['id']).to eq(
   describe 'PATCH/PUT /api/v1/teams/:id' do
     let(:team) { create(:team, name: 'Old Team Name') }
     context 'with valid parameters' do
       let(:new_team_name) { 'Updated Team Name' }
       it 'updates the team name' do
         put "/api/v1/teams/#{}", params: { team: { name: new_team_name } }, as: :json
         expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok)
         expect(response.content_type).to eq('application/json')
         expect(JSON.parse(response.body)['id']).to eq(
         expect( eq(new_team_name)
   describe 'DELETE /api/v1/teams/:id' do
     let!(:team) { create(:team) }
     it 'deletes a team' do
       expect {
         delete "/api/v1/teams/#{}"
       }.to change(Team, :count).by(-1)
       expect(response).to have_http_status(:no_content)
       expect(response.body).to be_empty
     it 'returns a message indicating team deletion' do
       delete "/api/v1/teams/#{}"
       expect(response).to have_http_status(:no_content)
       expect(response.body).to be_empty
       # Optionally, you can check the response message
       expect(response.body).to eq({ message: "" }.to_json)

Future Work

Currently, Some of the methods were not implemented due to dependency on other models which are not implemented yet. So, the major future work would be to include the complete integration of teams and users with the UI.

Other work would be to modify the UI for the teams page.


Video Link [1]

Github BE Link [2]

Github FE Link [3]

Github PR BE Link [4]

Github PR FE Link [5]

Rspec [6]

Swagger UI [7]


  • Kartiki Bhandakkar <>
  • Raghav Narula <>
  • Mihir Nikam <>
  • Ebani Gogia <>