CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2023 - E2356. Refactor review mapping controller.rb: Difference between revisions

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== About Controller ==
== About Controller ==
The functionality of review_mapping_controller is to provide mapping for the reviewer and assignment. Basically, the controller handles the assignment of reviews to different teams or single student users, such as the event of peer review and self-review. Also, this controller is responsible to respond student user requests for extra bonus reviews based on assignment policy.
The functionality of '''review_mapping_controller''' is to map the reviewer to an assignment. Basically, the controller handles the assignment of reviews to different teams or individual student users, covering scenarios like peer reviews and self-reviews. Additionally, the controller plays a crucial role in handling requests from student users, facilitating extra bonus reviews in alignment with the assignment policy.

== Problem Statement==
== Problem Statement==
Line 18: Line 18:

== Design Pattern ==
== Design Pattern ==
We followed several design patterns while refactoring our code. One of the most common ones is the “Extract Method.” There were several instances where the method was too long and complex. We moved some of the functionality to a different method to make it more readable. This way, it became easier and clearer to understand what the method achieved.  
During the code refactoring process, we conscientiously followed various design patterns to enhance the overall structure. One of the most common ones is the “Extract Method.” There were several instances where certain methods became overly lengthy and intricate. By extracting specific functionalities into separate methods, we significantly improved the code's readability and comprehension. This way, it became easier and clearer to understand what the method achieved. Furthermore, we tackled the issue of excessive conditional statements by employing the "Refactoring Conditionals" design pattern. This approach involves isolating the block of code within a conditional statement into a distinct method and subsequently invoking that method. This strategic refactoring not only streamlined our code but also contributed to a more readable and maintainable codebase.
Another issue we observed with the code was that it had too many conditional statements. We used the “Refactoring conditionals” design pattern, which aims to place the block of code in the conditional statement in a different method and call that method. This improves the readability of our code.

== File(s) Modified ==
== File(s) Modified ==
1. review_mapping_controller.rb
1. <code>review_mapping_controller.rb</code><br>
2. <code>review_mapping_controller_spec.rb</code><br>
Changes can be seen in the pull request created [ here].

==Solutions/Details of Changes Made==
==Solutions/Details of Changes Made==
1. Changes to variable names to make them reflect what they actually do.
'''1. Changes to variable names to make them reflect what they actually do.'''
i) Changed variable name from '''mmappings''' to '''meta_review_mappings''' to provide more context.
ii) Used '''assignment_id''' which is declared before, instead of hardcoding '''params[:id].to_i
'''2. Added/Edited comments to improve the readability of code and make commenting proper.'''
a) Adding comments
Elaborate commenting has been performed for every method present in the review_mapping_comtroller. A few examples include:
i) Explains the functionality of '''add_calibration''' method in a simple manner.
ii) Inform that an assignment can have multiple topics which need to be taken care of.
iii) Explains the functionality of '''automatic_review_mapping'''
iv) Describes an error encountered in the stable version of Expertiza, and suggests potential fix.
v) Describe functionality of '''delete_reviewer''', '''delete_metareviewer''', '''delete_metareview''', and several other functions.
b) Edit Comments
i) Describes the working of '''assign_reviewer_dynamically''' in a concise manner
ii) Explains the function '''review_allowed?''' better, the previous comment was too repetitive.
iii) Precisely mentions the criteria for requesting reviews by the user.
c) Deleting Comments
Comments about previous teams progress and other redundant comments were removed to improve readability and maintainability.
'''3. Reducing cyclomatic complexity of functions by dividing them into smaller methods.'''
Changes were made to the '''automatic_review_mapping''' method, keeping the single responsibilty principle in mind.
i) Modularized the functionality of previous version in a private method called '''handle_review_assignment''' which checks conditions to proceed with assigning reviewers to artifacts.
ii) Different components of the method are now encapsulated in their respective private functions
'''NOTE:''' Private functions are used to increase maintainability of the codebase since these do not break already existing test suites.

2. Added/Edited comments to improve the readability of code and make commenting proper.

3. Reducing cyclomatic complexity of functions by dividing them into smaller methods.

4. Reshuffling parts of code to make the method look consistent and easy to read and understand
viii) Dividing long peer_review_strategy method in smaller modular functions
1. The naming inconsistency issue has already been fixed by the previous version of the project. It has been verified by us.

2. Refactoring the Update method

'''Before refactoring'''
  def update
    @topic = SignUpTopic.find(params[:id])
    if @topic
      @topic.topic_identifier = params[:topic][:topic_identifier]
      update_max_choosers @topic
      @topic.category = params[:topic][:category]
      @topic.topic_name = params[:topic][:topic_name]
      @topic.micropayment = params[:topic][:micropayment]
      @topic.description = params[:topic][:description] = params[:topic][:link]
      undo_link("The topic: \"#{@topic.topic_name}\" has been successfully updated. ")
      flash[:error] = 'The topic could not be updated.'
    # Akshay - correctly changing the redirection url to topics tab in edit assignment view.
    redirect_to edit_assignment_path(params[:assignment_id]) + '#tabs-2'

'''After refactoring'''
def update
    @topic = SignUpTopic.find(params[:id])
    if @topic
      update_max_choosers @topic
      @topic.update_attributes(topic_identifier: params[:topic][:topic_identifier], category: params[:topic][:category],
      topic_name: params[:topic][:topic_name], micropayment: params[:topic][:micropayment], description: params[:topic][:description],link:params[:topic][:link] )
      undo_link("The topic: \"#{@topic.topic_name}\" has been successfully updated. ")
      flash[:success] = 'The topic has been updated.'
      flash[:error] = 'The topic could not be updated.'
    # Akshay - correctly changing the redirection url to topics tab in edit assignment view.
    redirect_to edit_assignment_path(params[:assignment_id]) + '#tabs-2'


'''4. Reshuffling parts of code to make the method look consistent and easy to read and understand'''

5. signup_as_instructor_action is used to sign up a student for a particular topic for an assignment as an instructor. signup_as_instructor function does nothing. It is an empty function. The function is not being called anywhere in the code. The method is not needed and hence removed.
The declarations for the '''automatic_review_mapping''' are grouped together for better readability.

''' signup_as_instructor_action '''

  def signup_as_instructor_action
Making changes in peer_review_strategy method to make the code look inline with other parts
    user = User.find_by(name: params[:username])
    if user.nil? # validate invalid user
      flash[:error] = 'That student does not exist!'
      if AssignmentParticipant.exists? user_id:, parent_id: params[:assignment_id]
        if SignUpSheet.signup_team(params[:assignment_id],, params[:topic_id])
          flash[:success] = 'You have successfully signed up the student for the topic!'
, '', 'Instructor signed up student for topic: ' + params[:topic_id].to_s)
          flash[:error] = 'The student has already signed up for a topic!'
, '', 'Instructor is signing up a student who already has a topic')
        flash[:error] = 'The student is not registered for the assignment!', '', 'The student is not registered for the assignment: ' <<
    redirect_to controller: 'assignments', action: 'edit', id: params[:assignment_id]

''' signup_as_instructor function'''

def signup_as_instructor; end
'''5. Bug Fixes'''

Changes made to '''check_outstanding_reviews''' method to return the correct results. Previously if all the reviews were completed by a participant, the method returned true (num_reviews_in_progress = 0), which would not be the right output. This is fixed by ensuring a return value of true only if num_reviews_in_progress > 0.



'''6. Test Cases Addition'''

9. Delete_signup and delete_signup_as_instructor violate the DRY principle. Refactored this. Created a new private function handle_signup_deletion to handle deletion for both instructor as well as student. A new function, check_signup_eligibility, generates the error message that the topic cannot be dropped. The redirect_path function is used to redirect the user.
Test Cases have been added to improve test coverage. Additional details can be found in Test Plan section -

'''Before Refactoring Delete_signup and delete_signup_as_instructor'''
== Test Plan==
=== Test Plan, Testing Strategy and Results===
In the realm of Test-Driven Development (TDD) research, our team made the strategic decision to '''utilize Mustafa Olmez's meticulously crafted test skeletons'''. These skeletons provided us with invaluable guidance, outlining the essential tests required for our unit. '''By incorporating 20 of these meticulously designed test skeletons into our work, we were able to conduct rigorous testing of our controller module.''' This approach allowed us to delve deeply into the functionality of our controller, ensuring thorough examination and validation of its behavior. The integration of these test skeletons not only provided a robust framework for our unit tests but also enhanced the overall quality and reliability of our codebase.

def delete_signup
For a detailed view of the changes made, please refer to the complete file at the following link:
    participant = AssignmentParticipant.find(params[:id])
    assignment = participant.assignment
    drop_topic_deadline = assignment.due_dates.find_by(deadline_type_id: 6)
    # A student who has already submitted work should not be allowed to drop his/her topic!
    # (A student/team has submitted if participant directory_num is non-null or submitted_hyperlinks is non-null.)
    # If there is no drop topic deadline, student can drop topic at any time (if all the submissions are deleted)
    # If there is a drop topic deadline, student cannot drop topic after this deadline.
    if ! || !
      flash[:error] = 'You have already submitted your work, so you are not allowed to drop your topic.'
      ExpertizaLogger.error, session[:user].id, 'Dropping topic for already submitted a work: ' + params[:topic_id].to_s)
    elsif !drop_topic_deadline.nil? && ( > drop_topic_deadline.due_at)
      flash[:error] = 'You cannot drop your topic after the drop topic deadline!'
      ExpertizaLogger.error, session[:user].id, 'Dropping topic for ended work: ' + params[:topic_id].to_s)
      delete_signup_for_topic(, params[:topic_id], session[:user].id)
      flash[:success] = 'You have successfully dropped your topic!', session[:user].id, 'Student has dropped the topic: ' + params[:topic_id].to_s)
    redirect_to action: 'list', id: params[:id]

  def delete_signup_as_instructor
    # find participant using assignment using team and topic ids
    team = Team.find(params[:id])
    assignment = Assignment.find(team.parent_id)
    user = TeamsUser.find_by(team_id:
    participant = AssignmentParticipant.find_by(user_id:, parent_id:
    drop_topic_deadline = assignment.due_dates.find_by(deadline_type_id: 6)
    if ! || !
      flash[:error] = 'The student has already submitted their work, so you are not allowed to remove them.'
      ExpertizaLogger.error, session[:user].id, 'Drop failed for already submitted work: ' + params[:topic_id].to_s)
    elsif !drop_topic_deadline.nil? && ( > drop_topic_deadline.due_at)
      flash[:error] = 'You cannot drop a student after the drop topic deadline!'
      ExpertizaLogger.error, session[:user].id, 'Drop failed for ended work: ' + params[:topic_id].to_s)
      delete_signup_for_topic(, params[:topic_id], participant.user_id)
      flash[:success] = 'You have successfully dropped the student from the topic!'
      ExpertizaLogger.error, session[:user].id, 'Student has been dropped from the topic: ' + params[:topic_id].to_s)
    redirect_to controller: 'assignments', action: 'edit', id:

The additional tests ensure every method of review_mapping_controller is tested. By adopting this approach we have '''increased the overall coverage from 47.65% to 47.8%'''.
The changes made passed all the necessary Travis CI/CD Pipeline tests.

'''After Refactoring Delete_signup and delete_signup_as_instructor'''   
  def delete_signup
    handle_signup_deletion(params[:id], session[:user].id)

  def delete_signup_as_instructor
===SimpleCov Coverage Detail Report of <code>review_mapping_controller.rb</code>===
    team = Team.find(params[:id])
    user = TeamsUser.find_by(team_id:
    assignment = Assignment.find(team.parent_id)
    handle_signup_deletion(, session[:user].id,

  private def handle_signup_deletion(participant_id, user_id, assignment_id = nil)
Tests prior to the changes covered 69.65 % of <code>review_mapping_controller.rb</code>
    participant = AssignmentParticipant.find(participant_id)
    assignment ||= participant.assignment
    drop_topic_deadline = assignment.due_dates.find_by(deadline_type_id: 6)
    error_message = check_signup_eligibility(, drop_topic_deadline, user_id, params[:topic_id])
    if error_message
      flash[:error] = error_message
      ExpertizaLogger.error, session[:user].id, "Drop failed for #{error_message}: #{params[:topic_id]}")
      delete_signup_for_topic(, params[:topic_id], user_id)
      flash[:success] = 'You have successfully dropped the topic!', user_id, "Student has dropped the topic: #{params[:topic_id]}")
    redirect_to redirect_path(participant_id, assignment_id)
  def check_signup_eligibility(team, drop_topic_deadline, user_id, topic_id)
    if !team.submitted_files.empty? || !team.hyperlinks.empty?
      'You have already submitted your work, so you are not allowed to drop your topic.'
    elsif !drop_topic_deadline.nil? && ( > drop_topic_deadline.due_at)
      'You cannot drop your topic after the drop topic deadline!'

  def redirect_path(participant_id, assignment_id)
    if assignment_id
      controller: 'assignments', action: 'edit', id: assignment_id
      action: 'list', id: participant_id

After adding tests, the tests covered 69.76 % of refactored <code>review_mapping_controller.rb</code>. It improved slightly to be an even better coverage.

== Relevant Links ==
* '''Github Repository:'''
* '''Pull Request:'''
* '''VCL Server:'''

== Team ==
== Team ==

Latest revision as of 19:17, 30 November 2023

This wiki page is for information regarding the changes made for the E2356 Refactor review_mapping_controller.rb OSS assignment for Fall 2023, CSC/ECE 517.


Expertiza is an open-source project developed on Ruby on Rails. This web application is maintained by the students and faculty at NC State. This application gives complete control to the instructor to maintain the assignments in their class. With multiple functionalities such as adding topics, creating groups, and peer reviews, Expertiza is a well-developed application that can handle all types of assignments. To learn more about the full functionality Expertiza has to offer, visit the Expertiza wiki.

About Controller

The functionality of review_mapping_controller is to map the reviewer to an assignment. Basically, the controller handles the assignment of reviews to different teams or individual student users, covering scenarios like peer reviews and self-reviews. Additionally, the controller plays a crucial role in handling requests from student users, facilitating extra bonus reviews in alignment with the assignment policy.

Problem Statement

  • Refactor the long methods in review_mapping_controller.rb like assign_reviewer_dynamically, add_reviewer, automatic_review_mapping,peer_review_strategy etc.
  • Some variables in review_mapping_controller.rb are not named properly. Rename variable names to convey what they are used for.
  • Functions are lengthy and difficult to read. Replace switch statements with subclasses methods, if any.
  • Create subclasses and models wherever necessary.
  • Add meaningful comments and edit/remove unnecessary comments.
  • Ensure that code changes do not break any functionality. Refactoring method names might cause cascaded updates in other files.

Design Pattern

During the code refactoring process, we conscientiously followed various design patterns to enhance the overall structure. One of the most common ones is the “Extract Method.” There were several instances where certain methods became overly lengthy and intricate. By extracting specific functionalities into separate methods, we significantly improved the code's readability and comprehension. This way, it became easier and clearer to understand what the method achieved. Furthermore, we tackled the issue of excessive conditional statements by employing the "Refactoring Conditionals" design pattern. This approach involves isolating the block of code within a conditional statement into a distinct method and subsequently invoking that method. This strategic refactoring not only streamlined our code but also contributed to a more readable and maintainable codebase.

File(s) Modified

1. review_mapping_controller.rb
2. review_mapping_controller_spec.rb
Changes can be seen in the pull request created here.

Solutions/Details of Changes Made

1. Changes to variable names to make them reflect what they actually do.

i) Changed variable name from mmappings to meta_review_mappings to provide more context.

ii) Used assignment_id which is declared before, instead of hardcoding params[:id].to_i

2. Added/Edited comments to improve the readability of code and make commenting proper.

a) Adding comments

Elaborate commenting has been performed for every method present in the review_mapping_comtroller. A few examples include:

i) Explains the functionality of add_calibration method in a simple manner.

ii) Inform that an assignment can have multiple topics which need to be taken care of.

iii) Explains the functionality of automatic_review_mapping

iv) Describes an error encountered in the stable version of Expertiza, and suggests potential fix.

v) Describe functionality of delete_reviewer, delete_metareviewer, delete_metareview, and several other functions.

b) Edit Comments

i) Describes the working of assign_reviewer_dynamically in a concise manner

ii) Explains the function review_allowed? better, the previous comment was too repetitive.

iii) Precisely mentions the criteria for requesting reviews by the user.

c) Deleting Comments

Comments about previous teams progress and other redundant comments were removed to improve readability and maintainability.

3. Reducing cyclomatic complexity of functions by dividing them into smaller methods.

Changes were made to the automatic_review_mapping method, keeping the single responsibilty principle in mind.

i) Modularized the functionality of previous version in a private method called handle_review_assignment which checks conditions to proceed with assigning reviewers to artifacts.

ii) Different components of the method are now encapsulated in their respective private functions

NOTE: Private functions are used to increase maintainability of the codebase since these do not break already existing test suites.



viii) Dividing long peer_review_strategy method in smaller modular functions

4. Reshuffling parts of code to make the method look consistent and easy to read and understand

The declarations for the automatic_review_mapping are grouped together for better readability.

Making changes in peer_review_strategy method to make the code look inline with other parts

5. Bug Fixes

Changes made to check_outstanding_reviews method to return the correct results. Previously if all the reviews were completed by a participant, the method returned true (num_reviews_in_progress = 0), which would not be the right output. This is fixed by ensuring a return value of true only if num_reviews_in_progress > 0.

6. Test Cases Addition

Test Cases have been added to improve test coverage. Additional details can be found in Test Plan section -

Test Plan

Test Plan, Testing Strategy and Results

In the realm of Test-Driven Development (TDD) research, our team made the strategic decision to utilize Mustafa Olmez's meticulously crafted test skeletons. These skeletons provided us with invaluable guidance, outlining the essential tests required for our unit. By incorporating 20 of these meticulously designed test skeletons into our work, we were able to conduct rigorous testing of our controller module. This approach allowed us to delve deeply into the functionality of our controller, ensuring thorough examination and validation of its behavior. The integration of these test skeletons not only provided a robust framework for our unit tests but also enhanced the overall quality and reliability of our codebase.

For a detailed view of the changes made, please refer to the complete file at the following link:

The additional tests ensure every method of review_mapping_controller is tested. By adopting this approach we have increased the overall coverage from 47.65% to 47.8%. The changes made passed all the necessary Travis CI/CD Pipeline tests.

SimpleCov Coverage Detail Report of review_mapping_controller.rb

Tests prior to the changes covered 69.65 % of review_mapping_controller.rb

After adding tests, the tests covered 69.76 % of refactored review_mapping_controller.rb. It improved slightly to be an even better coverage.

Relevant Links



  • Ameya Vaichalikar (agvaicha)

Team Members

  • Chirag Bheemaiah Palanganda Karumbaiah (cpalang)
  • Shanmukh Pawan Moparthi (smopart2)
  • Amit Bhujbal (abhujba)