CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2021 - E2164. Heatgrid fixes and improvements: Difference between revisions

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== Project Background ==
== Project Background ==
Heatgrid is the page where instructor can visit and view the work done by participant using Reviews, Author Feedbacks and Meta Reviews. This one web page displays all the evaluations done by peers of the participant for his project. The page is displayed in the format of table with colors. The columns in the table can be sorted with the requirement of the project. Heatgrid shows scores assigned by reviewers on individual rubric items for participant.  
Heatgrid is the page where an instructor can visit and view the review scores, author feedback scores, and meta-review scores of the student. This web page displays all the evaluations done by the peers of the participant for his/her project. The scores of each questionnaire for a review are shown in a tabular format.  

===What is wrong with it===
===Overview of Issues===
It is called from Instructor's "Assign Grades" function and student's view scores functions. But , there are issues that students are reviews themselves. Question is about Are reviews getting assigned correctly? Assignment of metric is also wrong at some places
Heatgrid page can be navigated through the instructor's "Assign Grades" button or the student's "View Scores" button.  

=Issue 1=
There are two issues assigned to us:-
* Issue 1869: The first is that the column name "metric-1" in the heatgrid is not self-explanatory and needs to be changed. Also, we need to change it in such a way that in later stages if the instructor wants to add a new metric for the assignment, he/she should be able to add it with just minor changes.
* Issue 2019: The problem in the second issue is when an instructor tries to Assign Grades to a student 9277 for Madeup Problem 3, he/she is not able to see the Round-1 Reviews. However, the database (old database) we were provided with does not have any student with Student id: 9277, and the assignment Madeup Problem 3 doesn't exist.
=Issue 1869=
== Problem Definition ==
== Problem Definition ==
===Issue #2019===
Note that there is a “metric-1” column in the review report, but it doesn’t say what the metric represents. The column header in the heatgrid review scores should be changed accordinglyHowever, the intent was that eventually an instructor would be allowed to select a metric to be shown on the heatgrid.  So, somewhere in the UI for creating/editing an assignment, there should be a way for the instructor to select a metric from a dropdown list. The mechanism for adding a metric in the future has to be created.
Questions whether the reviewers are correctly identifiedIn one case, a student was shown as reviewing his/her team, which is impossible. Also write tests so that if this bug occurs again, we will be informed.

== Current Implementation ==
== Current Implementation ==

=== Overview ===
=== Overview ===
In the current review system implementation, the instructor has the ability to select or deselect the "Allow Self Reviews?" checkbox from the "Review Strategy" tab of the Edit Assignment page. On deselecting this checkbox, a student will not be able to review his/her own work.
In the current implementation, the columns in the heatgrid table are static. The "metric-1" column in the table represents the count of comments for the respective question which have a word count greater than 10. On hovering over the column name, we can see the following message: "A count of comments, for the respective question, which have word count > 10. The purpose of this metric is to represent how many comments for the question are of a substantial length to provide quality feedback.". The information displayed is correct but the name itself does not make the information apparent at first glance.

=== UI Screenshots ===
=== UI Screenshots ===
The following images show how this functionality works currently:
The following image captures how the heatgrid is currently being displayed:
[[File:Summary Report.png|1200px|thumb|center]]
== Plan of work ==
=== Implementation Detail ===
* The _general.html.erb file is used for choosing the general properties of an assignment while creating and editing. For example:- Reputation Algorithm can be chosen through the general view of an assignment. In this, we have added a dropdown for selecting the metric to be displayed in the heatgrid. The default for this dropdown is set to "Verbose-Comment-Count" which was initially metric-1.
* The view_html.html.erb file is responsible for rendering the heatgrid. In the view_team.html.erb, instead of hard-coded metric-1 column header, a switch case is defined which will select the metric chosen by the instructor.
* Now, if the instructor wants to add any new metric, he/she just needs to add the method for calculating the new metric in the vm_question_response.rb file. In _general.html.erb, the instructor needs to add a new dropdown option for selecting this metric. Then the heatgrid_metric variable will be updated according to the instructor's selection. Now, in the view_team.html.erb, a new switch case needs to added to incorporate the newly added metric.
=== Implementation Control Flow ===
=== Proposed Control Flow For Adding a Metric ===
== Detailed Implementation==
* In the database in the assignments table, one column named "heatgrid_metric" is added which will store the value of the dropdown menu.
* app/views/assignments/edit/_general.html.erb:- In this file we have added the dropdown which takes the metric from the instructor and sets the metric accordingly. The code we added is mentioned below:-
    <td style='padding:5px' id='assignment_metrics_field'>
    <%= label_tag('assignment_form[assignment][heatgrid_metric]', 'Select a Metric to be displayed in the Report Heatgrid:') %>
    <%= select('assignment_form[assignment]', 'heatgrid_metric', [['--', ''], %w[Verbose-Comment-Count countofcomments]],
    { :selected => @assignment_form.assignment.heatgrid_metric}, { :class => 'form-control', :style => 'width: 100px'}) %>
We have added assigned two values to the dropdown:- '--' and 'Verbose-Comment-Count'. This is how it looks after adding this dropdown on the expertiza:-
[[File: Assignment General page.png]]

* app/views/grades/view_team.html.erb:- In this file, there is a view for the heatgrid, so when the instructor clicks on Assign Grades, the view from this file is rendered. So, the column name is changed here from "metric-1" to "countofcomments" variable, which will take the store the value of the dropdown selected.

The code that we have changed is:-
The instructor will get the error "You cannot assign this student to review his/her own artifact." when an attempt to add a student as a reviewer to his/her own assignment is made.

=== Control Flow ===

<% case @assignment.heatgrid_metric %>
      <% when 'countofcomments' %>
      <th class="sorter-false">
      <span  data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="right" title="A count of comments, for the respective question,
      which have word count > 10. The purpose of this metric is to represent how many comments for the question are
      of a substantial length to provide quality feedback.">Verbose Comment Count</span>

== Observations ==
This is how it now looks on expertiza:
Whenever an instructor assigns a reviewer for an assignment of a team, there is already a check present and it is not allowing instructor to assign the team member of the team for the review.


== Test Plan ==
== Test Plan ==
<li> If the "Allow Self Review?" checkbox is disabled, then the reviewer should not be able to review their own assignment. </li>
* Capybara Test cases for the heat grid view are added to select the value from the dropdown menu. Both the 'Verbose-Comment-Count' and '--' are added.
<li> If the "Allow Self Review?" checkbox is enabled, then the reviewer should be able to review their own assignment. </li>
it "is able to create a public assignment with countofcomments metric" do
visit "/assignments/new?private=0"
fill_in 'assignment_form_assignment_name', with: 'public assignment for test'
select('Course 2', from: 'assignment_form_assignment_course_id')
fill_in 'assignment_form_assignment_directory_path', with: 'testDirectory'
fill_in 'assignment_form_assignment_spec_location', with: 'testLocation'
expect(page).to have_select("assignment_form[assignment][reputation_algorithm]", options: %w[-- Hamer Lauw])
select "Verbose-Comment-Count", from: 'countsofcomment'

== Files to be Targeted ==
click_button 'Create'
<li> app/controllers/grades_controller.rb:- Focussing on self-review and grades section. </li>
assignment = Assignment.where(name: 'public assignment for test').first
<li> app/views/_review_strategy.html.erb:- Here, the checkbox of "Allow Self Review?" is written. </li>
expect(assignment).to have_attributes(
<li> app/helpers/grades_helper.rb:- Grades helper file. </li>
name: 'public assignment for test',
<li> spec/controllers/review_mapping_controller.rb:- Adding test cases for checking whether the reviewer can self-review if the "Allow Self Review?" checkkbox is disabled and the vice-versa too. </li>
course_id: Course.find_by(name: 'Course 2').id,
directory_path: 'testDirectory',
spec_location: 'testLocation',
microtask: true,
is_calibrated: true,
availability_flag: false,
heatgrid_metric: 'countofcomments'

=Issue 2=
it "is able to create a public assignment with no metrics expected" do
== Problem Definition ==
visit "/assignments/new?private=0"
Notes that there is a “metric-1” column in the review report, but it doesn’t say what the metric is. Please figure out what the metric is, and change the column header accordingly. However, the intent was that eventually an instructor would be allowed to select a metric to be shown on the heatgrid. So, somewhere in the UI for creating/editing an assignment, there should be a way for the instructor to select a metric from a dropdown list. You don’t have to add any more metrics to this list other than the one that is currently displayed, just create a mechanism for adding metrics in the future.
fill_in 'assignment_form_assignment_name', with: 'public assignment for test'
select('Course 2', from: 'assignment_form_assignment_course_id')
fill_in 'assignment_form_assignment_directory_path', with: 'testDirectory'
fill_in 'assignment_form_assignment_spec_location', with: 'testLocation'
expect(page).to have_select("assignment_form[assignment][reputation_algorithm]", options: %w[-- Hamer Lauw])
select "--", from: 'countsofcomment'
click_button 'Create'
assignment = Assignment.where(name: 'public assignment for test').first
expect(assignment).to have_attributes(
name: 'public assignment for test',
course_id: Course.find_by(name: 'Course 2').id,
directory_path: 'testDirectory',
spec_location: 'testLocation',
microtask: true,
is_calibrated: true,
availability_flag: false,
heatgrid_metric: ''
Spec test cases are added for the grades controller should be added to verify the responses returned from the controller.
describe '#create with countofcomments' do
    before(:each) do
      allow(AssignmentForm).to receive(:new).with(any_args).and_return(assignment_form)
      @params = {
        button: '',
        assignment_form: {
          assignment_questionnaire: [{"assignment_id" => "1", "questionnaire_id" => "666", "dropdown" => "true",
                                      "questionnaire_weight" => "100", "notification_limit" => "15", "used_in_round" => "1"}],
          due_date: [{"id" => "", "parent_id" => "", "round" => "1", "deadline_type_id" => "1", "due_at" => "2017/12/05 00:00", "submission_allowed_id" => "3", "review_allowed_id" => "1", "teammate_review_allowed_id" => "3", "review_of_review_allowed_id" => "1", "threshold" => "1"},
                    {"id" => "", "parent_id" => "", "round" => "1", "deadline_type_id" => "2", "due_at" => "2017/12/02 00:00", "submission_allowed_id" => "1", "review_allowed_id" => "3", "teammate_review_allowed_id" => "3", "review_of_review_allowed_id" => "1", "threshold" => "1"}],
          assignment: {
            instructor_id: 2,
            course_id: 1,
            max_team_size: 1,
            id: 1,
            name: 'test assignment',
            directory_path: '/test',
            spec_location: '',
            private: false,
            show_teammate_reviews: false,
            require_quiz: false,
            num_quiz_questions: 0,
            staggered_deadline: false,
            microtask: false,
            reviews_visible_to_all: false,
            is_calibrated: false,
            availability_flag: true,
            reputation_algorithm: 'Lauw',
            heatgrid_metric: 'countofcomments',
            simicheck: -1,
            simicheck_threshold: 100
    context 'when assignment_form is saved successfully' do
      it 'redirects to assignment#edit page' do
        allow(assignment_form).to receive(:assignment).and_return(assignment)
        allow(assignment_form).to receive(:save).and_return(true)
        allow(assignment_form).to receive(:update).with(any_args).and_return(true)
        allow(assignment_form).to receive(:create_assignment_node).and_return(double('node'))
        allow(assignment).to receive(:id).and_return(1)
        allow(Assignment).to receive(:find_by).with(id: 1).and_return(assignment)
        allow_any_instance_of(AssignmentsController).to receive(:undo_link)
          .with('Assignment "test assignment" has been created successfully. ').and_return(true)
        post :create, @params
        expect(response).to redirect_to('/assignments/1/edit')
    context 'when assignment_form is not saved successfully' do
      it 'renders assignment#new page' do
        allow(assignment_form).to receive(:save).and_return(false)
        post :create, @params
        expect(response).to render_template(:new)
* Unit test cases are added to verify the logic of the number_of_comments_greater_than_10_words method of the vm_question_response model.
describe '#heatgrid_metric' do
    it 'returns countofcomments by default' do     
      assignment = create(:assignment)
      expect(assignment.heatgrid_metric).to eq('countofcomments')
    it 'none value can be selected' do
      assignment = build(:assignment, heatgrid_metric: '')
      expect(assignment.heatgrid_metric).to eq('')
= Issue 2019=

== Current Implementation ==
== Observations ==
The problem in this issue is when an instructor tries to Assign Grades to a student 9277 for an assignment Madeup Problem 3, he/she can only see the reviews for the last Review Round. However, the database (old database) we were provided with does not have any student with Student id: 9277, and the assignment Madeup Problem 3 doesn't exist.

=== Overview ===
In the current review system implementation, the instructor has the ability to select or deselect the "Review rubric varies by round?" checkbox from the "Rubrics" tab of the Edit Assignment page. On selecting this checkbox, the reviewer is able to see all Rounds of Reviews. However, when the checkbox is not selected, he/she can only see the review of the last round. Currently, while creating an assignment, the default value of this checkbox is set to false.
In the current implementation, the columns in the heatgrid table are static. The "metric-1" column in the table represents the count of comments for the respective question which have a word count greater than 10. On hovering over the column name, the correct information is displayed but the name itself does not make the information apparent at first glance.

=== UI Screenshots ===
=== UI Screenshots ===
The following image captures how the heatgrid is currently being displayed:
The following images show how this functionality works currently:
[[File:Rubrics-page.png ]]
As you can see, the instructor is able to see both the Round of reviews.

[[File:Summary Report.png|1200px|thumb|center]]
Now, if we deselect it, then the heatgrid metric view page looks as follows:-

== Refactoring ==

The header for the metric-1 column should be changed and it should display an appropriate name for the metric.

== Files to be Targeted ==
== Implementation ==
<li> app/views/grades/_view_heatgrid.html.erb:- View file for the Heat Grid. </li>
So, as mentioned above, it works as intended, so if the instructor wants to see all the rounds of reviews, he/she have to mark the checkbox "Review rubric varies by round?" to true, then only it can be done. So, for that, we have added a workaround, where we have set the value of the assignment to be true. For that, we created one migration that will set the value to true. Code looks as below:-
<li> app/views/grades/view_team.html.erb:- View file for the Team. </li>
<li> app/helpers/grades_helper.rb:- Focussing on the view_heatgrid function and  of the helper file. </li>
<li> app/controllers/grades_controller.rb:- Focussing on the populate_view_model function of the controller file. </li>
<li> app/models/vm_question_response.rb:- Focussing on the number_of_comments_greater_than_10_words function of the model file. </li>

== Test Plan ==
<li> Capybara Test cases for the heat grid view and team view should be added to check if the dropdown is visible as expected. </li>
class UpdateVaryByRoundToAssignments < ActiveRecord::Migration
<li> Spec test cases should be added for the grades controller should be added to verify the responses returned from the controller. </li>
  def change
<li> Unit test cases will be added to verify the logic of the number_of_comments_greater_than_10_words method of the vm_question_response model. </li>
    change_column :assignments, :vary_by_round, :boolean, :default => true

= Important Links =
= Important Links =
* GitHub repository link:
* GitHub repository link:
* GitHub repository PR link:
* Project Description Document:
* Project Description Document:
* GitHub Issue #1869:
* Video Link:
* GitHub Issue #2019:

= Team =
= Team =

Latest revision as of 01:48, 8 December 2021

Project Background

Heatgrid is the page where an instructor can visit and view the review scores, author feedback scores, and meta-review scores of the student. This web page displays all the evaluations done by the peers of the participant for his/her project. The scores of each questionnaire for a review are shown in a tabular format.

Overview of Issues

Heatgrid page can be navigated through the instructor's "Assign Grades" button or the student's "View Scores" button.

There are two issues assigned to us:-

  • Issue 1869: The first is that the column name "metric-1" in the heatgrid is not self-explanatory and needs to be changed. Also, we need to change it in such a way that in later stages if the instructor wants to add a new metric for the assignment, he/she should be able to add it with just minor changes.
  • Issue 2019: The problem in the second issue is when an instructor tries to Assign Grades to a student 9277 for Madeup Problem 3, he/she is not able to see the Round-1 Reviews. However, the database (old database) we were provided with does not have any student with Student id: 9277, and the assignment Madeup Problem 3 doesn't exist.

Issue 1869

Problem Definition

Note that there is a “metric-1” column in the review report, but it doesn’t say what the metric represents. The column header in the heatgrid review scores should be changed accordingly. However, the intent was that eventually an instructor would be allowed to select a metric to be shown on the heatgrid. So, somewhere in the UI for creating/editing an assignment, there should be a way for the instructor to select a metric from a dropdown list. The mechanism for adding a metric in the future has to be created.

Current Implementation


In the current implementation, the columns in the heatgrid table are static. The "metric-1" column in the table represents the count of comments for the respective question which have a word count greater than 10. On hovering over the column name, we can see the following message: "A count of comments, for the respective question, which have word count > 10. The purpose of this metric is to represent how many comments for the question are of a substantial length to provide quality feedback.". The information displayed is correct but the name itself does not make the information apparent at first glance.

UI Screenshots

The following image captures how the heatgrid is currently being displayed:

Plan of work

Implementation Detail

  • The _general.html.erb file is used for choosing the general properties of an assignment while creating and editing. For example:- Reputation Algorithm can be chosen through the general view of an assignment. In this, we have added a dropdown for selecting the metric to be displayed in the heatgrid. The default for this dropdown is set to "Verbose-Comment-Count" which was initially metric-1.
  • The view_html.html.erb file is responsible for rendering the heatgrid. In the view_team.html.erb, instead of hard-coded metric-1 column header, a switch case is defined which will select the metric chosen by the instructor.
  • Now, if the instructor wants to add any new metric, he/she just needs to add the method for calculating the new metric in the vm_question_response.rb file. In _general.html.erb, the instructor needs to add a new dropdown option for selecting this metric. Then the heatgrid_metric variable will be updated according to the instructor's selection. Now, in the view_team.html.erb, a new switch case needs to added to incorporate the newly added metric.

Implementation Control Flow

Proposed Control Flow For Adding a Metric

Detailed Implementation

  • In the database in the assignments table, one column named "heatgrid_metric" is added which will store the value of the dropdown menu.
  • app/views/assignments/edit/_general.html.erb:- In this file we have added the dropdown which takes the metric from the instructor and sets the metric accordingly. The code we added is mentioned below:-
    <td style='padding:5px' id='assignment_metrics_field'>
    <%= label_tag('assignment_form[assignment][heatgrid_metric]', 'Select a Metric to be displayed in the Report Heatgrid:') %>
    <%= select('assignment_form[assignment]', 'heatgrid_metric', [['--', ''], %w[Verbose-Comment-Count countofcomments]], 
    { :selected => @assignment_form.assignment.heatgrid_metric}, { :class => 'form-control', :style => 'width: 100px'}) %>

We have added assigned two values to the dropdown:- '--' and 'Verbose-Comment-Count'. This is how it looks after adding this dropdown on the expertiza:-

  • app/views/grades/view_team.html.erb:- In this file, there is a view for the heatgrid, so when the instructor clicks on Assign Grades, the view from this file is rendered. So, the column name is changed here from "metric-1" to "countofcomments" variable, which will take the store the value of the dropdown selected.

The code that we have changed is:-

<% case @assignment.heatgrid_metric %>
      <% when 'countofcomments' %>
      <th class="sorter-false">
      <span  data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="right" title="A count of comments, for the respective question, 
       which have word count > 10. The purpose of this metric is to represent how many comments for the question are 
       of a substantial length to provide quality feedback.">Verbose Comment Count</span>

This is how it now looks on expertiza:

Test Plan

  • Capybara Test cases for the heat grid view are added to select the value from the dropdown menu. Both the 'Verbose-Comment-Count' and '--' are added.
it "is able to create a public assignment with countofcomments metric" do
		visit "/assignments/new?private=0"

		fill_in 'assignment_form_assignment_name', with: 'public assignment for test'
		select('Course 2', from: 'assignment_form_assignment_course_id')
		fill_in 'assignment_form_assignment_directory_path', with: 'testDirectory'
		fill_in 'assignment_form_assignment_spec_location', with: 'testLocation'
		expect(page).to have_select("assignment_form[assignment][reputation_algorithm]", options: %w[-- Hamer Lauw])
		select "Verbose-Comment-Count", from: 'countsofcomment'

		click_button 'Create'
		assignment = Assignment.where(name: 'public assignment for test').first
		expect(assignment).to have_attributes(
			name: 'public assignment for test',
			course_id: Course.find_by(name: 'Course 2').id,
			directory_path: 'testDirectory',
			spec_location: 'testLocation',
			microtask: true,
			is_calibrated: true,
			availability_flag: false,
			heatgrid_metric: 'countofcomments'

	it "is able to create a public assignment with no metrics expected" do
		visit "/assignments/new?private=0"

		fill_in 'assignment_form_assignment_name', with: 'public assignment for test'
		select('Course 2', from: 'assignment_form_assignment_course_id')
		fill_in 'assignment_form_assignment_directory_path', with: 'testDirectory'
		fill_in 'assignment_form_assignment_spec_location', with: 'testLocation'
		expect(page).to have_select("assignment_form[assignment][reputation_algorithm]", options: %w[-- Hamer Lauw])
		select "--", from: 'countsofcomment'

		click_button 'Create'
		assignment = Assignment.where(name: 'public assignment for test').first
		expect(assignment).to have_attributes(
			name: 'public assignment for test',
			course_id: Course.find_by(name: 'Course 2').id,
			directory_path: 'testDirectory',
			spec_location: 'testLocation',
			microtask: true,
			is_calibrated: true,
			availability_flag: false,
			heatgrid_metric: ''

Spec test cases are added for the grades controller should be added to verify the responses returned from the controller.

describe '#create with countofcomments' do
    before(:each) do
      allow(AssignmentForm).to receive(:new).with(any_args).and_return(assignment_form)
      @params = {
        button: '',
        assignment_form: {
          assignment_questionnaire: [{"assignment_id" => "1", "questionnaire_id" => "666", "dropdown" => "true",
                                      "questionnaire_weight" => "100", "notification_limit" => "15", "used_in_round" => "1"}],
          due_date: [{"id" => "", "parent_id" => "", "round" => "1", "deadline_type_id" => "1", "due_at" => "2017/12/05 00:00", "submission_allowed_id" => "3", "review_allowed_id" => "1", "teammate_review_allowed_id" => "3", "review_of_review_allowed_id" => "1", "threshold" => "1"},
                     {"id" => "", "parent_id" => "", "round" => "1", "deadline_type_id" => "2", "due_at" => "2017/12/02 00:00", "submission_allowed_id" => "1", "review_allowed_id" => "3", "teammate_review_allowed_id" => "3", "review_of_review_allowed_id" => "1", "threshold" => "1"}],
          assignment: {
            instructor_id: 2,
            course_id: 1,
            max_team_size: 1,
            id: 1,
            name: 'test assignment',
            directory_path: '/test',
            spec_location: '',
            private: false,
            show_teammate_reviews: false,
            require_quiz: false,
            num_quiz_questions: 0,
            staggered_deadline: false,
            microtask: false,
            reviews_visible_to_all: false,
            is_calibrated: false,
            availability_flag: true,
            reputation_algorithm: 'Lauw',
            heatgrid_metric: 'countofcomments',
            simicheck: -1,
            simicheck_threshold: 100
    context 'when assignment_form is saved successfully' do
      it 'redirects to assignment#edit page' do
        allow(assignment_form).to receive(:assignment).and_return(assignment)
        allow(assignment_form).to receive(:save).and_return(true)
        allow(assignment_form).to receive(:update).with(any_args).and_return(true)
        allow(assignment_form).to receive(:create_assignment_node).and_return(double('node'))
        allow(assignment).to receive(:id).and_return(1)
        allow(Assignment).to receive(:find_by).with(id: 1).and_return(assignment)
        allow_any_instance_of(AssignmentsController).to receive(:undo_link)
          .with('Assignment "test assignment" has been created successfully. ').and_return(true)
        post :create, @params
        expect(response).to redirect_to('/assignments/1/edit')

    context 'when assignment_form is not saved successfully' do
      it 'renders assignment#new page' do
        allow(assignment_form).to receive(:save).and_return(false)
        post :create, @params
        expect(response).to render_template(:new)
  • Unit test cases are added to verify the logic of the number_of_comments_greater_than_10_words method of the vm_question_response model.
describe '#heatgrid_metric' do
    it 'returns countofcomments by default' do      
      assignment = create(:assignment)
      expect(assignment.heatgrid_metric).to eq('countofcomments')

    it 'none value can be selected' do
      assignment = build(:assignment, heatgrid_metric: '')
      expect(assignment.heatgrid_metric).to eq('')

Issue 2019


The problem in this issue is when an instructor tries to Assign Grades to a student 9277 for an assignment Madeup Problem 3, he/she can only see the reviews for the last Review Round. However, the database (old database) we were provided with does not have any student with Student id: 9277, and the assignment Madeup Problem 3 doesn't exist.

In the current review system implementation, the instructor has the ability to select or deselect the "Review rubric varies by round?" checkbox from the "Rubrics" tab of the Edit Assignment page. On selecting this checkbox, the reviewer is able to see all Rounds of Reviews. However, when the checkbox is not selected, he/she can only see the review of the last round. Currently, while creating an assignment, the default value of this checkbox is set to false.

UI Screenshots

The following images show how this functionality works currently:

As you can see, the instructor is able to see both the Round of reviews.

Now, if we deselect it, then the heatgrid metric view page looks as follows:-


So, as mentioned above, it works as intended, so if the instructor wants to see all the rounds of reviews, he/she have to mark the checkbox "Review rubric varies by round?" to true, then only it can be done. So, for that, we have added a workaround, where we have set the value of the assignment to be true. For that, we created one migration that will set the value to true. Code looks as below:-

class UpdateVaryByRoundToAssignments < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def change
    change_column :assignments, :vary_by_round, :boolean, :default => true

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  • Shlok Sayani (sdsayani)
  • Hardik Udeshi (hvudeshi)
  • Isha Gupta (igupta)
  • Manish Shinde (msshinde)