CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2020 - E2083. Revision planning tool E2016: Difference between revisions

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(7 intermediate revisions by 3 users not shown)
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To implement revision planning, [ E2016] added <code>is_revision_planning_enabled</code> (Boolean) to <code>Assignment</code> and <code>team_id</code> to <code>Question</code>. Adding a Boolean to enable revision planning for an assignment makes sense, but having certain questions belong to a team is not a clean implementation. Instead, we will create a new questionnaire that will belong to each team and keep track of the set of questions. We will use this new questionnaire to separate the revision plan responses and responses to other items in heat-grid view by creating a different table for each.
To implement revision planning, [ E2016] added <code>is_revision_planning_enabled</code> (Boolean) to <code>Assignment</code> and <code>team_id</code> to <code>Question</code>. Adding a Boolean to enable revision planning for an assignment makes sense, but having certain questions belong to a team is not a clean implementation. Instead, we will create a new questionnaire that will belong to each team and keep track of the set of questions. We will use this new questionnaire to separate the revision plan responses and responses to other items in heat-grid view by creating a different table for each.

===Files Modified - Under progress===
===Files Modified===
This is a list of files modified and added. The list will be updated as the implementation progresses.
This is a list of files modified and added. The list will be updated as the implementation progresses.
Line 46: Line 46:

Line 55: Line 56:
*db/migrate/20201106020642_create_revision_plan_team_maps.rb /
*db/migrate/20201106020642_create_revision_plan_team_maps.rb /

Line 361: Line 364:

This methods gets questions sorted by sequence from review and revision questionnaire and merges them in a single list.
This methods gets questions sorted by sequence from review and revision questionnaire, and merges them in a single list.

   def set_questions_for_new_response
   def set_questions_for_new_response
Line 433: Line 436:
'''Bug fix:''' The existing implementation has a bug where the first question in a questionnaire is displayed last in response. This was fixed as well.
'''Bug fix:''' The existing implementation has a bug where the first question in a questionnaire is displayed last in response. This was fixed as well.

====Summary Report Page - Under progress====
====Summary Report Page====
When a project has been reviewed at least once, a participant is able to view their team's score.  The UI below shows what this looks like after the second round of reviews.  For the second and all subsequent reviews, the results of questions that were created by the instructor are shown under '''Assignment Questionnaire.'''  The results of the questions created by the team are shown under '''Improvement Plan.'''
When a project has been reviewed at least once, a participant is able to view their team's score.  The UI below shows what this looks like after the second round of reviews.  For the second and all subsequent reviews, the results of questions that were created by the instructor are shown under '''Assignment Questionnaire.'''  The results of the questions created by the team are shown under '''Improvement Plan.'''

Line 590: Line 593:
[[File:Revision Planning Control Flow Diagram.jpeg|400px|thumb|center|Control Flow of the Revision Planning Function]]
[[File:Revision Planning Control Flow Diagram.jpeg|400px|thumb|center|Control Flow of the Revision Planning Function]]

===Test Plan - Under progress===
===Test Plan===

====RSpec Testing====
====RSpec Testing====
Line 597: Line 600:

*spec/controllers/response_controller_spec.rb: Updated spec to pass build by stubbing <code>get_questions</code> method.
*spec/factories/revision_plan_factory.rb: Factories can be used to create objects unique to revision plans, including: <code>RevisionPlanQuestionnaire</code> <code>RevisionPlanTeamMap</code>
*spec/controllers/revision_plan_questionnaires_controller_spec.rb: Add four examples to test revision plan questionnaires controller
  describe '#action_allowed?' do
      context 'when params action is edit or update' do
        before(:each) do
          controller.params = {id: '1', action: 'edit',team_id: 1}
          controller.request.session[:user] = student
        context 'when the role name of current user is super admin or admin' do
        context 'when current user is the student of current questionnaires' do
        context 'when current user is a student but not of the team' do
      context 'when params action is not edit and update' do

*spec/controllers/revision_plan_questionnaires_controller_spec.rb: test revision plan questionnaire can be created and edited.

*spec/controllers/assignments_controller_spec.rb: create and validate an assignment with revision planning enabled.

*spec/controllers/response_controller_spec.rb: Updated spec to pass build by stubbing <code>get_questions</code> method.
*spec/models/response_spec.rb: Updated spec to pass build by updating expected html output.

*spec/models/review_response_map_spec.rb: Updated spec to pass build by updating expected html output.


* spec/features/assignment_creation_general_tab_spec.rb

*spec/models/response_spec.rb: Updated spec to pass build by updating expected html output.
Test if checking box tag <code>Revision Planning?</code> enables revision planning.

*spec/models/review_response_map_spec.rb: Updated spec to pass build by updating expected html output.
  it "should enable revision planning" do
      click_button 'Save'
      assignment = Assignment.where(name: 'edit assignment for test').first
      expect(assignment).to have_attributes(
          name: 'edit assignment for test',
          course_id: Course.find_by(name: 'Course 2').id,
          directory_path: 'testDirectory1',
          spec_location: 'testLocation1',
          is_revision_planning_enabled: true,

====Manual Testing====
====Manual Testing====

Latest revision as of 17:52, 24 November 2020

This page provides a description of the Expertiza based OSS project.


Rounds of peer reviews may be implemented between submissions for assignments on Expertiza. In order to better track the implementation of reviewer's suggestions, a Revision Planning Tool should be implemented.

Problem Statement

In the first round of Expertiza reviews, we ask reviewers to give authors some guidance on how to improve their work. Then in the second round, reviewers rate how well authors have followed their suggestions. We could carry the interaction one step further if we asked authors to make up a revision plan based on the first-round reviews. That is, authors would say what they were planning to do to improve their work. Then second-round reviewers would assess how well they did it. In essence, this means that authors would be adding criteria to the second-round rubric that applied only to their submission. We are interested in having this implemented and used in a class so that we can study its effect.

Previous Implementations

Revision planning has been implemented twice before, once in E1875 and once in E2016. While the functionality worked and effectively minimized changes to the code, they also had the following problems:

  • Hardcoded “round” numbers in many places of the code.
  • Documentation does not reflect the new changes they made.
  • Revision planning responses and responses to the other items are not distinguished in heatgrid view.
  • The idea of adding a team_id field to each question is intuitive. However, they failed to come up with a clean implementation of this idea. Specifically, they had passed some trailing parameters several methods down before reaching the place that needs them.


To implement revision planning, E2016 added is_revision_planning_enabled (Boolean) to Assignment and team_id to Question. Adding a Boolean to enable revision planning for an assignment makes sense, but having certain questions belong to a team is not a clean implementation. Instead, we will create a new questionnaire that will belong to each team and keep track of the set of questions. We will use this new questionnaire to separate the revision plan responses and responses to other items in heat-grid view by creating a different table for each.

Files Modified

This is a list of files modified and added. The list will be updated as the implementation progresses.

  • app/controllers/advice_controller.rb
  • app/controllers/grades_controller.rb
  • app/controllers/questionnaires_controller.rb
  • app/controllers/questions_controller.rb
  • app/controllers/response_controller.rb
  • app/controllers/student_task_controller.rb
  • app/helpers/summary_helper.rb
  • app/helpers/grades_helper.rb
  • app/models/questionnaire.rb
  • app/models/response.rb
  • app/models/student_task.rb
  • app/models/vm_question_response.rb
  • app/models/on_the_fly_calc.rb
  • app/views/advice/edit_advice.html.erb
  • app/views/assignments/edit/_general.html.erb
  • app/views/grades/view_team.html.erb
  • app/views/questionnaires/_questionnaire.html.erb
  • app/views/response/response.html.erb
  • app/views/student_task/view.html.erb
  • config/routes.rb
  • db/schema.rb
  • spec/controllers/response_controller_spec.rb
  • spec/models/response_spec.rb
  • spec/models/review_response_map_spec.rb
  • spec/features/assignment_creation_general_tab_spec.rb


  • app/controllers/revision_plan_questionnaires_controller.rb
  • app/models/revision_plan_questionnaire.rb
  • app/models/revision_plan_team_map.rb
  • app/views/questionnaires/_questions.html.erb
  • app/views/revision_plan_questionnaires/edit.html.erb
  • db/migrate/20201106020642_create_revision_plan_team_maps.rb /
  • db/migrate/20201105023711_add_is_revison_planning_enabled_to_assignments.rb
  • spec/controllers/revision_plan_questionnaires_controller_spec.rb
  • spec/factories/revision_plan_factory.rb


Database Design

Items in green are additions.


  • In the assignment table we have added is_revision_planning_enabled? column to indicate whether the assignment accepts a revision plan along with review rubric.
  • RevisionPlanTeamMap maps a questionnaire to an assignment team and round. This will map to a questionnaire of type revision plan that will be created by the revewee.
  • RevisionPlanQuestionnaire extends Questionnaire using single table inheritance.

User Interface

Enable Revision Planning

In order to enable Revision Planning, the setting must be enabled when creating or editing an assignment under the General tab. The wireframe below demonstrates creating an assignment, and editing the assignment functions similarly. Revision plan? should be checked to enable this option.

Initial Wireframe
Wireframe of Enabling Assignment's Revision Planning
Final UI
Create New Assignment page in the UI, with added Revision Planning checkbox
  • Added a Boolean field is_revision_planning_enabled to Assignment that saves whether revision planning is enabled.


   class AddIsRevisonPlanningEnabledToAssignments < ActiveRecord::Migration
     def change
       add_column :assignments, :is_revision_planning_enabled, :boolean, default: false
  • Add checkbox to enable revision planning in edit assignment view.


     <input name="assignment_form[assignment][is_revision_planning_enabled]" type="hidden" value="false"/>
     <%= check_box_tag('assignment_form[assignment][is_revision_planning_enabled]', 'true', @assignment_form.assignment.is_revision_planning_enabled) %>
     <%= label_tag('assignment_form[assignment][is_revision_planning_enabled]', 'Revision Planning?') %>

Assignment Overview Page (contains the Link to the revision planning page)

The Revision Planning link is available to students during every submission period (except the first round submission) and not available during every review period. As shown in the wireframe, by clicking Revision Planning students would be redirected to the ‘Revision planning page’.

Initial Wireframe
Wireframe of Assignment Overview Page
Final UI
Submit or Review Work page demonstrating added Revision Planning link
  • Show link to revision planning page when revision planning is enabled for an assignment, round 1 has passed and current stage is submission.

In order to check if a team is allowed to submit a revision plan @can_submit_revision_plan field is added to StudentTaskController's view action. If a revision plan questionnaire (@revision_plan_questionnaire_id) exists for the current round then clicking the link performs RevisionPlanQuestionnairesController's edit action else new action is performed.


 <% if @team && @assignment.is_revision_planning_enabled %>
     <% if @can_submit_revision_plan %>
       <% if @revision_plan_questionnaire_id %>
         <%= link_to "Revision Planning", controller: 'revision_plan_questionnaires', action: 'edit', id: @revision_plan_questionnaire_id %> 
       <% else %>
         <%= link_to "Revision Planning", controller: 'revision_plan_questionnaires', action: 'new', team_id: @team %>
       <% end %>
       (Add new questions to next-round rubric)
     <% else %>
       <font color="gray">Revision Planning</font> (You are not allowed to submit your revison plan right now)
     <% end %>


 def view
   student_task = StudentTask.from_participant_id params[:id]
   # Revision plan feature
   @can_submit_revision_plan = student_task.can_submit_revision_plan?
   @revision_plan_questionnaire_id = student_task.revision_plan_questionnaire_id


 def current_round
 def can_submit_revision_plan?
   current_stage == 'submission' && current_round > 1
 def revision_plan_questionnaire_id
   RevisionPlanTeamMap.find_by(team:, used_in_round: current_round).try(:questionnaire_id)

Editing the Revision Plan Questionnaire

After creating the Revision Plan Questionnaire, it must be edited. Questions can be added by specifying the amount of questions and their type. Questions can be removed by clicking Remove in the leftmost column. Once the questionnaire is complete, it can be saved. This page will be visible during each submission period after the first and will be unavailable during all review periods.

Initial Wireframe
Wireframe of Editing an Assignment's Revision Plan
Final UI
Edit Revision Plan page demonstrating added view
  • Create a model RevisionPlanTeamMap that maps a revision plan to a team and stores information of the round it is used in.


 class RevisionPlanTeamMap < ActiveRecord::Base
   belongs_to :team
   belongs_to :questionnaire


 class CreateRevisionPlanTeamMaps < ActiveRecord::Migration
   def change
     create_table :revision_plan_team_maps do |t|
       t.references :team, index: true, foreign_key: true
       t.references :questionnaire, index: true, foreign_key: true
       t.integer :used_in_round
       t.timestamps null: false
  • Create a Revision Plan Questionnaire Model and Controller


Added a model for revision plan questionnaire. The code provides method to get questionnaire for a current round based on team.

 def self.get_questionnaire_for_current_round(team_id)
   assignment_team = Team.find(team_id)
   assignment = assignment_team.assignment
   current_round = assignment.number_of_current_round(assignment_team.topic)
   questionnaire = RevisionPlanTeamMap.find_by(team: assignment_team, used_in_round: current_round).try(:questionnaire)
   unless questionnaire
     questionnaire = = 'Revision Plan Questionnaire'
     questionnaire.instructor_id = assignment.instructor_id
     questionnaire.max_question_score = 5
     questionnaire_team_map = RevisionPlanTeamMap.create(team_id:, used_in_round: current_round, questionnaire_id:
   return questionnaire

This method returns the team associated to a revision plan questionnaire.

 def team


Added a new type of questionnaire 'RevisionPlanQuestionnaire' to QUESTIONNAIRE_TYPES

 QUESTIONNAIRE_TYPES = ['ReviewQuestionnaire',


Added a controller RevisionPlanQuestionnairesController. The controller derives from QuestionnairesController, it overrides the new action to allow creation of a RevisionPlanQuestionnaire for a team. It also updates permissions for controller.

 def action_allowed?
   case params[:action]
   when 'edit'
     questionnaire = Questionnaire.find(params[:id]) { |u| }.include? session[:user].id || super
     (user_logged_in? && { |u| }.include?(session[:user].id)) || super
 def new
     questionnaire = RevisionPlanQuestionnaire.get_questionnaire_for_current_round(params[:team_id])
     redirect_to action: 'edit', id:
   rescue StandardError
     flash[:error] = $ERROR_INFO


Add routes for RevisionPlanQuestionnairesController.

 resources :revision_plan_questionnaires, controller: :revision_plan_questionnaires, only: %i[new edit update] do
   collection do
     post :add_new_questions
     post :save_all_questions
  • Add a view to edit Revision Plan


 <%= render :partial => 'question_weight' %>
 <h1>Edit <%= @questionnaire.display_type %></h1>
 <%= render :partial => 'questions' %>
 <br />
 <a href="javascript:window.history.back()">Back</a>
  • Refactor code to display questions into a partial. Allows for code reuse.


Updated redirect_to links for add_new_questions and save_all_questions methods.

 redirect_to action: 'edit', id: questionnaire_id.to_sym


This file generates a view to edit/create a new questionnaire. It has functionality to display questions and some functions that are not needed for revision plan questionnaire. To enable code reuse the functionality to add/edit/remove/save questions was moved to a new partial app/views/questionnaires/_questions.html.erb.


  • Add code to allow users to delete questions from revision plan questionnaire.


Update authorization code to allow a user to remove questions from his teams revision plan.

 def action_allowed?
   if ['destroy'].include?(params[:action])
     question = Question.find(params[:id])
     if(user_logged_in? && question.questionnaire.owner?(session[:user].id))
       return true
 def destroy
   if(question.questionnaire.type == 'RevisionPlanQuestionnaire')
     redirect_to edit_revision_plan_questionnaire_path(questionnaire_id.to_s.to_sym)
     redirect_to edit_questionnaire_path(questionnaire_id.to_s.to_sym)


Method returns true if user owns questionnaire.

 def owner?(user_id)
   instructor_id == user_id


Overrides implementation for owner? defined in Questionnaire to return true if a team owns the questionnaire.

 def owner?(user_id){ |u| }.include?(user_id) || super
  • Add code to allow users to access show/edit advice functionality for revision plan questions.


Update authorization code to allow a user to update advice his teams revision plan.

 def action_allowed?
   questionnaire = Questionnaire.find(params[:id])
   if(user_logged_in? && questionnaire.owner?(session[:user].id))
     return true


Update 'Back to questionnaire' link.

 <% if @questionnaire.type == 'RevisionPlanQuestionnaire'%>
   <%= link_to 'Back to questionnaire', :controller => 'revision_plan_questionnaires', :action => 'edit', :id => %>
 <% else %>
   <%= link_to 'Back to questionnaire', :controller => 'questionnaires', :action => 'edit', :id => %>
 <% end %>

Reviewing an Assignment

Once the Revision Plan Questionnaire and its resubmission round have been finished, the Revision Plan Questionnaire is appended to the Assignment Questionnaire for that round.

Initial Wireframe
Wireframe of Completing a Review for an Assignment
Final UI
Review page demonstrating added Revision Plan questions
  • Add Revision Plan questions to Response


This methods gets questions sorted by sequence from review and revision questionnaire, and merges them in a single list.

 def set_questions_for_new_response
   @questions = sort_questions(@questionnaire.questions)
   if(@assignment && @assignment.is_revision_planning_enabled)
     reviewees_topic = SignedUpTeam.topic_id_by_team_id(
     current_round = @assignment.number_of_current_round(reviewees_topic)
     @revision_plan_questionnaire = RevisionPlanTeamMap.find_by(team_id: @map.reviewee_id, used_in_round: current_round).try(:questionnaire)
       @questions += sort_questions(@revision_plan_questionnaire.questions)
   return @questions

This method gets questions from a response instead of questionnaire. We use this when response has already been created.

 def set_questions
   @questions = @response.get_questions


Added a method to get all the questionnaires for a response, response is a collection of answers. Answers contain reference to their question, and question have a reference to questionnaire.

 def questionnaires_by_answers(answers)
   answers_with_questionnaires ={ |ans|  ans && ans.question && ans.question.questionnaire }
   questionnaires = answers_with_questionnaires.collect{ |ans| ans.question.questionnaire }.uniq
     questionnaires = []
     questionnaires << questionnaire_by_answer(answers.first)

This method gets all the questions for a response.

 def get_questions
   @questions = []
   questionnaires = questionnaires_by_answers(scores)
   questionnaires.each {|questionnaire| @questions += questionnaire.questions }
   return @questions
  • Separating questions by their questionnaire type


construct_review_response method has been updated to create separate tables for review questions, revision questions and additional comment.


Add a method to check if heading is to be displayed for the questionnaire.

 def display_heading?
   return false


Overriding the method defined in questionnaire.rb to display heading for revision plan questionnaire.

 def display_heading?
   return true


View groups questions by questionnaire type and then adds a heading for questionnaires that return true for display_heading?.

Bug fix: The existing implementation has a bug where the first question in a questionnaire is displayed last in response. This was fixed as well.

Summary Report Page

When a project has been reviewed at least once, a participant is able to view their team's score. The UI below shows what this looks like after the second round of reviews. For the second and all subsequent reviews, the results of questions that were created by the instructor are shown under Assignment Questionnaire. The results of the questions created by the team are shown under Improvement Plan.

Initial Wireframe
Wireframe of Summary Report for an Assignment
Final UI
Summary Report page demonstrating added Revision Plan heatgrid
  • Show revision plan questions in heat grid.

Heat grids for review responses are currently implemented in a view model defined in vm_question_response.rb. All functionality of this view model has remained in place, and additional responses are passed to it to create the additional heat grids for revision plan responses.


The method generate_heatgrid was created from the original code shared by both view_heatgrid and view_team in app/controllers/grades_controller, but with the additional functionality of checking for Revision Plans in responses. When assignment.vary_by_round, an additional heatgrid is added for each round of Revision Planning. When !assignment.vary_by_round, only one heatgrid is added for the Revision Plan used in the most recent round of review.

 def generate_heatgrid(participant, assignment, team, team_id, questionnaires, vmlist)
   counter_for_revisions = -1
   counter_for_same_rubric = 0
   questionnaires.each do |questionnaire|
     if assignment.vary_by_round? && questionnaire.type == "ReviewQuestionnaire"
       questionnaires = AssignmentQuestionnaire.where(assignment_id:, questionnaire_id:
       if questionnaires.count > 1
         @round = questionnaires[counter_for_same_rubric].used_in_round
         counter_for_same_rubric += 1
         @round = questionnaires[0].used_in_round
         counter_for_same_rubric = 0
     add_response_to_vmlist(participant, assignment, team, questionnaire, vmlist, @round)
     if assignment.vary_by_round? && assignment.is_revision_planning_enabled?
       rp_questionnaire = RevisionPlanTeamMap.find_by(team: Team.find(team_id), used_in_round: counter_for_revisions).try(:questionnaire)
       if rp_questionnaire
         add_response_to_vmlist(participant, assignment, team, rp_questionnaire, vmlist, @round)
       counter_for_revisions += 1
     elsif assignment.is_revision_planning_enabled? && questionnaire == questionnaires.last
       if assignment.get_current_stage == "Finished"
         current_round = assignment.rounds_of_reviews
         reviewees_topic = SignedUpTeam.topic_id_by_team_id(
         current_round = assignment.number_of_current_round(reviewees_topic)
       rp_questionnaire = RevisionPlanTeamMap.find_by(team: Team.find(team_id), used_in_round: current_round).try(:questionnaire)
       if rp_questionnaire
         add_response_to_vmlist(participant, assignment, team, rp_questionnaire, vmlist, @round)

The method add_response_to_vmlist was added to refactor the code that is used multiple times to add another review to the view model.

 def add_response_to_vmlist(participant, assignment, team, questionnaire, vmlist, round)
   vm =, assignment, round)
   vmquestions = questionnaire.questions
   vm.add_reviews(participant, team, assignment.vary_by_round)
   vmlist << vm


Bug Fix: Reverted get_sentences back to version in master branch to prevent Active Record Error caused by beta version of code.

 def get_sentences(ans)
   unless ans.comments.nil?
     ans.comments.gsub!(/[.?!]/, '\1|')
     sentences = ans.comments.split('|')!(&:strip)


Allow RevisionPlanQuestionnaires to be added to the view model in the same way as ReviewQuestionnaires.

 if (@questionnaire_type == "ReviewQuestionnaire" or @questionnaire_type == "RevisionPlanQuestionnaire")


Print round number headings for Revision Plan heat grids.

 <% if vm.questionnaire_type == "ReviewQuestionnaire" or vm.questionnaire_type == "RevisionPlanQuestionnaire"%>
  • Separated Review and Revision Plan questions in response


Created separate arrays for ReviewQuestionnaire questions and RevsionPlanQuestionnaire questions. Added headings for Review Responses and Revision Plan Responses.

 review_questions = []
 revision_plan_questions = []
 #begin table for Review Responses
 map = ResponseMap.find(self.map_id)
 unless map.is_a? ReviewResponseMap
   code = add_table_rows questionnaire_max, questions, answers, code, tag_prompt_deployments, current_user
   assignment = map.assignment
   questions.each do |question|
     if(question.questionnaire.type == 'ReviewQuestionnaire')
     elsif(question.questionnaire.type == 'RevisionPlanQuestionnaire')
   code = add_table_rows questionnaire_max, review_questions, answers, code, tag_prompt_deployments, current_user
   if assignment.is_revision_planning_enabled
   #end table for Review Responses and begin table for Revision Plan Responses
     code = add_table_rows questionnaire_max, revision_plan_questions, answers, code, tag_prompt_deployments, current_user
  • Refactored view_team and view_heatgrid


The code in the view_team method was almost identical to the code in the view_heatgrid method in app/helpers/grades_helper.rb. It was refactored into a new method generate_heatgrid in app/helpers/grades_helper.rb and used in view_team.

 def view_team
   @participant = AssignmentParticipant.find(params[:id])
   @assignment = @participant.assignment
   @team =
   @team_id =
   questionnaires = @assignment.questionnaires
   @questions = retrieve_questions questionnaires,
   @pscore = @participant.scores(@questions)
   @vmlist = []
   generate_heatgrid(@participant, @assignment, @team, @team_id, questionnaires, @vmlist)
   @current_role_name = current_role_name


The code in the view_heatgrid method was almost identical to the code in the view_team method in app/controllers/grades_controller.rb. It was refactored into a new method generate_heatgrid and used in view_heatgrid.

 def view_heatgrid(participant_id, type)
   # get participant, team, questionnaires for assignment.
   @participant = AssignmentParticipant.find(participant_id)
   @assignment = @participant.assignment
   @team =
   @team_id =
   @type = type
   questionnaires = @assignment.questionnaires
   @vmlist = []
   generate_heatgrid(@participant, @assignment, @team, @team_id, questionnaires, @vmlist)
   render "grades/view_heatgrid.html.erb"

Control Flow Diagram

Control Flow of the Revision Planning Function

Test Plan

RSpec Testing

The RSpec tests are written to test both controller and models.


  • spec/controllers/response_controller_spec.rb: Updated spec to pass build by stubbing get_questions method.
  • spec/factories/revision_plan_factory.rb: Factories can be used to create objects unique to revision plans, including: RevisionPlanQuestionnaire RevisionPlanTeamMap
  • spec/controllers/revision_plan_questionnaires_controller_spec.rb: Add four examples to test revision plan questionnaires controller
  describe '#action_allowed?' do
     context 'when params action is edit or update' do
       before(:each) do
         controller.params = {id: '1', action: 'edit',team_id: 1}
         controller.request.session[:user] = student
       context 'when the role name of current user is super admin or admin' do
       context 'when current user is the student of current questionnaires' do
       context 'when current user is a student but not of the team' do
     context 'when params action is not edit and update' do


  • spec/models/response_spec.rb: Updated spec to pass build by updating expected html output.
  • spec/models/review_response_map_spec.rb: Updated spec to pass build by updating expected html output.


  • spec/features/assignment_creation_general_tab_spec.rb

Test if checking box tag Revision Planning? enables revision planning.

 it "should enable revision planning" do
     click_button 'Save'
     assignment = Assignment.where(name: 'edit assignment for test').first
     expect(assignment).to have_attributes(
         name: 'edit assignment for test',
         course_id: Course.find_by(name: 'Course 2').id,
         directory_path: 'testDirectory1',
         spec_location: 'testLocation1',
         is_revision_planning_enabled: true,

Manual Testing

Manual testing aims to verify the following:

  • Create an assignment with revision planning enabled.
  • Are participants allowed to create/edit revision plan when round 1+ (1 or greater than 1) reviews have finished.
  • Is revision plan editing disabled when assignment is in review stage.
  • Are reviewers shown questions created by reviewees.
  • Are participants shown summary of score for revision plan after review deadline has expired.

Team Members

Chaitanya Mehta (cmehta)
Darby Madewell (demadewe)
Dongni Yang (dyang23)
Sidharth Mehta (smehta22)
Mentor: Yulin Zhang (yzhan114)


  1. Previous Implementation: E1875 wiki, E2016 wiki
  2. Forked Repository: E2083 github
  3. Pull Request: E2083 pull request
  4. Demo: E2083 demo video
  5. Deployment: temporary deployment link