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==Project Introduction==
==Project Introduction==
assignment_team.rb is the child class of team.rb. It is used to manage student teams in assignments.
There are not enough unit tests for this model in expertiza. The following tests are added to assignment_team.rb in this project.
assignment_team.rb is the child class of team.rb. It is used to handle multiple problems relates to team in the assignment. Its responsibilities can mainly fall in three categories: participant of the team, reviews of the team, and the operation for the whole team. For the participant, it can be used to decide if a participant is in a given team and view the members of the team or remove a member. For reviews, it deals with the problem that getting the reviews for the team, assign reviewer for the team and get if the team has been reviewed by a specific reviewers. For the whole team, we can delete the team or view the scores, etc. by using this class.
Make sure assignment_team.rb provides all functions as expected is important for the whole system. It requires enough tests for all the functions and the edge cases may occur. However, there are not enough unit tests for this model in expertiza. The following tests are added to assignment_team.rb in this project.
To make sure we can cover as many conditions as we can(the objective for this project is getting at least 90% coverage rate), we first design test cases. The following factors are taking into considerations: the expected functions for each method, the possible edge cases and the pre-conditions for each cases. Then we get the unit test plan and complete the test following test steps.
==Memebers of Project==
Jianshu Zhang
Wanjing Kuang
Wei Wu
Zhewei Hu
==File Involvement==
==Test Plan==
1. two test cases for method "include?": When the team includes a given participant and When the team doesn't include a given participant
2. one test case for method "parent_model": It returns "Assignment" when the method is called.
3. two test cases for method "self.parent_model(id)": When it's given a correct id and When it's given an incorrect id.
4. one test case for method "fullname": When the participant has an full name.
5. one test case for method "review_map_type": It returns ReviewResponseMap when the method is called.
6. one test case for method "self.prototype": It returns an new instance of AssignmentTeam when the method is called.
7. two test cases for method "assign_reviewer(reviewer)": When the team has an assignment and When the assignment record can not be found.
8. one test case for method "reviewd_by?": When it gets correct reviewer and returns true as an result.
9. one test case for method " topic": When it returns the correct id.
10. three test cases for method "has_submissions?": When the team doesn't submit any file or link, when team submits a link instead of files and
when the team submits some files.
11. two test cases for method "participants": When no participants in this team and When adding some participants and get all the participants.
12. one test case for method "add_participant": When adding an participant, it will return an instance of AssignmentParticipant.
13. two test cases for method " delete and destroy": Testing delete and destory.
14. one test case for method "get_first_member": Let a team have two members, the first assigned member is expected to be returned by this method.
15. two test cases for method "hyoerlinks": the current teams submitted hyperlinks and not submitted the hyperlinks
16.three test cases for method "submit_hyperlink":  the hyperlink is empty, the hyperlink is not empty and it calls the method on NET::HTTP,the hyperlink is not empty and it raises error
17.three test cases for method "team": the participant is nil, the participant exists and the team user exists
18.two test cases for method "export_files": an exception is expected if team is not exist or a new exported file is expected.

==Unit Tests==
==Unit Tests==
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===Unit Test Cases===
===Unit Test Cases===
====Testing include?====
2 test cases are designed to test this method:
1. The team includes a given participant.
      let(:assignment_team) { build(:assignment_team, id: 1, parent_id: 1, name: "full name") }
      let(:participant1) { build(:participant, id: 2, user: user) }
      it "returns true" do
        allow(assignment_team).to receive(:add_participants).with(participant1)
2. The team doesn't include a given participant.
      let(:assignment_team) { build(:assignment_team, id: 1, parent_id: 1, name: "full name") }
      let(:participant1) { build(:participant, id: 2, user: user) }
      let(:participant2) { build(:participant, id: 3) }
      it "returns false" do
        allow(assignment_team).to receive(:add_participants).with(participant1)
====Testing parent_model====
1 test case is designed to test this method:
      it "returns Assignment as result" do
        expect(assignment_team.parent_model).to eq("Assignment")
====Testing self.parent_model(id)====
2 test cases are designed to test this method:
1.When it's given a correct id.
      let(:assignment) { build(:assignment, id: 1) }
      it "returns an assignemt" do
        allow(Assignment).to receive(:find).with(1).and_return(assignment)
        expect(AssignmentTeam.parent_model(1)).to eq(assignment)
2.When it's given an incorrect id.
      it "raises an exception" do
        expect { AssignmentTeam.parent_model 2 }.to raise_exception(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound)
====Testing fullname====
1 test case is designed to test this method:
      it "returns the full name of assignment team" do
        expect(assignment_team.fullname).to eq("full name")
====Testing review_map_type====
1 test case is designed to test this method:
      it "returns ReviewResponseMap as result" do
        expect(assignment_team.review_map_type).to eq("ReviewResponseMap")
====Testing self.prototype====
1 test cases is designed to test this method:
      it "returns an new instance of AssignmentTeam" do
        expect(AssignmentTeam.prototype).to be_instance_of(AssignmentTeam)
====Testing assign_reviewer(reviewer)====
2 test cases are designed to test this method:
1. When the team has an assignment.
      let(:reviewer) { build(:participant, id: 1) }
      it "returns an instance of ReviewResponseMap" do
        expect(assignment_team.assign_reviewer(reviewer)).to be_instance_of(ReviewResponseMap)
2. When the assignment record can not be found
      let(:assignment_team2) { build(:assignment_team, id: 2, parent_id: 2) }
      it "returns an exception" do
        expect { assignment_team2.assign_reviewer(reviewer) }.to raise_exception(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound)
====Testing reviewd_by?====
1 test case is designed to test this method:
      it "returns true" do
        allow(ReviewResponseMap).to receive(:where).\
          with('reviewee_id = ? && reviewer_id = ? && reviewed_object_id = ?', 1, 1, 1).and_return([review_response_map])
        expect(assignment_team.reviewed_by?(reviewer)).to be true
====Testing topic====
1 test case is designed to test this method:
      let(:signed_up_team) { build(:signed_up_team, id: 1, team_id: 1, is_waitlisted: 0, topic_id: 1) }
      it "returns a topic id" do
        allow(SignedUpTeam).to receive(:find_by).with(team_id: 1, is_waitlisted: 0).and_return(signed_up_team)
        expect(assignment_team.topic).to eq(1)

====Testing has_submissions? ====
====Testing has_submissions? ====
Includes 4 testcases:
3 test cases are designed to test this method:

1.The team doesn't submit any file or link.  
1.The team doesn't submit any file or link.  
Line 52: Line 231:
====Testing participants ====
1. No participants in this team
      it '#no participant' do
        expect(team1.participants).to eq([])
2. add some participants and get all the participants
      let(:student1) { build(:student, id: 1, name: 'johns', fullname: 'johns franklin') }
      let(:student2) { build(:student, id: 2, name: 'kate', fullname: 'kate moss') }
      let(:par1) { build(:participant, id: 1, parent_id: 1, user_id: 1) }
      let(:par2) { build(:participant, id: 2, parent_id: 1, user_id: 2) }
      it '#1 participant' do
        allow(AssignmentTeam).to receive(:users).with(id: team1.id).and_return([student1,student2])
        expect(team1.participants).to eq([par1, par2])
====Testing add_participant ====
      it '#add participants' do
        expect(team1.add_participant(ass1.id, par1)).to be_instance_of(AssignmentParticipant)
====Testing the delete and destroy====
      it '#delete' do
        expect(team1.delete).to be_instance_of(AssignmentTeam)
      it '#destroy' do
        expect(team1.destroy).to be_instance_of(AssignmentTeam)
====Testing members====
      it '#get_first_member' do
        allow(AssignmentTeam).to receive(:find_by).with(id: team1.id).and_return(team1)
        allow(team1).to receive(:participants).and_return([par1, par2])
        expect(AssignmentTeam.get_first_member(team1.id)).to eq(par1)
====Testing import and export====
1. import a team to a non-existing assignment and expect an exception
    it '#import an nonexisting assignment id' do
        row = {teamname: "hello_world", teammembers: %w[johns kate]}
        options = {has_teamname: "true_first"}
        expect { AssignmentTeam.import(row, 99_999, options) }.to raise_error(ImportError)
2. export teams into a csv file
      it '#export' do
        options = {}
        csv = CSV.open("assignment_team_export.csv", "w")
        assignment_id = ass1.id
        allow(AssignmentTeam).to receive(:where).with(parent_id: assignment_id).and_return([team1, team2, team3])
        allow(TeamsUser).to receive(:where).and_return([par1, par2])
        expect(AssignmentTeam.export(csv, assignment_id, options)).to be_instance_of(CSV)
====Testing copy====
      it '#copy' do
        allow(TeamsUser).to receive(:where).with(team_id: team1.id).and_return([par1])
        expect(team1.copy(course1.id)).to eq([par1])
====Testing hyperlinks====
2 test cases are designed to test this method:
1. when the current teams submitted hyperlinks
      let(:assignment_team) { build(:assignment_team) }
      context "when current teams submitted hyperlinks" do
        it "returns the hyperlinks submitted by the team" do
          expect(assignment_team.hyperlinks).to eq(["https://www.expertiza.ncsu.edu"])
2. when current teams did not submit hyperlinks
    let(:team_without_submitted_hyperlinks) { build(:assignment_team, submitted_hyperlinks: "") }
    context "when current teams did not submit hyperlinks" do
      it "returns an empty array" do
        expect(team_without_submitted_hyperlinks.hyperlinks).to eq([])
====Testing files====
    before :each do
      @directory = "a"
      @files = ["b.txt", "c.java", "d.txt"]
      @files1 = ["b/c", "d/e"]
      it "call the method in Dir" do
        expect(Dir).to receive(:[]).with(@directory + "/*").and_return(@files)
====Testing submit_hyperlink====
3 test cases are designed to test this method:
1. when the hyperlink is empty
    context "when the hyperlink is empty" do
      it "raise excpetion" do
        expect{(assignment_team.submit_hyperlink(""))}.to raise_error('The hyperlink cannot be empty!')
2. when the hyperlink is not empty and it calls the method on NET::HTTP
      before :each do
        @link = "htp.aa/.."
      it "call the method on NET::HTTP" do
        expect(Net::HTTP).to receive(:get_response).with(URI(@link+'http://'))
3. when the hyperlink is not empty and it raises error
      it "raise error" do
          allow(Net::HTTP).to receive(:get_response).with(URI(@link+'http://')).and_return("402")
          expect{(assignment_team.submit_hyperlink(@link))}.to raise_error('HTTP status code: 402')
====Testing remove_hyperlink====
      before :each do
        @hyperlink = "http://a.com"
    it 'call the hyperlinks method' do
        expect(assignment_team).to receive(:hyperlinks).and_return(["https://www.expertiza.ncsu.edu"])
====Testing team====
3 test cases are designed to test this method
1. when the participant is nil then this method will return nil
      context 'when the participant is nil then this method will return nil' do
        it 'the participant is nil' do
          expect(AssignmentTeam.team(nil)).to eq(nil)
2. when it can find the participant
      let(:participant) { build(:participant) }
      context 'can find the participant' do
        it 'send the correct user_id to the TeamsUser.where method' do
          expect(TeamsUser).to receive(:where).with(user_id: participant.user_id).and_return([team_user])
3. when the team user exists
      let(:team_user) { build(:team_user) }
      context 'the team user exists' do
        before :each do
          allow(TeamsUser).to receive(:where).with(user_id: 1).and_return([team_user])
====Testing export_fields====
2 test cases are designed to test this method
1. when the team_name equals false
      it 'the team_name equals false' do
        options = {:team_name =>"false"}
        expect(AssignmentTeam.export_fields(options)).to eq(["Team Name", "Team members","Assignment Name"])
2. when the team_name equals true
      it 'the team_name equals true' do
        options = {:team_name =>"true"}
        expect(AssignmentTeam.export_fields(options)).to eq(["Team Name", "Assignment Name"])
====Testing remove_team_by_id====
      it 'send find to Assignment' do
        expect(AssignmentTeam).to receive(:find).with(1)
====Testing path====
      it 'can get the path' do
        expect(assignment_team.path).to eq(Rails.root.to_s+'/pg_data/instructor6/csc517/test/final_test/0')
====Testing set_student_directory_num====
3 test cases are designed to test this method
1. when directory_num >= 0
    context 'directory_num >= 0' do
      it 'return when num>=0' do
        expect(assignment_team.set_student_directory_num).to eq(nil)
2. when the directory_num does not exist and it gets max num
    let(:assignment_team1) {build(:assignment_team, directory_num: nil)}
    it 'get max num' do
        expect(AssignmentTeam).to receive_message_chain(:where,:order,:first,:directory_num).with(parent_id:      assignment_team1.parent_id).with('directory_num desc').with(no_args).with(no_args).and_return(1)
3. when the directory_num does not exist and it updates attribute
      it 'update attribute' do
        allow(AssignmentTeam).to receive_message_chain(:where,:order,:first,:directory_num).with(parent_id: assignment_team1.parent_id).with('directory_num desc').with(no_args).with(no_args).and_return(1)
        expect(assignment_team1).to receive(:update_attributes).with(directory_num: 2)
====Testing received_any_peer_review?====
      it 'send the request to where of the ResponseMap' do
        expect(ResponseMap).to receive(:where).with(reviewee_id: assignment_team.id, reviewed_object_id: assignment_team.parent_id).and_return([])
==Test Coverage==
There is screenshot of the coverage page.

Latest revision as of 03:49, 11 November 2018

For this progect, the goal is to wirte up unit tests for assignment_team.rb

Project Introduction


assignment_team.rb is the child class of team.rb. It is used to handle multiple problems relates to team in the assignment. Its responsibilities can mainly fall in three categories: participant of the team, reviews of the team, and the operation for the whole team. For the participant, it can be used to decide if a participant is in a given team and view the members of the team or remove a member. For reviews, it deals with the problem that getting the reviews for the team, assign reviewer for the team and get if the team has been reviewed by a specific reviewers. For the whole team, we can delete the team or view the scores, etc. by using this class.


Make sure assignment_team.rb provides all functions as expected is important for the whole system. It requires enough tests for all the functions and the edge cases may occur. However, there are not enough unit tests for this model in expertiza. The following tests are added to assignment_team.rb in this project. To make sure we can cover as many conditions as we can(the objective for this project is getting at least 90% coverage rate), we first design test cases. The following factors are taking into considerations: the expected functions for each method, the possible edge cases and the pre-conditions for each cases. Then we get the unit test plan and complete the test following test steps.

Memebers of Project

Jianshu Zhang

Wanjing Kuang

Wei Wu


Zhewei Hu

File Involvement




Test Plan

1. two test cases for method "include?": When the team includes a given participant and When the team doesn't include a given participant

2. one test case for method "parent_model": It returns "Assignment" when the method is called.

3. two test cases for method "self.parent_model(id)": When it's given a correct id and When it's given an incorrect id.

4. one test case for method "fullname": When the participant has an full name.

5. one test case for method "review_map_type": It returns ReviewResponseMap when the method is called.

6. one test case for method "self.prototype": It returns an new instance of AssignmentTeam when the method is called.

7. two test cases for method "assign_reviewer(reviewer)": When the team has an assignment and When the assignment record can not be found.

8. one test case for method "reviewd_by?": When it gets correct reviewer and returns true as an result.

9. one test case for method " topic": When it returns the correct id.

10. three test cases for method "has_submissions?": When the team doesn't submit any file or link, when team submits a link instead of files and when the team submits some files.

11. two test cases for method "participants": When no participants in this team and When adding some participants and get all the participants.

12. one test case for method "add_participant": When adding an participant, it will return an instance of AssignmentParticipant.

13. two test cases for method " delete and destroy": Testing delete and destory.

14. one test case for method "get_first_member": Let a team have two members, the first assigned member is expected to be returned by this method.

15. two test cases for method "hyoerlinks": the current teams submitted hyperlinks and not submitted the hyperlinks

16.three test cases for method "submit_hyperlink": the hyperlink is empty, the hyperlink is not empty and it calls the method on NET::HTTP,the hyperlink is not empty and it raises error

17.three test cases for method "team": the participant is nil, the participant exists and the team user exists

18.two test cases for method "export_files": an exception is expected if team is not exist or a new exported file is expected.

Unit Tests

Unit Test Tool


Unit Test File


Unit Test Steps

  • Create unit test cases in the assignment_team_spec.rb
  • run rspec spec/models/assignment_team_spec.rb under expertiza directory
  • the rspec outputs the number of test cases that are passed and those that are failed.

Unit Test Cases

Testing include?

2 test cases are designed to test this method:

1. The team includes a given participant.

      let(:assignment_team) { build(:assignment_team, id: 1, parent_id: 1, name: "full name") }
      let(:participant1) { build(:participant, id: 2, user: user) }
      it "returns true" do
        allow(assignment_team).to receive(:add_participants).with(participant1)

2. The team doesn't include a given participant.

      let(:assignment_team) { build(:assignment_team, id: 1, parent_id: 1, name: "full name") }
      let(:participant1) { build(:participant, id: 2, user: user) }
      let(:participant2) { build(:participant, id: 3) }
      it "returns false" do
        allow(assignment_team).to receive(:add_participants).with(participant1)

Testing parent_model

1 test case is designed to test this method:

      it "returns Assignment as result" do
        expect(assignment_team.parent_model).to eq("Assignment")

Testing self.parent_model(id)

2 test cases are designed to test this method:

1.When it's given a correct id.

      let(:assignment) { build(:assignment, id: 1) }
      it "returns an assignemt" do
        allow(Assignment).to receive(:find).with(1).and_return(assignment)
        expect(AssignmentTeam.parent_model(1)).to eq(assignment)

2.When it's given an incorrect id.

      it "raises an exception" do
        expect { AssignmentTeam.parent_model 2 }.to raise_exception(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound)

Testing fullname

1 test case is designed to test this method:

      it "returns the full name of assignment team" do
        expect(assignment_team.fullname).to eq("full name")

Testing review_map_type

1 test case is designed to test this method:

      it "returns ReviewResponseMap as result" do
        expect(assignment_team.review_map_type).to eq("ReviewResponseMap")

Testing self.prototype

1 test cases is designed to test this method:

      it "returns an new instance of AssignmentTeam" do
        expect(AssignmentTeam.prototype).to be_instance_of(AssignmentTeam)

Testing assign_reviewer(reviewer)

2 test cases are designed to test this method:

1. When the team has an assignment.

      let(:reviewer) { build(:participant, id: 1) }
      it "returns an instance of ReviewResponseMap" do
        expect(assignment_team.assign_reviewer(reviewer)).to be_instance_of(ReviewResponseMap)

2. When the assignment record can not be found

      let(:assignment_team2) { build(:assignment_team, id: 2, parent_id: 2) }
      it "returns an exception" do
        expect { assignment_team2.assign_reviewer(reviewer) }.to raise_exception(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound)

Testing reviewd_by?

1 test case is designed to test this method:

      it "returns true" do
        allow(ReviewResponseMap).to receive(:where).\
          with('reviewee_id = ? && reviewer_id = ? && reviewed_object_id = ?', 1, 1, 1).and_return([review_response_map])
        expect(assignment_team.reviewed_by?(reviewer)).to be true

Testing topic

1 test case is designed to test this method:

      let(:signed_up_team) { build(:signed_up_team, id: 1, team_id: 1, is_waitlisted: 0, topic_id: 1) }
      it "returns a topic id" do
        allow(SignedUpTeam).to receive(:find_by).with(team_id: 1, is_waitlisted: 0).and_return(signed_up_team)
        expect(assignment_team.topic).to eq(1)

Testing has_submissions?

3 test cases are designed to test this method:

1.The team doesn't submit any file or link.

      let(:team2) { build(:assignment_team, id: 2, parent_id: 1, name: "team2", submitted_hyperlinks: "") }
      it "no file or no link" do
        expect(team2.has_submissions?).to eq(false)

2.The team submits a link instead of files.

      let(:team1) { build(:assignment_team, id: 1, parent_id: 1, name: "team1", submitted_hyperlinks: "http://example.com") }
      it "submitted hyperlinks" do
        expect(team1.has_submissions?).to eq(true)

3. The team submits some files. Stub is used to emulate the scenario that the team has submitted a file.

      it "returns true" do
        allow(team2).to receive(:submitted_files).and_return([double(:File)])
        expect(team2.has_submissions?).to be true

Testing participants

1. No participants in this team

      it '#no participant' do
        expect(team1.participants).to eq([])

2. add some participants and get all the participants

      let(:student1) { build(:student, id: 1, name: 'johns', fullname: 'johns franklin') }
      let(:student2) { build(:student, id: 2, name: 'kate', fullname: 'kate moss') }
      let(:par1) { build(:participant, id: 1, parent_id: 1, user_id: 1) }
      let(:par2) { build(:participant, id: 2, parent_id: 1, user_id: 2) }
      it '#1 participant' do
        allow(AssignmentTeam).to receive(:users).with(id: team1.id).and_return([student1,student2])
        expect(team1.participants).to eq([par1, par2])

Testing add_participant

      it '#add participants' do
        expect(team1.add_participant(ass1.id, par1)).to be_instance_of(AssignmentParticipant)

Testing the delete and destroy

      it '#delete' do
        expect(team1.delete).to be_instance_of(AssignmentTeam)
      it '#destroy' do
        expect(team1.destroy).to be_instance_of(AssignmentTeam)

Testing members

      it '#get_first_member' do
        allow(AssignmentTeam).to receive(:find_by).with(id: team1.id).and_return(team1)
        allow(team1).to receive(:participants).and_return([par1, par2])
        expect(AssignmentTeam.get_first_member(team1.id)).to eq(par1)

Testing import and export

1. import a team to a non-existing assignment and expect an exception

     it '#import an nonexisting assignment id' do
        row = {teamname: "hello_world", teammembers: %w[johns kate]}
        options = {has_teamname: "true_first"}
        expect { AssignmentTeam.import(row, 99_999, options) }.to raise_error(ImportError)

2. export teams into a csv file

      it '#export' do
        options = {}
        csv = CSV.open("assignment_team_export.csv", "w")
        assignment_id = ass1.id
        allow(AssignmentTeam).to receive(:where).with(parent_id: assignment_id).and_return([team1, team2, team3])
        allow(TeamsUser).to receive(:where).and_return([par1, par2])
        expect(AssignmentTeam.export(csv, assignment_id, options)).to be_instance_of(CSV)

Testing copy

      it '#copy' do
        allow(TeamsUser).to receive(:where).with(team_id: team1.id).and_return([par1])
        expect(team1.copy(course1.id)).to eq([par1])

Testing hyperlinks

2 test cases are designed to test this method:

1. when the current teams submitted hyperlinks

      let(:assignment_team) { build(:assignment_team) }
      context "when current teams submitted hyperlinks" do
        it "returns the hyperlinks submitted by the team" do
          expect(assignment_team.hyperlinks).to eq(["https://www.expertiza.ncsu.edu"])

2. when current teams did not submit hyperlinks

     let(:team_without_submitted_hyperlinks) { build(:assignment_team, submitted_hyperlinks: "") }
     context "when current teams did not submit hyperlinks" do
       it "returns an empty array" do
         expect(team_without_submitted_hyperlinks.hyperlinks).to eq([])

Testing files

     before :each do
       @directory = "a"
       @files = ["b.txt", "c.java", "d.txt"]
       @files1 = ["b/c", "d/e"]
      it "call the method in Dir" do
        expect(Dir).to receive(:[]).with(@directory + "/*").and_return(@files)

Testing submit_hyperlink

3 test cases are designed to test this method:

1. when the hyperlink is empty

     context "when the hyperlink is empty" do
      it "raise excpetion" do
        expect{(assignment_team.submit_hyperlink(""))}.to raise_error('The hyperlink cannot be empty!')

2. when the hyperlink is not empty and it calls the method on NET::HTTP

      before :each do
        @link = "htp.aa/.."
      it "call the method on NET::HTTP" do
         expect(Net::HTTP).to receive(:get_response).with(URI(@link+'http://'))

3. when the hyperlink is not empty and it raises error

      it "raise error" do
          allow(Net::HTTP).to receive(:get_response).with(URI(@link+'http://')).and_return("402")
          expect{(assignment_team.submit_hyperlink(@link))}.to raise_error('HTTP status code: 402')

Testing remove_hyperlink

      before :each do
        @hyperlink = "http://a.com"
     it 'call the hyperlinks method' do
        expect(assignment_team).to receive(:hyperlinks).and_return(["https://www.expertiza.ncsu.edu"])

Testing team

3 test cases are designed to test this method

1. when the participant is nil then this method will return nil

      context 'when the participant is nil then this method will return nil' do
        it 'the participant is nil' do
          expect(AssignmentTeam.team(nil)).to eq(nil)

2. when it can find the participant

      let(:participant) { build(:participant) }
      context 'can find the participant' do
        it 'send the correct user_id to the TeamsUser.where method' do
          expect(TeamsUser).to receive(:where).with(user_id: participant.user_id).and_return([team_user])

3. when the team user exists

      let(:team_user) { build(:team_user) }
      context 'the team user exists' do
        before :each do
          allow(TeamsUser).to receive(:where).with(user_id: 1).and_return([team_user])

Testing export_fields

2 test cases are designed to test this method

1. when the team_name equals false

      it 'the team_name equals false' do
        options = {:team_name =>"false"}
        expect(AssignmentTeam.export_fields(options)).to eq(["Team Name", "Team members","Assignment Name"])

2. when the team_name equals true

      it 'the team_name equals true' do
        options = {:team_name =>"true"}
        expect(AssignmentTeam.export_fields(options)).to eq(["Team Name", "Assignment Name"])

Testing remove_team_by_id

      it 'send find to Assignment' do
        expect(AssignmentTeam).to receive(:find).with(1)

Testing path

      it 'can get the path' do
        expect(assignment_team.path).to eq(Rails.root.to_s+'/pg_data/instructor6/csc517/test/final_test/0')

Testing set_student_directory_num

3 test cases are designed to test this method

1. when directory_num >= 0

     context 'directory_num >= 0' do
       it 'return when num>=0' do
         expect(assignment_team.set_student_directory_num).to eq(nil)

2. when the directory_num does not exist and it gets max num

     let(:assignment_team1) {build(:assignment_team, directory_num: nil)}
     it 'get max num' do
        expect(AssignmentTeam).to receive_message_chain(:where,:order,:first,:directory_num).with(parent_id:       assignment_team1.parent_id).with('directory_num desc').with(no_args).with(no_args).and_return(1)

3. when the directory_num does not exist and it updates attribute

      it 'update attribute' do
        allow(AssignmentTeam).to receive_message_chain(:where,:order,:first,:directory_num).with(parent_id: assignment_team1.parent_id).with('directory_num desc').with(no_args).with(no_args).and_return(1)
        expect(assignment_team1).to receive(:update_attributes).with(directory_num: 2)

Testing received_any_peer_review?

      it 'send the request to where of the ResponseMap' do
        expect(ResponseMap).to receive(:where).with(reviewee_id: assignment_team.id, reviewed_object_id: assignment_team.parent_id).and_return([])

Test Coverage

There is screenshot of the coverage page. [1]