CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2015 M1501 Report CSS errors to the devtools, both stored and live: Difference between revisions

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The HTML is the model which takes care of the actual data. It is the text that communicates information to the reader. CSS forms the view which sets the colors, fonts in the presentation. CSS adds visual style to the content. The same content can be presented in different ways using the content. The browser is the controller which manipulates the data through forms or Javascript. The browser combines the CSS and the HTML and renders it on the screen.

==Testing the code==
==Testing the code==
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After passing the above tests a pull request is made to the master branch of main servo build. The code changes will then be reviewed by our points of contact from Mozilla team. Mozilla team then verifies the correctness of the code and recommend changes if some improvements are needed.
After passing the above tests a pull request is made to the master branch of main servo build. The code changes will then be reviewed by our points of contact from Mozilla team. Mozilla team then verifies the correctness of the code and recommend changes if some improvements are needed.

==Completed tasks==
==Tasks completed for final project==

===Step 1===
===Step 1===
Line 140: Line 142:
Add a PipelineId (from components/msg/ member to ParserContext, to represent the source of parse errors that occur
Add a PipelineId (from components/msg/ member to ParserContext, to represent the source of parse errors that occur

* We initially included a new member in as suggested above (along with changes in and Cargo.toml in same folders as in order include the struct into the file), but it was seen that the class-name PipelineId could not be used directly to instantiate a variable.
* A new member in was included as suggested above (along with changes in and Cargo.toml in same folders as in order include the struct into the file), but it was seen that the class-name PipelineId could not be used directly to instantiate a variable.

* Hence, we were suggested by Josh to define a function to return the PipelineId member in ParseErrorReporter trait and remove the PipelineId member from ParserContext. We were asked to use the existing ParseErrorReporter member error_reporter to return the PipelineId value from trait ParseErrorReporter. Following were the exact suggestions from Josh -
* Hence, came a suggestion by Josh to define a function to return the PipelineId member in ParseErrorReporter trait and remove the PipelineId member from ParserContext. Also came a suggestion to use the existing ParseErrorReporter member error_reporter to return the PipelineId value from trait ParseErrorReporter. Following were the exact suggestions from Josh -

   - Get rid of the new member in ParserContext
   - Get rid of the new member in ParserContext
Line 149: Line 151:
   - call the new method using the ParseErrorReporter member that already exists in ParserContext instead of using the PipelineId member originally described in the task
   - call the new method using the ParseErrorReporter member that already exists in ParserContext instead of using the PipelineId member originally described in the task

* Now, to include this function in ParseErrorReporter which was defined in components/style_traits/ we had to declare a crate for msg folder inside this and also include a use statement for msg::constellation_msg::PipelineId. We also had to include the path of the corresponding the msg folder in components/style_traits/Cargo.toml. But this caused the issue of cyclic dependency, since already had included the folder components/style_traits into its
* Now, to include this function in ParseErrorReporter which was defined in components/style_traits/ a crate for msg folder was declared inside this and also include a use statement for msg::constellation_msg::PipelineId. We also had to include the path of the corresponding the msg folder in components/style_traits/Cargo.toml. But this caused the issue of cyclic dependency, since already had included the folder components/style_traits into its
  - Cyclic dependency : components/style_traits/ dependent on itself
* When this problem was communicated to Josh, we were suggested us to move the definition of the trait ParseErrorReporter from components/style_traits/ to components/msg/ itself
* This solved the previous error but threw an error is all places where ParseErrorReporter trait was used. This was because previously all functions were using "use style_traits::ParserErrorReporter" (and corresponding changes in and Cargo.toml) to obtain the definition of ParseErrorReporter. This declaration had just been moved to another file in previous step. About 7 different files were visited and the include statements were changed to "use msg::ParserErrorReporter" (and also make the corresponding changes to their and Cargo.toml).
* After solving the previous error, another set of errors on pipelineid showed up. In fact,  there was another trait called StdoutErrorReporter which was analogous in definition to our ParseErrorReporter. Hence, all the changes made in ParseErrorReporter were also made in StdoutErrorReporter in order to maintain consistency.
* After solving the previous error, another set of errors were met. Apparently, the Rust language was upgraded recently. As a result of which syntaxes of some functions calling member functions of StdoutErrorReporter had to be changed from:
  '''let error_reporter = box StdoutErrorReporter;'''          to
  '''letbox error_reporter  = StdoutErrorReporter {'''
                          '''pipelineid: self.pipelineid,'''
* Also, after solving the previous error, another set of errors where were found with the same dependency as previous step in a function call present in a file which was not part of project description. The lines higlighted below were throwing an error in and also in 2 other similar files:
    lazy_static! {
    pub static ref USER_OR_USER_AGENT_STYLESHEETS: Vec<Stylesheet> = {
        let mut stylesheets = vec!();
        // FIXME: presentational-hints.css should be at author origin with zero specificity.
        //        (Does it make a difference?)
        for &filename in &["user-agent.css", "servo.css", "presentational-hints.css"] {
            match read_resource_file(&[filename]) {
                Ok(res) => {
                    let ua_stylesheet = Stylesheet::from_bytes(
                        Url::parse(&format!("chrome:///{:?}", filename)).unwrap(),
                        '''''box StdoutErrorReporter''''');
                Err(..) => {
                    error!("Failed to load UA stylesheet {}!", filename);
        for &(ref contents, ref url) in &opts::get().user_stylesheets {
                &contents, url.clone(), None, None, Origin::User, '''''box StdoutErrorReporter'''''));

  - Cyclic dependency components/style_traits/ dependent on itself
So, following statements were changed -

* When we communicated this problem to Josh, he suggested us to move the definition of the trait ParseErrorReporter from components/style_traits/ to components/msg/ itself
    '''box StdoutErrorReporter'''                      to
    '''box StdoutErrorReporter { pipelineid: PipelineId::fake_root_pipeline_id() }'''

* This solved the previous error but threw an error is all places where ParseErrorReporter trait was used. This was because previously all functions were using "use style_traits::ParserErrorReporter" (and corresponding changes in and Cargo.toml) to obtain the definition of ParseErrorReporter. We just had moved this declaration to another file in our previous step. We had to go to about 7 different files and change the include statements to "use msg::ParserErrorReporter" (and also make the corresponding changes to their and Cargo.toml).
* Similar changes had to be made to files like and containing the following statement:

* After solving the previous error, another set of errors on pipelineid showed up. We realized that there was another trait called StdoutErrorReporter which was analogous in definition to our ParseErrorReporter. Hence, we had to make all the changes we made in ParseErrorReporter also in StdoutErrorReporter.
    '''let error_reporter = CSSErrorReporter;'''        to
    '''let error_reporter = CSSErrorReporter { pipelineid:  PipelineId::fake_root_pipeline_id() };'''        or
    '''let error_reporter = box CSSErrorReporter { pipelineid: self.pipelineid, } ;'''                      based on the context

* Our final changes for step 1 is available in the following link of our commit to our forked repository:
* Along with the changes mentioned above some more minor errors and dependencies were taken care. Final changes for step 1 is available in the following link of commit to the forked repository:
'''Changes after the code review'''
* In for the pipelineid, since an id was already available, the instantiation of pipelineid was changed from PipelineId::fake_root_pipeline_id() to id
* In, the position of use statement "use msg::ParseErrorReporter" was changed to fit the alphabetical order
* In msg/, the position of use statement "use cssparser::{Parser, SourcePosition}" was changed to fit the alphabetical order
* In msg/, the function call "return_pipeline" was changed to "pipeline" as per servo conventions
* The change made in previous step, necessitates the function declaration in script/ to be changed from return_pipeline to pipeline.
* In dom/, the position of use statement "use msg::ParseErrorReporter" was changed to fit servo conventions on functionality
* In layout/, the position of use statement "use msg::compositor_msg::LayerId" was changed to fit servo conventions on functionality
* In layout/, the position of use statement "use msg::ParseErrorReporter" was changed to fit servo conventions on functionality
* In dom/, for the pipelineid, since an id was already available, the instantiation of pipelineid was changed from PipelineId::fake_root_pipeline_id() to id
* In also the function return_pipelineid had to be redeclared as pipeline
* Some more changes to make the code tidy and follow the conventions were made at followinf files -, and
* The changes made after the first code review can be found in following link:
'''UML Component diagram'''
[[File: UML3 New Page.jpeg]]
===Step 2===
Define a new message type in ConstellationControlMsg which contains all of the information necessary to report a CSS error (including the pipeline ID), and make this new error reporter communicate with the script thread by sending messages over a Sender<ConstellationControlMsg> value that can be obtained from the code in
* A new type CSSErrorReporting was declared in script_task/ with necessary parameters
* In, the method handle_css_error_reporting was defined, an empty stub
* Also, in, in impl ScriptTask, the ConstellationControlMsg::CSSErrorReporting method was mapped to self.handle_css_error_reporting
===Step 3 (a)===
Process the new message type in components/script/ by:
caching each reported parse error in a vector in Document (components/script/dom/
* In dom/, css_errors_store was included with all 5 parameters for the CSSErrorReporting function defined in the previous step
* The previous step gave errors as some of the parameters were undefined, hence a new structure CSSError was declared in with all the 5 parameters declareas its members
* In, the css_errors_store declaration was changed to include the structure defined above as css_errors_store: DOMRefCell<Vec<CSSError>>
* In order for above operation to run successfully, the structure has to be included in using "use script_task::CSSError" statement
* For the above use statement to work, the dependency was declared in script_traits/Cargo.toml
* The member css_errors_store was defined as css_errors_store: DOMRefCell::new(vec![]) in impl PartialEq
* In order to perform caching of reported parse error, a function report_css_error was declared in impl PartialEq.
* The statement self.css_errors_store.borrow_mut().push(css_error) was used inside the function above to perform the actual caching
===Step 3 (b)===
checking the devtools_wants_updates flag and sending it to the devtools server if it exists (see notify_devtools for a model in
* Initially, in a function was declared to get devtools_wants_updates flag and return it
* This was used in handle_css_error_reporting function in
* When enquired, with Josh if we were in the right direction, we were suggested to use a new message variant ReportCSSError in ScriptToDevtoolsControlMsg enum which already contained a CSSError object
* When, the above suggestion was implemented we faced a cyclic dependency error as CSSError was declared in which was already depending on devtools_traits
* When enquired, Josh suggested to move CSSError to
* But, we had already tried this and knew this wouldn't work as CSSError needs to implement JSTraceable which is there again in script::dom::binding....
* When again enquired, Josh suggested to get around the problem by adding an entry to the list of no_jsmanaged_fields in script/dom/bindings/trace.JS
* Then, an entry was added as follows:
But it wasn't clear how we were to include JSTraceable in devtools_traits file.
What 'use' statement should be used to use JSTraceable and not throw a cyclic dependency error
* Then, as per Josh's suggestions and after some more conversations following changes were finally incorporated -
  the function handle_css_error_reporting in was defined to obtain a page for a given pipeline_id
* a variable css_error was declared which collects the value returned by CSSError for a given pipeline_id, filename, line, column and msg
* push this variable into document.report_css_error
* The above changes had a lot of dependencies which required following changes:
in script_traits/Cargo.toml, a statement was added to declare to account for dependency on cssparser
* in servo/Cargo.lock, inclusion statements were used for dependencies on cssparser
* in style/Cargo.toml, a statement was added to include dependencies on components/msg
* in style/ a crate was included for msg folder
* in use statements were included for msg::ParseErrorReporter and msg::constellation_msg::PipelineId
* a function CSSErrorReporterTest was declared including the member pipelineid
* in impl ParseErrorReporter for CSSErrorReporterTest; the previous declaration on error_reporter was removed and the function pipeline was defined to return the current piepelineid
* in function test_media_rule the definition of the member stylesheet was changed to accounting for syntax changes in Rust language due to its recent update
* similar change as mentioned in previous step was performed for the member ss in the function media_query_test
* in style/ a use statement for msg::constellation_msg::PipelineId was added
* the definition of the member stylesheet was changed accounting for syntax changes in Rust language due to its recent update
* in style/, use statements for msg::ParseErrorReporter and msg::constellation_msg::PipelineId were added
* the definitions of the members error_reporter, styesheet and context was changed accounting for syntax changes in Rust language due to its recent update
* The commits after step 1 till here can be found in the link below:
'''Changes after the code review'''
* in, the declaration for the member pipeline_id was removed
* few changes for alignment of the functions handle_css_error_reporting, onstellationControlMsg::CSSErrorReporting and the member css_error  were to be made
* dependency statement on cssparser in Cargo.toml was removed
* in script.traits/, the crate declaration for crate cssparser was removed so was use statement for cssparser::SourceLocation.
* The function call for CSSErrorReporting was changed to ReportCSSError
* in servo/Cargo.lock, dependency statement on cssparser was removed
* in style/media_queries, in the function pipeline, return statement was changed from "return self.pipelineid" to "return PipelineId::fake_root_pipeline_id()"
* in style/, use statement for msg::constellation_msg::PipelineId was removed
* in style/, use statement for msg::constellation_msg::PipelineId was removed
* The commits for changes done for code reviews on steps 2 and 3 can be found in the link below:
'''UML Component diagram'''
[[File: UML2 New Page.jpeg]]
===Step 4===
Retrieve any cached parse errors for a document on request in handle_get_cached_messages in components/scripts/
[Following are not the final changes. Still, we are facing a couple of errors. We wil resolve them soon]
* in devtools/, a macro DevtoolsControlMsg::FromScript was defined which instantiates a member console_message with struct variable ConsoleMessage with members message, logLevel, filename, lineNumber and columnNumber
* in devtools_traits/, a use statement "use util::mem::HeapSizeOf" was added
* the definition of the struct CSSError was moved from to devtools_traits/
* in devtools_traits/, inside enum DevtoolsControlMsg, a function ReportCSSError was declared with parameters PipelineId and CSSError
* in bindings/, a use statement was added to include "devtools_traits::CSSError"
* a declaration was also added for no_jsmanaged_fields!(CSSError) function
* in, the use statement for script_task::CSSError was removed and use statement for devtools_traits::CSSError was added
* in, a function return_devtools_flag was added to return the flag devtools_wants_updates
* in script/, use statement for devtools_traits::CSSError was added
* in function handle_css_error_reporting the datatype usize was changed to u32 as per new Rust conventions
* The function document.report_css_error which was taking the parameter css_error was changed to include css_error.clone() as parameter
* The function document.report_css_error was defined to send pipelineid and css_error on a devtools channel if devtools_wants_updates flag is set
* in script_traits/, in the function ReportCSSError, the datatype usize was change to u32
* The commits for changes after the code review on step 3 till the changes mentioned in the previous steps can be found in the link below:
'''UML Component diagram'''
[[File: UML1 New Page.jpeg]]

==See also==
==See also==

Latest revision as of 19:08, 15 December 2015



Rust is a programming language developed by Mozilla. It is used to design concurrent and safe systems. It is a systems programming language focused on three goals: safety, speed, and concurrency. It maintains these goals without having a garbage collector, making it a useful language for a number of use cases other languages aren’t good at: embedding in other languages, programs with specific space and time requirements, and writing low-level code, like device drivers and operating systems. <ref></ref>


Servo is an experimental web browser layout engine. It is developed by Mozilla and written in Rust. It provides an API for hosting the engine within other software. The Servo browser currently provides developer tools to inspect DOM, execute JavaScript remotely.

Project Description<ref></ref>

In this project we are adding capability to expose CSS parse errors, which are essentially syntax errors through developer tools in Servo. We are using Firefox remote developer tools, which is the capability to communicate with an arbitrary distant server that implements a protocol for exposing information about its web content.

As part of the scope of this project we are using Firefox remote developer tools to inspect and debug the code in Servo. Servo, is an experimental web browser from Mozilla which is under development. This project contributes to the development of this web browser Servo.

Servo implements a very basic developer tools server. This server currently supports executing JavaScript remotely and investigating the DOM (Document Object Model) tree in the document inspector. The scope of the project is to expand those capabilities by exposing CSS parsing errors.

Program Flow

Initial steps

  • Choose a website compatible with Servo and attach the remote developer tools to it.
  • Introduce traits, methods and structure members as per the project requirement
  • Generate CSS error messages
  • Build servo again with the changes

Subsequent steps

  • Generate messages which communicate the errors to the script thread.
  • Process the messages and provide support for caching them and sending them to the devtools server if it exists.
  • Provide the functionality to retrieve the cached CSS error messages whenever requested.

Environment Setup<ref></ref>


On Debian-based Linuxes:

sudo apt-get install curl freeglut3-dev\
    libfreetype6-dev libgl1-mesa-dri libglib2.0-dev xorg-dev \
    gperf g++ cmake python-virtualenv python-pip \
    libssl-dev libbz2-dev libosmesa6-dev libxmu6 libxmu-dev libglu1-mesa-dev

On Fedora:

sudo dnf install curl freeglut-devel libtool gcc-c++ libXi-devel \
    freetype-devel mesa-libGL-devel glib2-devel libX11-devel libXrandr-devel gperf \
    fontconfig-devel cabextract ttmkfdir python python-virtualenv python-pip expat-devel \
    rpm-build openssl-devel cmake bzip2-devel libXcursor-devel libXmu-devel mesa-libOSMesa

Cloning servo

git clone

Building Servo

cd servo
./mach build --dev
./mach run tests/html/about-mozilla.html

Requirement Analysis (includes Changes Proposed)

Steps completed in the OSS project -

Setting up ParserContext structure

  • define a new trait called ParseErrorReporter in components/style_traits/ with an appropriate method to report an error
  • add error_reporter member to ParserContext that uses this method
  • make log_css_error in components/style/ take an &ParserContext argument and call this method
  • extract the existing code from log_css_err into a new type that implements ParseErrorReporter in components/layout/ and pass instances of that type to any code that ends up creating a ParserContext value
  • find all the affected dependencies in rest of the files calling methods and structures implemented from above steps
  • at this point, Servo should compile and execute almost exactly as before, but where RUST_LOG=style used to expose CSS errors, now RUST_LOG=layout::layout_task will be required instead.

UML Component diagram

Steps to be followed for final project -

Setting up notifications to devtools

  • Add a PipelineId (from components/msg/ member to ParserContext, to represent the source of parse errors that occur
  • Define a new message type in ConstellationControlMsg which contains all of the information necessary to report a CSS error (including the pipeline ID), and make this new error reporter communicate with the script thread by sending messages over a Sender<ConstellationControlMsg> value that can be obtained from the code in
  • Process the new message type in components/script/ by -
 * caching each reported parse error in a vector in Document (components/script/dom/
 * checking the devtools_wants_updates flag and sending it to the devtools server if it exists (notify_devtools for a model in
  • Retrieve any cached parse errors for a document on request in handle_get_cached_messages in components/scripts/

UML Component diagram

The following diagram is not exhaustive. The dependencies will be be revealed during the implementation.

Appurtenant tasks -

  • Since we are working on the main servo build, the changes we make to the build usually has a cascading affect on dependent libraries and files. We are also doing the tasks of resolving the issues caused by the dependencies. So, the scope of the requirements are larger than those specified above.

Design information

MVC pattern is employed in the tool for CSS parse error reporting as shown below:

The HTML is the model which takes care of the actual data. It is the text that communicates information to the reader. CSS forms the view which sets the colors, fonts in the presentation. CSS adds visual style to the content. The same content can be presented in different ways using the content. The browser is the controller which manipulates the data through forms or Javascript. The browser combines the CSS and the HTML and renders it on the screen.

Testing the code

The correctness of the changes made are tested through 3 methodologies -

Build test

The following command on linux command line compiles and verifies if the code changes are syntactically correct.

./mach build --dev

Tidy code test

The following command on linux command line tests if the code though syntactically correct complies with the Mozilla's best practices of coding

./mach test-tidy

Logical test

After passing the above tests a pull request is made to the master branch of main servo build. The code changes will then be reviewed by our points of contact from Mozilla team. Mozilla team then verifies the correctness of the code and recommend changes if some improvements are needed.

Tasks completed for final project

Step 1

Add a PipelineId (from components/msg/ member to ParserContext, to represent the source of parse errors that occur

  • A new member in was included as suggested above (along with changes in and Cargo.toml in same folders as in order include the struct into the file), but it was seen that the class-name PipelineId could not be used directly to instantiate a variable.
  • Hence, came a suggestion by Josh to define a function to return the PipelineId member in ParseErrorReporter trait and remove the PipelineId member from ParserContext. Also came a suggestion to use the existing ParseErrorReporter member error_reporter to return the PipelineId value from trait ParseErrorReporter. Following were the exact suggestions from Josh -
 - Get rid of the new member in ParserContext
 - Add a new method to the ParseErrorReporter trait which returns a PipelineId value
 - Add a new PipelineId member to the CSSErrorReporter struct, and make the new method return that value in the ParseErrorReporter implementation for CSSErrorReporter
 - call the new method using the ParseErrorReporter member that already exists in ParserContext instead of using the PipelineId member originally described in the task
  • Now, to include this function in ParseErrorReporter which was defined in components/style_traits/ a crate for msg folder was declared inside this and also include a use statement for msg::constellation_msg::PipelineId. We also had to include the path of the corresponding the msg folder in components/style_traits/Cargo.toml. But this caused the issue of cyclic dependency, since already had included the folder components/style_traits into its
 - Cyclic dependency : components/style_traits/ dependent on itself
  • When this problem was communicated to Josh, we were suggested us to move the definition of the trait ParseErrorReporter from components/style_traits/ to components/msg/ itself
  • This solved the previous error but threw an error is all places where ParseErrorReporter trait was used. This was because previously all functions were using "use style_traits::ParserErrorReporter" (and corresponding changes in and Cargo.toml) to obtain the definition of ParseErrorReporter. This declaration had just been moved to another file in previous step. About 7 different files were visited and the include statements were changed to "use msg::ParserErrorReporter" (and also make the corresponding changes to their and Cargo.toml).
  • After solving the previous error, another set of errors on pipelineid showed up. In fact, there was another trait called StdoutErrorReporter which was analogous in definition to our ParseErrorReporter. Hence, all the changes made in ParseErrorReporter were also made in StdoutErrorReporter in order to maintain consistency.
  • After solving the previous error, another set of errors were met. Apparently, the Rust language was upgraded recently. As a result of which syntaxes of some functions calling member functions of StdoutErrorReporter had to be changed from:
 let error_reporter = box StdoutErrorReporter;          to
 letbox error_reporter  = StdoutErrorReporter {
                          pipelineid: self.pipelineid,
  • Also, after solving the previous error, another set of errors where were found with the same dependency as previous step in a function call present in a file which was not part of project description. The lines higlighted below were throwing an error in and also in 2 other similar files:
   lazy_static! {
   pub static ref USER_OR_USER_AGENT_STYLESHEETS: Vec<Stylesheet> = {
       let mut stylesheets = vec!();
       // FIXME: presentational-hints.css should be at author origin with zero specificity.
       //        (Does it make a difference?)
       for &filename in &["user-agent.css", "servo.css", "presentational-hints.css"] {
           match read_resource_file(&[filename]) {
               Ok(res) => {
                   let ua_stylesheet = Stylesheet::from_bytes(
                       Url::parse(&format!("chrome:///{:?}", filename)).unwrap(),
                       box StdoutErrorReporter);
               Err(..) => {
                   error!("Failed to load UA stylesheet {}!", filename);
       for &(ref contents, ref url) in &opts::get().user_stylesheets {
               &contents, url.clone(), None, None, Origin::User, box StdoutErrorReporter));

So, following statements were changed -

   box StdoutErrorReporter                       to
   box StdoutErrorReporter { pipelineid: PipelineId::fake_root_pipeline_id() }
  • Similar changes had to be made to files like and containing the following statement:
   let error_reporter = CSSErrorReporter;         to
   let error_reporter = CSSErrorReporter { pipelineid:  PipelineId::fake_root_pipeline_id() };        or
   let error_reporter = box CSSErrorReporter { pipelineid: self.pipelineid, } ;                       based on the context
  • Along with the changes mentioned above some more minor errors and dependencies were taken care. Final changes for step 1 is available in the following link of commit to the forked repository:

Changes after the code review

  • In for the pipelineid, since an id was already available, the instantiation of pipelineid was changed from PipelineId::fake_root_pipeline_id() to id
  • In, the position of use statement "use msg::ParseErrorReporter" was changed to fit the alphabetical order
  • In msg/, the position of use statement "use cssparser::{Parser, SourcePosition}" was changed to fit the alphabetical order
  • In msg/, the function call "return_pipeline" was changed to "pipeline" as per servo conventions
  • The change made in previous step, necessitates the function declaration in script/ to be changed from return_pipeline to pipeline.
  • In dom/, the position of use statement "use msg::ParseErrorReporter" was changed to fit servo conventions on functionality
  • In layout/, the position of use statement "use msg::compositor_msg::LayerId" was changed to fit servo conventions on functionality
  • In layout/, the position of use statement "use msg::ParseErrorReporter" was changed to fit servo conventions on functionality
  • In dom/, for the pipelineid, since an id was already available, the instantiation of pipelineid was changed from PipelineId::fake_root_pipeline_id() to id
  • In also the function return_pipelineid had to be redeclared as pipeline
  • Some more changes to make the code tidy and follow the conventions were made at followinf files -, and
  • The changes made after the first code review can be found in following link:

UML Component diagram

Step 2

Define a new message type in ConstellationControlMsg which contains all of the information necessary to report a CSS error (including the pipeline ID), and make this new error reporter communicate with the script thread by sending messages over a Sender<ConstellationControlMsg> value that can be obtained from the code in

  • A new type CSSErrorReporting was declared in script_task/ with necessary parameters
  • In, the method handle_css_error_reporting was defined, an empty stub
  • Also, in, in impl ScriptTask, the ConstellationControlMsg::CSSErrorReporting method was mapped to self.handle_css_error_reporting

Step 3 (a)

Process the new message type in components/script/ by: caching each reported parse error in a vector in Document (components/script/dom/

  • In dom/, css_errors_store was included with all 5 parameters for the CSSErrorReporting function defined in the previous step
  • The previous step gave errors as some of the parameters were undefined, hence a new structure CSSError was declared in with all the 5 parameters declareas its members
  • In, the css_errors_store declaration was changed to include the structure defined above as css_errors_store: DOMRefCell<Vec<CSSError>>
  • In order for above operation to run successfully, the structure has to be included in using "use script_task::CSSError" statement
  • For the above use statement to work, the dependency was declared in script_traits/Cargo.toml
  • The member css_errors_store was defined as css_errors_store: DOMRefCell::new(vec![]) in impl PartialEq
  • In order to perform caching of reported parse error, a function report_css_error was declared in impl PartialEq.
  • The statement self.css_errors_store.borrow_mut().push(css_error) was used inside the function above to perform the actual caching

Step 3 (b)

checking the devtools_wants_updates flag and sending it to the devtools server if it exists (see notify_devtools for a model in

  • Initially, in a function was declared to get devtools_wants_updates flag and return it
  • This was used in handle_css_error_reporting function in
  • When enquired, with Josh if we were in the right direction, we were suggested to use a new message variant ReportCSSError in ScriptToDevtoolsControlMsg enum which already contained a CSSError object
  • When, the above suggestion was implemented we faced a cyclic dependency error as CSSError was declared in which was already depending on devtools_traits
  • When enquired, Josh suggested to move CSSError to
  • But, we had already tried this and knew this wouldn't work as CSSError needs to implement JSTraceable which is there again in script::dom::binding....
  • When again enquired, Josh suggested to get around the problem by adding an entry to the list of no_jsmanaged_fields in script/dom/bindings/trace.JS
  • Then, an entry was added as follows:

But it wasn't clear how we were to include JSTraceable in devtools_traits file.

What 'use' statement should be used to use JSTraceable and not throw a cyclic dependency error

  • Then, as per Josh's suggestions and after some more conversations following changes were finally incorporated -
 the function handle_css_error_reporting in was defined to obtain a page for a given pipeline_id
  • a variable css_error was declared which collects the value returned by CSSError for a given pipeline_id, filename, line, column and msg
  • push this variable into document.report_css_error


  • The above changes had a lot of dependencies which required following changes:

in script_traits/Cargo.toml, a statement was added to declare to account for dependency on cssparser

  • in servo/Cargo.lock, inclusion statements were used for dependencies on cssparser
  • in style/Cargo.toml, a statement was added to include dependencies on components/msg
  • in style/ a crate was included for msg folder
  • in use statements were included for msg::ParseErrorReporter and msg::constellation_msg::PipelineId
  • a function CSSErrorReporterTest was declared including the member pipelineid
  • in impl ParseErrorReporter for CSSErrorReporterTest; the previous declaration on error_reporter was removed and the function pipeline was defined to return the current piepelineid
  • in function test_media_rule the definition of the member stylesheet was changed to accounting for syntax changes in Rust language due to its recent update
  • similar change as mentioned in previous step was performed for the member ss in the function media_query_test
  • in style/ a use statement for msg::constellation_msg::PipelineId was added
  • the definition of the member stylesheet was changed accounting for syntax changes in Rust language due to its recent update
  • in style/, use statements for msg::ParseErrorReporter and msg::constellation_msg::PipelineId were added


  • the definitions of the members error_reporter, styesheet and context was changed accounting for syntax changes in Rust language due to its recent update
  • The commits after step 1 till here can be found in the link below:

Changes after the code review

  • in, the declaration for the member pipeline_id was removed
  • few changes for alignment of the functions handle_css_error_reporting, onstellationControlMsg::CSSErrorReporting and the member css_error were to be made
  • dependency statement on cssparser in Cargo.toml was removed
  • in script.traits/, the crate declaration for crate cssparser was removed so was use statement for cssparser::SourceLocation.
  • The function call for CSSErrorReporting was changed to ReportCSSError
  • in servo/Cargo.lock, dependency statement on cssparser was removed
  • in style/media_queries, in the function pipeline, return statement was changed from "return self.pipelineid" to "return PipelineId::fake_root_pipeline_id()"
  • in style/, use statement for msg::constellation_msg::PipelineId was removed
  • in style/, use statement for msg::constellation_msg::PipelineId was removed
  • The commits for changes done for code reviews on steps 2 and 3 can be found in the link below:

UML Component diagram

Step 4

Retrieve any cached parse errors for a document on request in handle_get_cached_messages in components/scripts/

[Following are not the final changes. Still, we are facing a couple of errors. We wil resolve them soon]

  • in devtools/, a macro DevtoolsControlMsg::FromScript was defined which instantiates a member console_message with struct variable ConsoleMessage with members message, logLevel, filename, lineNumber and columnNumber
  • in devtools_traits/, a use statement "use util::mem::HeapSizeOf" was added
  • the definition of the struct CSSError was moved from to devtools_traits/
  • in devtools_traits/, inside enum DevtoolsControlMsg, a function ReportCSSError was declared with parameters PipelineId and CSSError
  • in bindings/, a use statement was added to include "devtools_traits::CSSError"
  • a declaration was also added for no_jsmanaged_fields!(CSSError) function
  • in, the use statement for script_task::CSSError was removed and use statement for devtools_traits::CSSError was added
  • in, a function return_devtools_flag was added to return the flag devtools_wants_updates
  • in script/, use statement for devtools_traits::CSSError was added
  • in function handle_css_error_reporting the datatype usize was changed to u32 as per new Rust conventions
  • The function document.report_css_error which was taking the parameter css_error was changed to include css_error.clone() as parameter
  • The function document.report_css_error was defined to send pipelineid and css_error on a devtools channel if devtools_wants_updates flag is set
  • in script_traits/, in the function ReportCSSError, the datatype usize was change to u32
  • The commits for changes after the code review on step 3 till the changes mentioned in the previous steps can be found in the link below:

UML Component diagram

See also

