CSC/ECE 517 Spring 2016/OSS E1601: Difference between revisions

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Testing a template. This wiki page is for the description of changes made under E1555 OSS assignment for Fall 2015, CSC/ECE 517.
=== E1601: Refactor methods related to submitted_hyperlinks. ===
This wiki is for the open source refactoring project E1601: Refactor methods related to submitted_hyperlinks for the course ECE/CSC 517.

== Peer Review Information ==
== Peer Review Information ==

For users intending to view the deployed Expertiza associated with this assignment, the credentials are below:
The reviewers may use the below student and instructor logins for the purpose of reviewing and testing the functionality. These students belong to the same team and work on an assignment created by the below instructor:
* Instructor login: username -> instructor6,  password -> password
* Instructor login: username -> instructor6,  password -> password
* Student  login: username -> student4340,  password -> password  
* Student  login: username -> student5884,  password -> password  
* Student login: username -> student4405,  password -> password
* Student login: username -> student6420,  password -> password
'''Please note''': Please do not delete the above users or their team. If you wish to do so, please add them back so as to aid other reviewers. Also note that the option to submit hyperlinks in the UI will be displayed to the enrolled students only if assignment deadline is in future and the assignment is not in "Finish" state.
== Expertiza Introduction==
Expertiza is an open source web application which enhances the student's learning through peer reviews. The students can form teams and work on assignments given by course instructors. The peers can review the submissions and give feedback. The students also get to review the reviewers!
== Problem statement ==
'''Before''': When a student submitted files and hyperlinks for an assignment, that content was submitted on behalf of his team, and not individually (even if there is only one person in the team i.e a student working on an assignment cannot be without a team even if he is working alone). Some of the previous contributors had worked on a project which made this change and associated all the submitted content to teams instead of the individual participants: the submitted_hyperlinks and dirctory_num fields were moved to teams table. All the hyperlinks were now recorded in one submitted_hyperlinks field in the team model instead of being present in all the participants of the team. All the submitted files similarly were uploaded to the common file space and in the “course_folder/assignment_folder/team_folder” path.
'''What was wrong with that''': There are multiple methods in assignment_participant.rb which still give the impression that the author is submitting the hyperlinks on behalf of himself and not the team even though the relevant fields have been moved to teams model. These methods are to be moved to assignment_teams.rb for improving the clarity and the efficiency of code.
'''What refactoring we have done to improve the code''':
''Task1::'' Removed “hyperlinks_array” method and “hyperlinks” method from assignment_participant.rb. Created “hyperlinks” method in assignment_team.rb.
''Task2::'' Removed “submit_hyperlink” and “remove_hyperlink” from assignment_pariticpant.rb and created equivalent methods in assignment_team.rb.       
''Task3::'' Removed “has_submissions?” from assginment_participant.rb and created the equivalent method in assignment_team.rb.         

== Expertiza Background==
''Task4::'' All the calls to the above methods were refactored to call the appropriate method's functions.

Expertiza is an educational web application created and maintained by the joint efforts of the students and  the faculty at NCSU. It’s an open source project developed on Ruby on Rails platform and it’s code is available on Github. It allows students to review each other’s work and improve their work upon this feedback.
''Task5::'' Refactored some of the logic of controller methods.

== Description of the current project ==
''Task6::'' Tests for submitting and removing submitted hyperlinks and files.

The following is an Expertiza based OSS project which deals primarily with the GradesController and GradesHelper. It focusses on refactoring some of the more complex methods, modifying some of the language to make it more Ruby friendly, removing some redundant code. The goal of this project is to attempt to make this part of the application easier to read and maintain.
== List of files changed ==

== Files modified in current project ==
Model Files:

A controller and a helper file were modified for this project namely:<br/>
1. GradesController <br/>
2. GradesHelper <br/>

=== GradesController ===
View Files:
Controller Files:
Files with major modifications:
#The model: assignment_participant.rb
#The model: assignment_team.rb
#The controller: submitted_content_controller.rb
== Key changes ==
Four methods <code>hyperlinks</code>, <code>has_submissions?</code>, <code>submit_hyperlink</code> and <code>remove_hyperlink</code> were moved from the assignment_participant.rb model to assignment_team.rb, and the <code>hyperlinks_array</code> method was removed.<br />
'''Task1::''' The below methods <code>hyperlinks_array</code> and <code>hyperlinks</code> were removed from the assignment_participant.rb. The <code>hyperlinks</code> method which existed here seemed suspect as there was no <code>hyperlinks</code> method in the AssignmentTeam/Team models so the <code>try</code> would always fail and return an empty array. Also the <code>hyperlinks_array</code> method retrieved the hyperlinks from the <code>submitted_hyperlinks</code> field of the team model so in moving to AssignmentTeam model we just had to remove the .team quantifier.
This is a controller that helps students and instructors view grades and reviews, update scores, check for grading conflicts and calculate penalties. A couple of long and complex methods were refactored from this controller along with removal of some non-functional code and a few language changes to make it Ruby style.
Three methods in particular, namely conflict_notification ,calculate_all_penalties and edit were found to be too long and were in need of refactoring into smaller, easier to manage methods. Few more  compact methods were created for this purpose.
  def hyperlinks
    team.try(:hyperlinks) || []

There were no existing test cases for the controller. We have added a spec file named 'grades_spec.rb' under the spec folder. As no changes were done for the model, no tests for the model were included.
  def hyperlinks_array ? [] : YAML::load(

=== GradesHelper ===

This is a helper class which contains methods for constructing a table(construct_table) and to check whether an assignment has a team and metareveiw(has_team_and_metareview)
They are both merged into a new single <code>hyperlinks</code> method in assignment_team.rb. All callers of both methods were refactored to use <code>hyperlinks</code> method of AssignmentTeam.

== List of changes ==
We worked on the following work items(WIs)<br/>
  def hyperlinks
WI1 : Refactor calculate_all_penalties method into smaller methods<br/>
        self.submitted_hyperlinks.blank? ? [] : YAML::load(self.submitted_hyperlinks)
WI2 : Move the repeated code in conflict_notification & edit methods to a separate method list_questions.<br/>
WI3 : Refactor the code as per the Ruby style guidelines and incorporate the good practices<br/>
WI4 : Test the conflict_notification method to test the changes made.<br/>
WI5 : Move the repeated code in view and view_my_scores methods to a separate method retrieve_questions

=== Solutions Implemented and Delivered ===

*Refactoring calculate_all_penalties method
'''Task2::''' Earlier, the following method <code>submit_hyperlink</code> was in assignment_participant.rb:
  def submit_hyperlink(hyperlink)
    raise "The hyperlink cannot be empty" if hyperlink.empty?
    url = URI.parse(hyperlink)
    # If not a valid URL, it will throw an exception
    Net::HTTP.start(, url.port)
    hyperlinks = self.hyperlinks_array
    hyperlinks << hyperlink
    team_object =
    team_object.submitted_hyperlinks = YAML::dump(hyperlinks)

This is used to calculate various penalty values for each assignment if penalty is applicable.
It has been now moved to assignment_team.rb as below. Again, as the method was moved to AssignmentTeam model, it obviated the need to invoke the <code>team</code> method.
  def submit_hyperlink(hyperlink)
        raise "The hyperlink cannot be empty" if hyperlink.empty?
        url = URI.parse(hyperlink)
        # If not a valid URL, it will throw an exception
        Net::HTTP.start(, url.port)
        hyperlinks = self.hyperlinks
        hyperlinks << hyperlink
        self.submitted_hyperlinks = YAML::dump(hyperlinks)
A similar refactoring was done for <code>remove_hyperlinks</code> method in assignment_participant.rb.  

The following changes were made:

1. This method was very complex, performing too many functions within a single method and had to be broken into 3 smaller methods each having a more well defined function.
'''Task3::''' The methods <code>has_submissions?</code> earlier existed both in AssignmentTeam model and AssignmentParticipant model.
2. The following 3 methods were created after splitting the first method<br>
  i.  calculate_all_penalties<br>
  ii. calculate_penatly_attributes<br>
  iii. assign_all_penalties<br>
3. Changes were also made to make the code follow ruby style.The language was made more ruby friendly.
4. Finally some redundant code was commented out as it was non-functional.

'' In assignment_team.rb''
  def has_submissions?
        list_of_users = participants;
        list_of_users.each { |participant| return true if participant.has_submissions? }
''In assignment_participant.rb''
  def has_submissions?
        return (( > 0) or (hyperlinks_array.length > 0))
What was happening earlier was that <code>has_submissions?</code> (AssignmentTeam method) used to call <code>has_submissions?</code> for each of the AssignmentParticipants in the team. This was redundant as  the <code>submitted_files</code> and <code>submitted_hyperlinks</code> fields had been moved from the participant to the team model in earlier projects. So the participant objects again ended up again going to the team for retrieving these fields.
So we removed <code>has_submissions?</code> from the AssignmentParticipant and refactored the one already present in AssignmentTeam to the simple code below:
''In assignment_team.rb''

Refactoring into smaller more specific methods:
  def has_submissions?
        return ((self.submitted_files.length > 0) or (hyperlinks.length > 0))


Removal of non-functional code :
'''Task4::''' Most importantly, at all the places in the Expertiza code, where there were calls to the above mentioned methods in assignment_participant.rb, they were refactored appropriately to call the newly created methods in assignment_team.rb.

''Sample example :''

        if (participant.submitted_at.nil? && participant.hyperlinks.empty?)

Change of language to make it more Ruby friendly:
''This was refactored as''

        if (participant.submitted_at.nil? &&

In refactoring the call points, we used the existing <code>team</code> method of AssignmentParticipant to get the AssignmentTeam object associated with the particular participant and then invoked the equivalent methods on the <code>team</code> object.

*Move the redundant piece of code from conflict_notification & edit methods to a new method list_questions

The conflict_notification method is used to help the instructors decide if one of the reviews are unfair or inaccurate.
'''Task5 ::''' Refactoring some of controller code.
This was again split into 2 methods with some part of the code which is repeated in another method  refactored into a new method.

In submitted_content_controller, <code>remove_hyperlink</code> method used to cycle through all the participants belonging to the team of current participant, and for each participant call the <code>remove_hyperlink</code> method of the AssignmentParticipant Model to delete the instance of input hyperlink.

Since all the required hyperlink methods and fields are now in AssignmentTeam this would be redundant and waste cycles. So we refactored it to directly call the AssignmentTeam <code>remove_hyperlink</code> method.

Refactored #Created a method which was a duplicate in conflict_notification and edit methods
''Earlier in submitted_content_controller.rb''
  def remove_hyperlink
    @participant = AssignmentParticipant.find(params[:hyperlinks][:participant_id])
    return unless current_user_id?(@participant.user_id)
    hyperlink_to_delete = @participant.hyperlinks_array[params['chk_links'].to_i]
    team_id = TeamsUser.team_id(@participant.parent_id, @participant.user_id)
    team_participants =
    if Team.exists?(team_id)
      team_users = TeamsUser.where(team_id: team_id)
      team_users.each do |team_user|
        team_participants << AssignmentParticipant.where(parent_id: @participant.parent_id, user_id: team_user.user_id).first
      team_participants << @participant
    team_participants.each do |team_participant|

edit method:
  def remove_hyperlink
    @participant = AssignmentParticipant.find(params[:hyperlinks][:participant_id])
    return unless current_user_id?(@participant.user_id)
    team =
    hyperlink_to_delete = team.hyperlinks[params['chk_links'].to_i]

This method is used to edit the questionnaires. This method again has code which is repeated in the conflict_notification method and thus the repeated section was split into a new method.
== Testing Details ==

=== RSpec ===
RSpec is a testing framework for Rails, and is a Behavioral-Driven Development tool. It is a domain specific language(DSL). 

New method:
There were no existing tests for the hyperlinks related methods. We used RSpec to write test cases using TTD approach. The assignment_team_spec.rb in the spec folder will have these tests. All the tests can be executed by rspec spec command, or can also be executed individually using the command "rspec spec/models/assignment_team_spec.rb".
Refactored #Created a method which was a duplicate in conflict_notification and edit methods

===Factory Girl===
We have used Factory Girl for creating Assignment and Team objects to be used for testing. Factory Girl is a replacement for fixtures. Fixtures have to be updated whenever we change a data model whereas adding and removing fields is much easier in Factory Girl. Fixture definitions are global whereas Factories can be local, so isolated cases can be tested. Factories are defined to create objects for testing.

Similar refactoring was performed to obtain the retrieve_questions method:
Below code has to be added to the gemfile

  gem 'rspec-rails'
  gem "factory_girl_rails", "~> 4.0"

This is the new method created after the above refactoring:
===Building Factory===
Below is the code to create object of team class.

FactoryGirl.define do
  factory :team do
    name "Wikipedia contribution_Team2"
    parent_id 999
    #parent_id 741
    type "AssignmentTeam"
    submitted_hyperlinks "---\n-\n-"

== Testing Details==
===Example RSpec===
We have written unit tests for each of the methods we have re-factored in this project. Here's a unit test example contained in spec/model/assignment_team_spec.rb:

=== RSpec ===
There were no existing test cases for the GradesController. We have added a new spec file 'grades_spec.rb' which covers testing scenario for the newly added method. The specs were run on the previous and current files and they return the same results implying that the refactored code does not break anything.
  describe "#has_submissions?" do
As the model was not changed, no test cases were added for the model.
    it "checks if a team has submitted hyperlinks" do
      # assignment = build(:assignment)
      assign_team = build(:assignment_team)
      assign_team.submitted_hyperlinks << "\n-"
      expect(assign_team.has_submissions?).to be true
===Running RSpec===
  $ rspec spec/models/assignment_team_spec.rb

=== UI Testing ===
=== UI Testing ===

Following steps needs to be performed to test this code from UI:<br/>
Following are some of the steps which we performed to test this code from the User interface.
1. Login as instructor. Create a course and an assignment under that course.<br/>
2. Keep the has team checkbox checked while creating the assignment. Add a grading rubric to it. Add at least two students as participants to the assignment.<br/>
''Before the test::'' Have two students in an assignment team (say student1 and student2, you can also use the student logins listed in this wiki) for an active assignment. Active assignment simply means that the due date is in future and the assignment is not in "Finish" state. You can use an instructor login (example username: instructor6 password: password) to create a new assignment or update the due dates of some previous assignment and assign the team to it.
3. Create topics for the assignment.<br/>
4. Sign in as one of the students who were added to the assignment.<br/>
5. Go to the assignment and sign up for a topic.<br/>
''Test1:''  Login as student1. Submit a hyperlink (say : linkA) as student1.
6. Submit student's work by clicking 'Your work' under that assignment.<br/>
7. Sign in as a different student which is participant of the assignment.<br/>
''Expected:'' Submit should go through. The hyperlink should be visible when you login as student2.
8. Go to Assignments--><assignment name>-->Others' work (If the link is disabled, login as instructor and change the due date of the assignment to current time).<br/>
9. Give reviews on first student's work.<br/>
10. Login as instructor or first student to look at the review grades.<br/>
''Test2:'' Now as student2, submit another hyperlink (say linkB).
''Expected:'' Submit should go through. Now both hyperlinks should be visible from both student1 and student2.
''Test3:'' As student1, try submitting linkB.
''Expected:'' As linkB already exists in team's hyperlinks the submit should not go through.
''Test4:'' Remove a hyperlink (say linkA).
''Expected:'' Remove goes through. Now only linkB should be visible from both student accounts.
''Test5:'' Remove all hyperlinks.
''Expected:'' Hyperlinks list is empty for team and this can be seen from both student accounts.
''Test6:'' Submit some hyperlink. Try dropping topic after submitting.
''Expected:'' You are not allowed to drop if you have submitted some work. Only if you remove the submitted work it is possible for you to drop.

''Test7:'' Submit some hyperlink. Do a review of the team after logging in as a student in another team. The assignment should be in review stage for this to be possible, you can move the due dates via instructor login to achieve this.

== Scope for future improvement ==
''Expected:'' Peer review should show the links submitted by the other team. Review should be submitted successfully.
1. The construct_table method in GradesHelper is not used anywhere. It has no reference in the project. So we feel it can be safely removed.<br/>
2. The has_team_and_metareview? method in GradesHelper can be broken down into separate methods, one each for team and metareview. This will provide improved flexibility. It needs some analysis though, as both the entities(team & metareview) are currently checked in conjuction from all the views they are referenced from.

Latest revision as of 04:06, 2 April 2016

E1601: Refactor methods related to submitted_hyperlinks.

This wiki is for the open source refactoring project E1601: Refactor methods related to submitted_hyperlinks for the course ECE/CSC 517.

Peer Review Information

The reviewers may use the below student and instructor logins for the purpose of reviewing and testing the functionality. These students belong to the same team and work on an assignment created by the below instructor:

  • Instructor login: username -> instructor6, password -> password
  • Student login: username -> student5884, password -> password
  • Student login: username -> student6420, password -> password

Please note: Please do not delete the above users or their team. If you wish to do so, please add them back so as to aid other reviewers. Also note that the option to submit hyperlinks in the UI will be displayed to the enrolled students only if assignment deadline is in future and the assignment is not in "Finish" state.

Expertiza Introduction

Expertiza is an open source web application which enhances the student's learning through peer reviews. The students can form teams and work on assignments given by course instructors. The peers can review the submissions and give feedback. The students also get to review the reviewers!

Problem statement

Before: When a student submitted files and hyperlinks for an assignment, that content was submitted on behalf of his team, and not individually (even if there is only one person in the team i.e a student working on an assignment cannot be without a team even if he is working alone). Some of the previous contributors had worked on a project which made this change and associated all the submitted content to teams instead of the individual participants: the submitted_hyperlinks and dirctory_num fields were moved to teams table. All the hyperlinks were now recorded in one submitted_hyperlinks field in the team model instead of being present in all the participants of the team. All the submitted files similarly were uploaded to the common file space and in the “course_folder/assignment_folder/team_folder” path.

What was wrong with that: There are multiple methods in assignment_participant.rb which still give the impression that the author is submitting the hyperlinks on behalf of himself and not the team even though the relevant fields have been moved to teams model. These methods are to be moved to assignment_teams.rb for improving the clarity and the efficiency of code.

What refactoring we have done to improve the code:

Task1:: Removed “hyperlinks_array” method and “hyperlinks” method from assignment_participant.rb. Created “hyperlinks” method in assignment_team.rb.

Task2:: Removed “submit_hyperlink” and “remove_hyperlink” from assignment_pariticpant.rb and created equivalent methods in assignment_team.rb.      

Task3:: Removed “has_submissions?” from assginment_participant.rb and created the equivalent method in assignment_team.rb.        

Task4:: All the calls to the above methods were refactored to call the appropriate method's functions.

Task5:: Refactored some of the logic of controller methods.

Task6:: Tests for submitting and removing submitted hyperlinks and files.

List of files changed

Model Files:

  1. assignment_participant.rb
  2. assignment_team.rb
  3. student_task.rb

View Files:

  1. submitted_content/_hyperlink.html.erb
  2. assignments/edit/_calibration.html.erb
  3. assignments/list_submissions.html.erb
  4. submitted_content/_main.html.erb

Controller Files:

  1. sign_up_sheet_controller.rb
  2. submitted_content_controller.rb

Files with major modifications:

  1. The model: assignment_participant.rb
  2. The model: assignment_team.rb
  3. The controller: submitted_content_controller.rb

Key changes

Four methods hyperlinks, has_submissions?, submit_hyperlink and remove_hyperlink were moved from the assignment_participant.rb model to assignment_team.rb, and the hyperlinks_array method was removed.

Task1:: The below methods hyperlinks_array and hyperlinks were removed from the assignment_participant.rb. The hyperlinks method which existed here seemed suspect as there was no hyperlinks method in the AssignmentTeam/Team models so the try would always fail and return an empty array. Also the hyperlinks_array method retrieved the hyperlinks from the submitted_hyperlinks field of the team model so in moving to AssignmentTeam model we just had to remove the .team quantifier.

 def hyperlinks
   team.try(:hyperlinks) || []
 def hyperlinks_array ? [] : YAML::load(

They are both merged into a new single hyperlinks method in assignment_team.rb. All callers of both methods were refactored to use hyperlinks method of AssignmentTeam.

 def hyperlinks
       self.submitted_hyperlinks.blank? ? [] : YAML::load(self.submitted_hyperlinks)

Task2:: Earlier, the following method submit_hyperlink was in assignment_participant.rb:

 def submit_hyperlink(hyperlink)
   raise "The hyperlink cannot be empty" if hyperlink.empty?
   url = URI.parse(hyperlink)
   # If not a valid URL, it will throw an exception
   Net::HTTP.start(, url.port)
   hyperlinks = self.hyperlinks_array
   hyperlinks << hyperlink
   team_object =
   team_object.submitted_hyperlinks = YAML::dump(hyperlinks)

It has been now moved to assignment_team.rb as below. Again, as the method was moved to AssignmentTeam model, it obviated the need to invoke the team method.

 def submit_hyperlink(hyperlink)
       raise "The hyperlink cannot be empty" if hyperlink.empty?
       url = URI.parse(hyperlink)
       # If not a valid URL, it will throw an exception
       Net::HTTP.start(, url.port)
       hyperlinks = self.hyperlinks
       hyperlinks << hyperlink
       self.submitted_hyperlinks = YAML::dump(hyperlinks)

A similar refactoring was done for remove_hyperlinks method in assignment_participant.rb.

Task3:: The methods has_submissions? earlier existed both in AssignmentTeam model and AssignmentParticipant model.

In assignment_team.rb

 def has_submissions?
       list_of_users = participants;
       list_of_users.each { |participant| return true if participant.has_submissions? }

In assignment_participant.rb

 def has_submissions?
       return (( > 0) or (hyperlinks_array.length > 0))

What was happening earlier was that has_submissions? (AssignmentTeam method) used to call has_submissions? for each of the AssignmentParticipants in the team. This was redundant as the submitted_files and submitted_hyperlinks fields had been moved from the participant to the team model in earlier projects. So the participant objects again ended up again going to the team for retrieving these fields.

So we removed has_submissions? from the AssignmentParticipant and refactored the one already present in AssignmentTeam to the simple code below:

In assignment_team.rb

 def has_submissions?
       return ((self.submitted_files.length > 0) or (hyperlinks.length > 0))

Task4:: Most importantly, at all the places in the Expertiza code, where there were calls to the above mentioned methods in assignment_participant.rb, they were refactored appropriately to call the newly created methods in assignment_team.rb.

Sample example :

       if (participant.submitted_at.nil? && participant.hyperlinks.empty?)

This was refactored as

       if (participant.submitted_at.nil? &&

In refactoring the call points, we used the existing team method of AssignmentParticipant to get the AssignmentTeam object associated with the particular participant and then invoked the equivalent methods on the team object.

Task5 :: Refactoring some of controller code.

In submitted_content_controller, remove_hyperlink method used to cycle through all the participants belonging to the team of current participant, and for each participant call the remove_hyperlink method of the AssignmentParticipant Model to delete the instance of input hyperlink.

Since all the required hyperlink methods and fields are now in AssignmentTeam this would be redundant and waste cycles. So we refactored it to directly call the AssignmentTeam remove_hyperlink method.

Earlier in submitted_content_controller.rb

 def remove_hyperlink
   @participant = AssignmentParticipant.find(params[:hyperlinks][:participant_id])

   return unless current_user_id?(@participant.user_id)
   hyperlink_to_delete = @participant.hyperlinks_array[params['chk_links'].to_i]
   team_id = TeamsUser.team_id(@participant.parent_id, @participant.user_id)
   team_participants =
   if Team.exists?(team_id)
     team_users = TeamsUser.where(team_id: team_id)
     team_users.each do |team_user|
       team_participants << AssignmentParticipant.where(parent_id: @participant.parent_id, user_id: team_user.user_id).first
     team_participants << @participant
   team_participants.each do |team_participant|


 def remove_hyperlink
   @participant = AssignmentParticipant.find(params[:hyperlinks][:participant_id])

   return unless current_user_id?(@participant.user_id)

   team =
   hyperlink_to_delete = team.hyperlinks[params['chk_links'].to_i]

Testing Details


RSpec is a testing framework for Rails, and is a Behavioral-Driven Development tool. It is a domain specific language(DSL).

There were no existing tests for the hyperlinks related methods. We used RSpec to write test cases using TTD approach. The assignment_team_spec.rb in the spec folder will have these tests. All the tests can be executed by rspec spec command, or can also be executed individually using the command "rspec spec/models/assignment_team_spec.rb".

Factory Girl

We have used Factory Girl for creating Assignment and Team objects to be used for testing. Factory Girl is a replacement for fixtures. Fixtures have to be updated whenever we change a data model whereas adding and removing fields is much easier in Factory Girl. Fixture definitions are global whereas Factories can be local, so isolated cases can be tested. Factories are defined to create objects for testing.


Below code has to be added to the gemfile

 gem 'rspec-rails'
 gem "factory_girl_rails", "~> 4.0"

Building Factory

Below is the code to create object of team class.

FactoryGirl.define do
 factory :team do
   name "Wikipedia contribution_Team2"
   parent_id 999
   #parent_id 741
   type "AssignmentTeam"
   submitted_hyperlinks "---\n-\n-"

Example RSpec

We have written unit tests for each of the methods we have re-factored in this project. Here's a unit test example contained in spec/model/assignment_team_spec.rb:

 describe "#has_submissions?" do
   it "checks if a team has submitted hyperlinks" do
     # assignment = build(:assignment)
     assign_team = build(:assignment_team)
     assign_team.submitted_hyperlinks << "\n-"
     expect(assign_team.has_submissions?).to be true

Running RSpec

 $ rspec spec/models/assignment_team_spec.rb

UI Testing

Following are some of the steps which we performed to test this code from the User interface.

Before the test:: Have two students in an assignment team (say student1 and student2, you can also use the student logins listed in this wiki) for an active assignment. Active assignment simply means that the due date is in future and the assignment is not in "Finish" state. You can use an instructor login (example username: instructor6 password: password) to create a new assignment or update the due dates of some previous assignment and assign the team to it.

Test1: Login as student1. Submit a hyperlink (say : linkA) as student1.

Expected: Submit should go through. The hyperlink should be visible when you login as student2.

Test2: Now as student2, submit another hyperlink (say linkB).

Expected: Submit should go through. Now both hyperlinks should be visible from both student1 and student2.

Test3: As student1, try submitting linkB.

Expected: As linkB already exists in team's hyperlinks the submit should not go through.

Test4: Remove a hyperlink (say linkA).

Expected: Remove goes through. Now only linkB should be visible from both student accounts.

Test5: Remove all hyperlinks.

Expected: Hyperlinks list is empty for team and this can be seen from both student accounts.

Test6: Submit some hyperlink. Try dropping topic after submitting.

Expected: You are not allowed to drop if you have submitted some work. Only if you remove the submitted work it is possible for you to drop.

Test7: Submit some hyperlink. Do a review of the team after logging in as a student in another team. The assignment should be in review stage for this to be possible, you can move the due dates via instructor login to achieve this.

Expected: Peer review should show the links submitted by the other team. Review should be submitted successfully.