Uploads by Rlcude

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Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
15:25, 17 September 2013 Cost of cache misses from Jouppi.png (file) 31 KB Figure 1.1: This table was included in Jouppi's original paper to show the hinderance that cache misses were taking on newer machines. 1
10:40, 24 September 2013 Miss Cache Organization.png (file) 24 KB An illustration of how a miss cache is organized from: Improving direct-mapped cache performance by the addition of a small fully-associative cache and prefetch buffers by Norman Jouppi. 1
10:42, 24 September 2013 Victim Cache Organization.png (file) 25 KB An illustration of victim cache organization from: Improving direct-mapped cache performance by the addition of a small fully-associative cache and prefetch buffers by Norman Jouppi. 1
11:54, 24 September 2013 Transitory Block Sequential Predictor.png (file) 16 KB This is an illustration of the interchange between the transitory block and the main cache when deciding if a block is part of a repeated sequential access from Selective victim caching: a method to improve the performance of direct-mapped caches by Dimit 1
11:55, 24 September 2013 Selective Victim Cache Organization.png (file) 23 KB This is an illustration of the organization of the selective victim caching process that was introduced in the paper Selective victim caching: a method to improve the performance of direct-mapped caches by Dimitrios Stiliadis and Anujan Varma. 1
13:23, 24 September 2013 XOR Miss Ratio Table.png (file) 29 KB This is a table taken from Eliminating Cache Conflict Misses Through XOR-Based Placement Functions by Antonio González, Mateo Valero, Nigel Topham and Joan M. Parcerisa. It illustrates the miss ratio differences between standard victim caching and combin 1
13:56, 24 September 2013 Victim Cache Miss Ratios.png (file) 37 KB A graph depicting the amount of conflict misses that were avoided by using victim caching. Taken from Improving Direct-Mapped Cache Performance by the Addition of a Small Fully-Associative Cache and Prefetch Buffers by Jouppi. 1
13:57, 24 September 2013 Victim Cache Line Size.png (file) 28 KB This graph depicts the increase in productivity of the victim cache scheme as the line sizes increase. Taken from Improving Direct-Mapped Cache Performance by the Addition of a Small Fully-Associative Cache and Prefetch Buffers by Jouppi. 1
13:58, 24 September 2013 Miss Cache Miss Ratios.png (file) 34 KB This graph illustrates the conflict misses avoided by using the miss cache scheme. Taken from Improving Direct-Mapped Cache Performance by the Addition of a Small Fully-Associative Cache and Prefetch Buffers by Jouppi. 1
14:16, 24 September 2013 Victim Cache Cache Size.png (file) 28 KB This graph demonstrates the correlation between victim cache performance and the size of the primary cache. Taken from Improving Direct-Mapped Cache Performance by the Addition of a Small Fully-Associative Cache and Prefetch Buffers by Jouppi. 1
14:36, 24 September 2013 NAND Organization.png (file) 20 KB This is the organizational structure of the NAND IXP embedded mobile system. Taken from A Low-cost Memory Architecture with NAND XIP for Mobile Embedded Systems by Chanik Park, Jaeyu Seo, Sunghwan Bae, Hyojun Kim, Shinhan Kim and Bumsoo Kim 1
23:00, 21 November 2013 UMA.jpg (file) 19 KB A diagram of the UMA system configuration. 1
23:03, 21 November 2013 NUMA.jpg (file) 17 KB A diagram of the NUMA memory configuration. 1
23:06, 21 November 2013 UMA&NUMA.jpg (file) 23 KB The cross between the UMA and NUMA configurations. 1