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Jump to navigation Jump to search Introduction is a free and open source web application framework that is as simple as it is powerful. was originally published while Aaron swartz worked at, where the site used it ass it grew to become one of the top 1000 sites according to Alexa and served millions of daily page views. "It's the anti-framework framework. doesn't get in your way." explained founder Steve Huffman.

The slogan is: "Think about the ideal way to write a web app. Write the code to make it happen.". The goal of is to build the ideal way to make web apps. In, Instead of exposing Python objects, it allows you to build HTTP responses. Instead of trying to make the database look like an object, makes the database easier to use. And instead of coming up with yet another way to write HTML, the template system tries to bring Python into HTML.

Some of the sites which uses are

  • Frinki, a new social network in spanish.
  •, a website that reviews hotels uses for the entire website.
  • Make History, a project of the 9/11 memorial museum.


Python is a multi-paradigm programming language: object-oriented programming and structured programming are fully supported, and there are a number of language features which support functional programming and aspect-oriented programming (including by metaprogramming). Python uses dynamic typing and a combination of reference counting and a cycle-detecting garbage collector for memory management. An important feature of Python is dynamic name resolution, which binds method and variable names during program execution.

Ruby's creator, Yukihiro Matsumoto, has said: "I wanted a scripting language that was more powerful than Perl, and more object-oriented than Python. That's why I decided to design my own language."

The world of Python web frameworks is full of choices. Django, Flask, Pyramid, Tornado, Bottle, Diesel, Pecan, Falcon,, web2py and many more are competing for developer mindshare. The developer needs to cut the options down to one framework depending on the type of application.


The reasons for using are

  • Simplicity
  • Freedom
  • writing clean code
  • minimalism
  • a solid web framework


To install,

  • Firstly, download the following tar file:
  • Extract the downloaded tar file:
tar -zxvf
  • Go to directory:
  • Install and make it accessible to all the applications:
sudo python install skeleton

Every web application needs a skeleton. A sample skeleton of application looks as follows.

  • doc: Documentation of all the files.
  • licenses: All the licenses of the project and the libraries used in the application.
  • requirements: Specifying the third party libraries.
  • sh: bash script files of the project.
  • www: The required web application itself.
    • app: contains the application modules.
      • controllers: This module contains the handler modules of controller package.
      • Tools: Tools that are used for the project.
      • views: Template files.
      • models: Database models of the application.
      • bridge: It is used to communicate with the server which is written in another language.
    • lib: The library files developed for the project. These are different from the tools mentioned in the app. Libraries can be used in other projects where as tools are limited to the project itself.
    • public: This folder contains the minimized compiled CSS, Javascript, CoffeeScript files and images so the files in this folder are production ready and can't be used in development.
    • static: Contains the development CSS, CoffeeScript, Javascript, and images files of the project.
    • test: As you can guess easily, these are the test files.
    • tmp: Garbage files.
    • These are the only files that are directly executed by the server.
    • Main executable file in development mode.
    • Global constants and settings of the application.
    • Contains URL's of the application

Features of has two interesting features


The database package lets you access various of different databases. Accessing different databases refers to connecting to multiple databases. However, its not an ORM. This feature is missing in Django (another web framework) from long time. This feature is helpful for the people who are good at SQl and don't like to use SQL as it is similar to sqlite3 package but doesn't use ORM.


A forms package is present in which let's us create forms and validators. Ironically, it doesn't have built-in protection against CSRF. If you want to create a login form, you can use forms package to create.

Another interesting feature about is its flexibility. It has flexible modules which can be used with another framework.

Hello world example

import web
urls = (
	'/', 'index'

class index:
	def GET(self):
		return "Hello, ECE517!"

if __name__ == "__main__":
	app = web.application(urls, globals())

If the above example is considered, then we start the application by importing the module using the following command

import web

The most important part of the website is its URL structure. makes it easy to make great URLs.

urls = (
  '/', 'index'

The first part is a regular expressions that matches a URL, like /, /help/faq, /item/, etc. The parentheses say to capture that piece of the matched data for use later on. The second part is the name of a class to send the request to, like index, view, welcomes.hello (which gets the hello ECE517 of the welcomes module), or get_\1. \1 is replaced by the first capture of your regular expression; any remaining captures get passed to your function.'s URL handling scheme is simple yet powerful and flexible. At the top of each application, you usually see the full URL dispatching scheme defined as a tuple.

urls = (
    "/tasks/?", "signin",
    "/tasks/list", "listing",
    "/tasks/post", "post",
    "/tasks/chgpass", "chgpass",
    "/tasks/act", "actions",
    "/tasks/logout", "logout",
    "/tasks/signup", "signup"

The format of this tuple is: url-path-pattern, handler-class this pattern will repeat as more url patterns are defined

GET and POST methods

While most people don't notice it just browsing around, your browser uses a language known as HTTP for communicating with the World Wide Web. The details aren't important, but the basic idea is that Web visitors ask web servers to perform certain functions (like GET or POST) on URLs (like / or /foo?f=1).

GET is the one we're all familiar with, the one used to request the text of a web page. When you type into your web browser, it literally asks the Harvard web server to GET /. The second-most famous, POST, is often used when submitting certain kinds of forms, like a request to purchase something. You use POST whenever the act of submitting a request does something (like charge your credit card and process an order). This is key, because GET URLs can be passed around and indexed by search engines, which you definitely want for most of your pages but definitely don't want for things like processing orders (imagine if Google tried to buy everything on your site!).

class index:
    def GET(self):
        return "Hello, world!"

This GET function will now get called by anytime someone makes a GET request for /.

Now we need to create an application specifying the urls and a way to tell to start serving web pages:

if __name__ == "__main__": 
    app = web.application(urls, globals())

First we tell to create an application with the URLs we listed above, looking up the classes in the global namespace of this file. And finally we make sure that serves the application we created above.


The philosophy of -- a minimalist framework -- is not to abstract away the details of interacting with the Web, but to make that interaction easier. As a result, you'll find yourself writing HTTP GET function handlers directly. Likewise, the database system does not abstract away SQL; rather than hide the fact that you're querying a database, it hides the details of working with different databases. does define a template language, which -- like that of Web2py -- lets you embed arbitrary Python code in a Web page. is ideal if you're already familiar with building Web applications (perhaps you once wrote CGI-based applications). You'll get started quickly with, but you'll have to rely on your own wits to go beyond simple Web applications.


[1] official website:

[2] python development story:

[3] pillars of python-six web frameworks:

[4] Django vs flash vs pyramid

[5] Form Validation:
