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Source:The Cross of Christ by John R. W. Stott

According to different people Jesus died for different reasons :

According to the Jewish leaders:

    - Jesus was a blasphemer
    -they killed him because they envied him
    - Jesus had a disrespectful attitude toward the law
    - Jesus made provocative claims
    -Jesus' teachings were dangerous and even subversive( having the ability to overthrow completely)
    -Jesus' teachings were against God

According to the Romans:

   -Jesus was proclaiming himself king of the Jews, thus challenging the authority of Caesar
   - His crime was sedition(conduct or language inciting rebellion against the state)
   - Jesus' crime was against Caesar
   - Jesus was a revolutionary thinker and a preacher and some even considered Him a revolutinary activist as well
   -Jesus disturbed the status quo- the existing state of affairs
  • Bassically to the groups above Jesus died as a law-breaker but in reality He died as the victim of small minds, and as a martyr to His own greatness.

  • Jesus went to the cross voluntarily
  • According to the Octavius Winslow,God delivered Jesus up to die for love.
  - John 3:16- "For God so loved the world that he gave His one and only son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.