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|Tells whether the record will be used for calibration or not.

Revision as of 05:50, 8 February 2020

Maps a connection between the participants as reviewers and participants or teams as reviewees

Response maps variable documentation

Field Name Type Description
id int(11) The unique record id
reviewed_object_id int(11) The object being reviewed in the response. Possible objects include other ResponseMaps or assignments
reviewer_id int(11) The participant (actually AssignmentParticipant) providing the response
reviewee_id int(11) The team (AssignmentTeam) receiving the response
type varchar(255) Used for subclassing the response map. Available subclasses are ReviewResponseMap, MetareviewResponseMap, FeedbackResponseMap, TeammateReviewResponseMap
created_at DATETIME Date and Time for when the record was created
updated_at DATETIME Date and Time when the last update was made
calibrate_to BIT Tells whether the record will be used for calibration or not.

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