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Users associated with either a course or an assignment

Participants variable documentation

Field Name Type Description
id INT(10) unique identifier for the person participating
can_submit BIT bit to identify whether the person can submit or not
can_review BIT bit to identify whether the person can review or not
user_id INT(10) unique id referring to the user
parent_id INT(10) unique id referring to parent assignment or course
submitted_at DATETIME Date and Time of the submission made
permission_granted BIT the on or off bit tells whether the permission is granted or not
penalty_accumulated INT UNSIGNED
grade FLOAT Grade allotted for the submission after evaluation
type VARCHAR(255)
handle VARCHAR(255) the handle used during submission
time_stamp DATETIME
digital_signature TEXT to record what was the evaluation
duty VARCHAR(255) the "role" of this person on their team, e.g., tester. Used only when roles are assigned to team members.
can_take_quiz BIT this bit signifies whether the participant can take quiz or not

E/R diagram for Parents Tables

Tables referred by the Participants Table as Foreign Key Relationship.

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