Independent Study Spring 2019/Errbit

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Revision as of 21:12, 7 May 2019 by Psingh25 (talk | contribs)
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Set up an open-source error monitoring tool instead of Airbrake

Useful links

Github Pull Request



Errbit has been set-up, replacing the already existing Airbrake API to serve several purposes like :

  • Errbit is a much more powerful monitoring tool
  • Errbit is Airbrake API compliant
  • Store unresolved errors indefinitely without any extra cost.

The Steps taken for the setup

There were several steps taken to set-up Errbit for Expertiza and schedule it to automatically pull changed from its forked branch and deploy:

Setup Heroku

  • Made an account with Email: and Password: expertiza2019@

Setup Errbit

  • Fork Errbit from and follow the steps mentioned on
  • When we run rake errbit:bootsrap or rake db:seed it will create an admin user with a random password. We can see these login credential in the console log. But instead, we can provide this username and password explicitly by just making some changes in errbit/db/seed.rb file.

Deploy Errbit on Heroku

Took the following steps in the /errbit repository on local machine:

  • Login to Heroku using Herkou CLI from console using `heroku login`
  • Added remote using `heroku git:remote -a errbit-expertiza2019`

``` heroku addons:add mongolab:sandbox heroku addons:add sendgrid:starter heroku config:add HEROKU=true ``` > git add . > git commit -m “new creds” > git push heroku master

Configure Expertiza to send errors to the deployed Errbit

  • Create a new app on Errbit
  • Copy it's configuration and place it in Expertiza

Set up Cron job to regularly pull changes from Forked repository and deploy on Heroku.