E1844 Issues related to names

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Revision as of 21:42, 2 November 2018 by Ntripat (talk | contribs)
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Problem Statement

In Expertiza, teams are created for every homework. Somewhere in the bidding code, or the code that assigns topics based on bids, team names are generated. In this case, team names are not appended to the name of the assignment, like they are when teams are created elsewhere in the code. The team names should be of the form "Team_random_number". Also currently, the usernames can have spaces in them but then you cannot impersonate that user. The expertiza should prohibit spaces in usernames.

Issues to be fixed

Issues as described by the problem statement:

Issue #842: Team names created by bidding are incorrect Somewhere in the bidding code, or the code that assigns topics based on bids, team names are generated. In this case, team names are not appended to the name of the assignment, like they are when teams are created elsew

Issue #982: Usernames can have spaces in them. And currently, if you create a user with a space in the username, you can't impersonate that user. Expertiza should prohibit spaces in usernames. Implementation should probably just include a format check in the user model, and tests to validate a username.

Modified Files

Issue #842:

1) app/controllers/lottery_controller.rb

2) app/controllers/suggestion_controller.rb

3) app/models/team.rb

4) spec/models/team_spec.rb

Issue #982:

1) app/models/user.rb

2) spec/models/user_spec.rb