E1728. Remove useless partials from grades view and move view logic to grades helper.rb

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Revision as of 20:43, 21 March 2017 by Mhhassan (talk | contribs) (→‎Tasks)
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This wiki provides details on the refactoring tasks that were undertaken as part of the continuous improvement to the Expertiza project


Expertiza is a web application where students can submit and peer-review learning objects (articles, code, web sites, etc). The Expertiza project is supported by the National Science Foundation.

The application provides a complete system through which students and instructors collaborate on the learning objects as well as submit, review and grade assignments for the courses.


By participating in the overall refactoring effort as part of the continuous improvement of Expertiza, students get an opportunity to work on a open source software project. This helps them gain exposure on the technologies used in the project as well as much needed experience in collaborating with peers as part of the software development process.


The tasks involved as part of this refactoring effort were geared towards cleaning up the grade view logic.

Initial Task List

The initial set of tasks were:

  • For files: _scores_author_feedback.html.erb, _scores_metareview.html.erb, _scores_submitted_work.html.erb
  1. Move javascript code to assets
  • For files: _scores_header.html.erb
  1. Move logical code (such as L43-96) to helper file and assign self-explanatory method name
  • For files: _participant.html.erb, view_team.html.erb
  1. Move javascript code to assets
  2. Move logical code to helper file and assign self-explanatory method name
  3. Such as L8-22 in _participant.html.erb
  • Create test file named grades_helper_spec.rb in spec/helpers
  • Write test cases for all methods in grades_helper.rb

Revised Task List

On working with files _scores_author_feedback.html.erb, _scores_metareview.html.erb, _scores_submitted_work.html.erb, _scores_header.html.erb, the team came to find out that these files were not being used anymore in the application and the overall tasks were updated to the following:

Refactoring Tasks

Test Plans