Downloading Production Data

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Rails 3

cd <your_github_repository>
bundle install
bundle exec cap -v
ruby -v
source /etc/profile
rvm use 1.8.7
rails -v
bundle exec rails -v
bundle exec rake db:setup
# Create tunnel in another window:
ssh -L <your-realm-id>
# Leave this tunnel open while executing the following commands.
bundle exec cap proxy load_data
# When prompted to log in:
# Proxy server: localhost
# Login: <your-realm-id>
# Port: 22
# Password: <realm pw.>
bundle exec rake db:migrate

Rails 4

cd <your_github_repository>
bundle install
bundle exec cap -v
ruby -v
source /etc/profile
rvm use 1.8.7
rails -v
bundle exec rails -v
bundle exec rake db:setup
# Create tunnel in another window:
 ssh -L <your-realm-id>
# Leave this tunnel open while executing the following commands.]
bundle exec cap proxy db:pull
#  When prompted to log in:
#   Proxy server: localhost
#    Login: <your-realm-id>
#    Port: 22
#   Password: <realm pw.>]
bundle exec rake db:migrate