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====Create the Databases====
====Create the Databases====
<pre style="white-space:normal;">create database pg_development;</pre>
<pre style="white-space:normal;">create database pg_development;</pre>
<pre style="white-space:normal;">create database pg_test;</pre>
====Grant Privileges to the Expertiza User====
====Grant Privileges to the Expertiza User====
<pre style="white-space:normal;">grant all on pg_development.* to expertiza@localhost;</pre>
<pre style="white-space:normal;">grant all on pg_development.* to expertiza@localhost;</pre>
<pre style="white-space:normal;">grant all on pg_test.* to expertiza@localhost;</pre>

==Build the Expertiza Database==
==Build the Expertiza Database==

Revision as of 20:13, 6 January 2013


  • You must have shell access
  • You must have root access (via sudo), or the required software must already be installed

Install Git

sudo yum install git

Get Expertiza

Expertiza Repository URLs


git clone <remote>
git clone


git clone -b <branch> <remote>
git clone -b production

Install RVM

RVM Install

Single User Mode (Recommended)

\curl -L | bash -s stable
Load RVM as a Function
source ~/.rvm/bin/rvm

Multi User Mode

\curl -L | sudo bash -s stable
Load RVM as a Function
source /etc/profile


Is RVM a Function?
$ type rvm | head -1
rvm is a shell function

If not, try loading RVM as a function again. If it is still not a function, try reinstalling RVM.

Make sure all the dependencies are met for RVM
rvm requirements

This will show a yum command. Run it to install the dependancies for Ruby. For example:

sudo yum install -y gcc-c++ patch readline readline-devel zlib zlib-devel libyaml-devel libffi-devel openssl-devel make bzip2 autoconf automake libtool bison iconv-devel

Install Ruby v. 1.8.7

rvm install 1.8.7
rvm use 1.8.7

Create Expertiza Gemset (optional)

rvm use 1.8.7
rvm gemset create expertiza
rvm use 1.8.7@expertiza

Create a .rvmrc File (optional)

echo 'rvm use 1.8.7@expertiza' > .rvmrc

Install Native Expertiza Dependencies

Dependencies are for the gems raspell, rjb, nokogiri, and mysql.

sudo yum install aspell-devel java-devel gcc ruby-devel libxml2 libxml2-devel libxslt libxslt-devel mysql-devel mysql-server

Install Bundled Gems

Set JAVA_HOME for the rjb gem:

export JAVA_HOME=/etc/alternatives/java_sdk
bundle install

Set Up the Database

Enable and Start the MySql Daemon

sudo service mysqld enable
sudo service mysqld start

Set the MySql Root Password

mysqladmin -u root password

Log in to MySql

mysql -uroot -p

The following commands are executed inside mysql

Create the Expertiza User

create user expertiza@localhost;

Create the Databases

create database pg_development;
create database pg_test;

Grant Privileges to the Expertiza User

grant all on pg_development.* to expertiza@localhost;
grant all on pg_test.* to expertiza@localhost;

Build the Expertiza Database