CSC 216 F09/InheritanceMatchingGame

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Inheritance Matching Game

By Erin Curran and Josh Pellerin

CSC 216-002

The problem

This matching game is designed to help students review the key terms involved in inheritance. By understanding the basic terms better, students will be able to further grasp the subject easier.

Participants and props

For this exercise, you will need to download the .zip file located at:

Once you download it, run the file as an APPLET.

The script

Make sure you have your sound on before running it. Select a term from the row at the top of the screen first and then select the corresponding definition at the bottom of the screen. If correct, you will get hear a "winning noise" and the backgrounds of the term and definition you selected will turn red. If it was incorrect, you will get a "losing noise" and the backgrounds will remain the same.