CSC/ECE 517 Spring 2024 - G2402 Implement REST client, REST API, and Graphql API endpoint for repositories - Part 2

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GitHub Miner

This is a convenient tool to query a user's GitHub metrics. The project aims to develop API endpoints for GitHub GraphQL queries and GitHub REST queries using Python Flask. It involves integrating existing code with Flask to expose GraphQL queries as API endpoints, developing a REST client, and creating REST endpoints for querying the same data sets. The project also includes thorough testing and documentation of the endpoints.

Live Demo & Source Code Link] (Please login using your personal GitHub accounts, not NCSU accounts)

Source Code


We recommend using virtual environment. Steps to set up virtual environment:

cd path/to/your/project/directory
python -m venv venv

On macOS and Linux:

source venv/bin/activate

On Windows (Command Prompt):


On Windows (PowerShell):


Next, install all the necessary libraries:

pip -r requirements.txt

Next, set the PYTHONPATH to

On Windows

set PYTHONPATH=%PYTHONPATH%;path/to/your/project
set PYTHONPATH=%PYTHONPATH%;path/to/your/project/backend

On Unix or MacOS

export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/path/to/your/project
export PYTHONPATH=%PYTHONPATH%;path/to/your/project/backend

You can run the app from your terminal by executing the following command:

python backend\

GraphQL Endpoints

Get current user login:


Sample Output:

  "viewer": {
    "login": "<your-username>"

Get specific user login:


Get list of all commits in a repo:


Sample Output: {

   "repository": {
     "defaultBranchRef": {
       "target": {
         "history": {
           "nodes": [
               "additions": 0,
               "author": {
                 "email": "",
                 "name": "Atharva Pansare",
                 "user": {
                   "login": "Atharva7007"
               "authoredDate": "2020-04-03T09:30:17Z",
               "changedFilesIfAvailable": 1,
               "deletions": 0,
               "message": "Add files via upload",
               "parents": {
                 "totalCount": 1
           "pageInfo": {
             "endCursor": "98ba34a6c62ff6fe7c4d4de5c342a194f72d66e4 0",
             "hasNextPage": true
           "totalCount": 6

Get details of all contributors in a repo:


Sample Output: {

   "repository": {
     "defaultBranchRef": {
       "target": {
         "history": {
           "nodes": [
               "author": {
                 "email": "",
                 "name": "Atharva Pansare",
                 "user": {
                   "login": "Atharva7007"
           "pageInfo": {
             "endCursor": "98ba34a6c62ff6fe7c4d4de5c342a194f72d66e4 0",
             "hasNextPage": true
           "totalCount": 6

REST API Endpoints

Get current user login:


Sample Output:

  "avatar_url": "",
  "bio": null,
  "blog": "",
  "company": null,
  "created_at": "2020-03-04T16:49:06Z",
  "email": null,
  "events_url": "{/privacy}",
  "followers": 1,
  "followers_url": "",
  "following": 3,
  "following_url": "{/other_user}",
  "gists_url": "{/gist_id}",
  "gravatar_id": "",
  "hireable": null,
  "html_url": "",
  "id": 61797592,
  "location": null,
  "login": "Atharva7007",
  "name": "Atharva Pansare",
  "node_id": "MDQ6VXNlcjYxNzk3NTky",
  "organizations_url": "",
  "public_gists": 0,
  "public_repos": 11,
  "received_events_url": "",
  "repos_url": "",
  "site_admin": false,
  "starred_url": "{/owner}{/repo}",
  "subscriptions_url": "",
  "twitter_username": null,
  "type": "User",
  "updated_at": "2024-03-14T19:03:46Z",
  "url": ""

Get list of all commits in a repo:


Sample Output:

    "repository": {
      "defaultBranchRef": {
        "target": {
          "history": {
            "nodes": [
                "additions": 0,
                "author": {
                  "email": "",
                  "name": "Atharva Pansare",
                  "user": {
                    "login": "Atharva7007"
                "authoredDate": "2020-04-03T09:30:17Z",
                "changedFilesIfAvailable": 1,
                "deletions": 0,
                "message": "Add files via upload",
                "parents": {
                  "totalCount": 1
            "pageInfo": {
              "endCursor": "98ba34a6c62ff6fe7c4d4de5c342a194f72d66e4 0",
              "hasNextPage": true
            "totalCount": 6

Get details of all contributors in a repo:


Sample Output: [

   "avatar_url": "",
   "events_url": "{/privacy}",
   "followers_url": "",
   "following_url": "{/other_user}",
   "gists_url": "{/gist_id}",
   "gravatar_id": "",
   "html_url": "",
   "id": 61797592,
   "login": "Atharva7007",
   "node_id": "MDQ6VXNlcjYxNzk3NTky",
   "organizations_url": "",
   "permissions": {
     "admin": true,
     "maintain": true,
     "pull": true,
     "push": true,
     "triage": true
   "received_events_url": "",
   "repos_url": "",
   "role_name": "admin",
   "site_admin": false,
   "starred_url": "{/owner}{/repo}",
   "subscriptions_url": "",
   "type": "User",
   "url": ""


Implementation Details


In the API, we have 2 separate endpoints to retrieve the same data: one for REST and the other using GraphQL queries. To manage this, we have made use of Flask Blueprints where all the "api/graphql" requests get routed to the graphql variants and the "api/rest" requests get routed to the REST variants.

Design Patterns used

  1. The REST API Client /backend/app/services/github_query/github_rest/ is a Singleton.


To ensure the reliability and robustness of the GitHub Miner, comprehensive testing strategies, including unit tests and integration tests, have been implemented. These tests validate the functionality of the API endpoints across different scenarios, ensuring the system's correctness and stability. The testing suite covers the following areas:

Unit Tests

Unit tests have been developed to test individual components in isolation, ensuring that each part functions correctly on its own. This includes testing the initialization, argument formatting, field formatting, string representation, and equality of query nodes, as well as the correct behavior of the query builders and authenticators. Examples of unit tests include:

- **TestQueryNode**: Validates the initialization, argument formatting, and field formatting of query nodes.

- **TestQuery**: Ensures correct query initialization, argument substitution, and time formatting.

- **TestQueryNodePaginator**: Tests the functionality of the paginator, including initialization, updating, and resetting.

- **TestPaginatedQuery**: Validates the initialization and execution of paginated queries.

Integration Tests

Integration tests verify the interaction between different components of the system, ensuring that they work together as expected. This includes testing the behavior of the client when making actual requests to the GitHub API, handling authentication, executing queries, and processing paginated responses. Examples of integration tests include:

- **TestClient**: Tests the GitHub client's initialization, header generation, retry logic, query execution, and handling of paginated queries. - **Authentication Tests**: Validate the generation of correct authorization headers and the handling of personal access tokens.

These tests collectively ensure that the GitHub Miner operates reliably, providing accurate and timely data from GitHub's APIs. By covering a wide range of scenarios, from successful queries to error handling and rate limiting, the tests ensure that the application can be used confidently in production environments.

Team Members

Atharva Pansare

Sumedh Limburkar

Viraj Sanap

Mengning Li

Mentor: Jialin Cui


GitHub REST API documentation -