CSC/ECE 517 Spring 2024 - E2442 Reimplement student task controller

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Github repository

Front end:

Back end:

Problem Statement





Project Board

We utilize a project board on GitHub in order to track and delegate our tasks that the reimplementation is comprised of.

project board

We initialize our tasks on the board and so that they can be tracked and our progress can be followed by each team member, regardless of their level of responsibility in a single task. That way, even if a team member isn't directly responsible for a sub-task, a single source of truth displays to everyone the state of the project at any point in time.

Moreover, our design documentation should allow us to create a roadmap and tasks before designing code, so that the course of action is clear and the tasks can be evenly delegated.

Code Quality

By laying out all of the incremental steps we have in order to reimplement the student task controller, we ensure that all boxes are checked in redesigning the software. Moreover, adequate comments throughout the code, and adherence to best practices will ensure our code is readable, robust, and inline with industry standards.

Moreover, sufficient testing and peer reviews should also ensure our code is up to the highest quality.


We communicate on a regular basis using a text group chat. Moreover, we have scheduled formal calls at least once a week to discuss current objectives and progress. Additionally we often jump on a less unscheduled calls to pair program and problem solve.