CSC/ECE 517 Spring 2024 - E2412. Testing for hamer.rb: Difference between revisions

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=== Results????? ===
=== Results????? ===

=== Conclusion????? ===
=== Conclusion ===
We can see here that the values returned by this webservice don't match the expected values. Hence, we conclude that the webservice is not implemented correctly.

== Objective 3: Reimplement the algorithm if discrepancies arise in the reputation web server's Hamer values. ==
== Objective 3: Reimplement the algorithm if discrepancies arise in the reputation web server's Hamer values. ==

Revision as of 03:53, 25 March 2024

This page describes the changes made for the Spring 2024 Program 3: First OSS project E2412. Testing for hamer.rb

Project Overview

Problem Statement

The practice of using student feedback on assignments as a grading tool is gaining traction among university professors and courses. This approach not only saves instructors and teaching assistants considerable time but also fosters a deeper understanding of assignments among students as they evaluate their peers' work. However, there is a concern that some students may not take their reviewing responsibilities seriously, potentially skewing the grading process by assigning extreme scores such as 100 or 0 arbitrarily. To address this issue, the Hamer algorithm was developed to assess the credibility and accuracy of reviewers. It generates reputation weights for each reviewer, which instructors can use to gauge their reliability or incorporate into grading calculations. Our goal here is to test this Hamer algorithm.


  • Develop code testing scenarios to validate the Hamer algorithm and ensure the accuracy of its output values.
  • Verify the correctness of the reputation web server's Hamer values by accessing the URL
  • Reimplement the algorithm if discrepancies arise in the reputation web server's Hamer values.
  • Validate the accuracy of the newly implemented Hamer algorithm.

Files Involved

  • reimplemented algorithm: /app/controllers/reputation_web_service_controller.rb
  • test file: /spec/controllers/reputation_mock_web_server_hamer.rb


  • Muhammet Mustafa Olmez (

Team Members

  • Neha Vijay Patil (
  • Prachit Mhalgi (
  • Sahil Santosh Sawant (

Hamer Algorithm

The grading algorithm described in the paper is designed to provide a reward to reviewers who participate effectively by allocating a portion of the assignment mark to the review, with the review mark reflecting the quality of the grading. Here's an explanation of the algorithm:

1. Review Allocation: Each reviewer is assigned a number of essays to grade. The paper suggests assigning at least five essays, with ten being ideal. Assuming each review takes 20 minutes, ten reviews can be completed in about three and a half hours.

2. Grading Process:

  • Once the reviewing is complete, grades are generated for each essay and weights are assigned to each reviewer.
  • The essay grades are computed by averaging the individual grades from all the reviewers assigned to that essay.
  • Initially, all reviewers are given equal weight in the averaging process.
  • The algorithm assumes that some reviewers will perform better than others. It measures this by comparing the grades assigned by each reviewer to the averaged grades. The larger the difference between the assigned and averaged grades, the more out of step the reviewer is considered with the consensus view of the class.
  • The algorithm adjusts the weighting of the reviewers based on this difference. Reviewers who are closer to the consensus view are given higher weights, while those who deviate significantly are given lower weights.

3. Iterative Process:

  • The calculation of grades and weights is an iterative process. Each time the grades are calculated, the weights need to be updated, and each change in the weights affects the grades.
  • Convergence occurs quickly, typically requiring four to six iterations before a solution (a "fix-point") is reached.

4. Weight Adjustment:

  • The weights assigned to reviewers are adjusted based on the difference between the assigned and averaged grades. Reviewers with larger discrepancies have their weights adjusted inversely proportional to this difference.
  • To prevent excessively large weights, a logarithmic dampening function is applied, allowing weights to rise to twice the class average before further increases are awarded sparingly.

5. Properties:

  • The algorithm aims to identify and diminish the impact of "rogue" reviewers who may inject random or arbitrary grades into the peer assessment process.
  • By adjusting reviewer weights based on their grading accuracy, the algorithm aims to improve the reliability of the grading process in the presence of such rogue reviewers.

Overall, the algorithm seeks to balance the contributions of different reviewers based on the accuracy of their grading, ultimately aiming to produce reliable grades for each essay in a peer assessment scenario.

Hamer value calculation

Objective 1: Develop code testing scenarios

We assumed 9 reviewers to review 4 submissions each to cover the following test scenarios:

  • 3 cases where reviewers are giving credible scores (passing1, passing2, passing3)
  • case where reviewer is giving max scores (10) to all submissions (should be flagged)
  • case where reviewer is giving min scores (0) to all submissions (should be flagged)
  • case where reviewer is giving median scores (5) to all submissions (should be flagged)
  • case where reviewer is giving same scores to all submissions (should be flagged)

Object Creation

Below is the Input object for tests that cover all the above scenarios:

INPUTS_new = {
    "submission1": {
    "maxtoall": 10,
    "mintoall": 1,
    "mediantoall": 5,
    "incomplete_review": 4,
    "max_incomplete": 10,
    "passing1": 10,
    "passing2": 10,
    "passing3": 9
      "submission2": {
    "maxtoall": 10,
    "mintoall": 1,
    "mediantoall": 5,
    "incomplete_review": 2,
    "max_incomplete": 10,
    "min_incomplete": 1,
    "passing1": 3,
    "passing2": 2,
    "passing3": 4
      "submission3": {
    "maxtoall": 10,
    "mintoall": 1,
    "mediantoall": 5,
    "passing1": 7,
    "passing2": 4,
    "passing3": 5
      "submission4": {
    "maxtoall": 10,
    "mintoall": 1,
    "mediantoall": 5,
    "max_incomplete": 10,
    "min_incomplete": 1,
    "passing1": 6,
    "passing2": 4,
    "passing3": 5

Expected Hamer Values

    "Hamer": {
        "maxtoall": 2.65,
        "mintoall": 2.41,
        "mediantoall": 1.03,
        "incomplete_review": 2.31,
        "max_incomplete": 2.57,
        "min_incomplete": 2.48,
        "passing1": 2.17,
        "passing2": 1.73,
        "passing3": 1.23,

Objective 2: Verify the correctness of the reputation web server's Hamer values

We test the original reputation web server's algorithm with our scenarios and verify if they match the expected values. The peerlogic server can be accessed via API calls to URL It uses two algorithms: The hamer-peer algorithm and the Lauw-peer algorithm. Our scope for this project is to test Hamer values as it is already established in previous work that the Hamer algorithm suits our use case better.

Test Code Snippet

describe "Expertiza" do
    it "should return the correct Hamer calculation" do
        uri = URI('')
        response =, INPUTS, 'Content-Type' => 'application/json')
        expect(JSON.parse(response.body)["Hamer"]).to eq(JSON.parse(EXPECTED)["Hamer"])



We can see here that the values returned by this webservice don't match the expected values. Hence, we conclude that the webservice is not implemented correctly.

Objective 3: Reimplement the algorithm if discrepancies arise in the reputation web server's Hamer values.

As seen above, the values returned by reputation server do not match the expected values. Hence, we concluded that the PeerLogic Webservice is implemented incorrectly. In this phase, we implemented the algorithm in Ruby as a function in a controller file : /app/controllers/reputation_web_service_controller.rb

Changes made in implementation

  • converted to ruby
  • handled nil cases, now it accepts

Code Snippet

require 'json'
require 'uri'
require 'net/http'
require 'openssl'
require 'base64'

# Expertiza allows student work to be peer-reviewed, since peers can provide
# more feedback than the instructor can.
# However, if we want to assure that all students receive competent feedback,
# or even use peer-assigned grades,
# we need a way to judge which peer reviewers are most credible. The solution
# is the reputation system.
# Reputation systems have been deployed as web services, peer-review
# researchers will be able to use them to calculate scores on assignments,
# both past and present (past data can be used to tune the algorithms).
# This file is the controller to calculate the reputation scores.
# A 'reputation' measures how close a reviewer's scores are to other reviewers'
# scores.
# This controller implements the calculation of reputation scores.
class ReputationWebServiceController < ApplicationController
  include AuthorizationHelper

  # Method: action_allowed
  # This method checks if the currently authenticated user has the authorization
  # to perform certain actions
  # Params
  # Returns
  #   true if the user has privileges to perform the action else returns false
  def action_allowed?

  # Method: get_max_question_score
  # This method receives a set of answers and gets the maximum question score
  # Params
  #   answers: set of answers
  # Returns
  #   if no error returns max_question_score of first question else 1
  def get_max_question_score(answers)
    rescue StandardError

  # Method: get_valid_answers_for_response
  # This method receives response and filters the valid answers list of the
  # response ID
  # Params
  #   response
  # Returns
  #   set of valid answers (returns nil if empty)
  def get_valid_answers_for_response(response)
    answers = Answer.where(response_id:
    valid_answer = { |answer| (answer.question.type == 'Criterion') && !answer.answer.nil? }
    valid_answer.empty? ? nil : valid_answer

  # Method: calculate_peer_review_grade
  # This method calculates a cumulative review grade with respect to the set of valid answers
  # Params
  #   valid_answer: valid answer to get weight of the answer's question
  #   max_question_score: used to calculate maximum score for peer review grade
  # Returns
  #   peer_review_grade
  def calculate_peer_review_grade(valid_answer, max_question_score)
    weighted_score_sum = { |answer| answer.answer * answer.question.weight }.inject(:+)
    question_weight_sum = valid_answer.sum { |answer| answer.question.weight }
    peer_review_grade = 100.0 * weighted_score_sum / (question_weight_sum * max_question_score)

  # Method: get_peer_reviews_for_responses
  # This method calculates the peer review grade for each valid response
  # Params
  #   reviewer_id: used to create respective element in the peer_review_grades_list
  #   team_id: used to create respective element in the peer_review_grades_list
  #   valid_response: to get the valid answer for each valid response
  # Returns
  #   peer_review_grades_list
  def get_peer_reviews_for_responses(reviewer_id, team_id, valid_response)
    peer_review_grades_list = []
    valid_response.each do |response|
      valid_answer = get_valid_answers_for_response(response)
      next if valid_answer.nil?

      review_grade = calculate_peer_review_grade(valid_answer, get_max_question_score(valid_answer))
      peer_review_grades_list << [reviewer_id, team_id, review_grade]

  # Method: get_peer_reviews
  # This method retrieves all the reviews for the submissions
  # Params
  #   assignment_id_list: used to retrieve response map
  #   round_num: used to retrieve round_num for the valid response
  #   has_topic: to get the topic condition
  # Returns
  #   raw_data_array: which corresponds to the return of
  #     get_peer_reviews_for_responses method and appended to the raw_data_array
  def get_peer_reviews(assignment_id_list, round_num, has_topic)
    raw_data_array = []
    ReviewResponseMap.where('reviewed_object_id in (?) and calibrate_to = ?', assignment_id_list, false).each do |response_map|
      reviewer = response_map.reviewer.user
      team = AssignmentTeam.find(response_map.reviewee_id)
      topic_condition = ((has_topic && (SignedUpTeam.where(team_id: == false)) || !has_topic)
      last_valid_response = { |r| r.round == round_num }.max
      valid_response = [last_valid_response] unless last_valid_response.nil?
      if (topic_condition == true) && !valid_response.nil? && !valid_response.empty?
        raw_data_array += get_peer_reviews_for_responses(,, valid_response)

  # Method: get_ids_list
  # This method maps each object to the corresponding object's ID
  # Params
  #   tables: any table
  # Returns
  #   id in the tables
  def get_ids_list(tables)

  # Method: get_scores
  # This method gets the quiz score of each participant for respective reviewee
  # Params
  #   team_ids: list of team IDs
  # Returns
  #   raw_data_array: which is a list of participant, reviewee and the participant's quiz score
  def get_scores(team_ids)
    quiz_questionnnaires = QuizQuestionnaire.where('instructor_id in (?)', team_ids)
    quiz_questionnnaire_ids = get_ids_list(quiz_questionnnaires)
    raw_data_array = []
    QuizResponseMap.where('reviewed_object_id in (?)', quiz_questionnnaire_ids).each do |response_map|
      quiz_score = response_map.quiz_score
      participant = Participant.find(response_map.reviewer_id)
      raw_data_array << [participant.user_id, response_map.reviewee_id, quiz_score]

  # Method: get_quiz_score
  # This method gets the quiz score of assignments
  # Params
  #   assignment_id_list: list of assignment IDs
  # Returns
  #   raw_data_array: returned by get_scores method, which is a list of participant,
  #     reviewee and the participant's quiz score
  def get_quiz_score(assignment_id_list)
    teams = AssignmentTeam.where('parent_id in (?)', assignment_id_list)
    team_ids = get_ids_list(teams)

  # Method: generate_json_body
  # This method generates json body for the peer reviews and quiz scores
  # Params
  #   results: list of grades with corresponding team/participant ID,
  #     reviewee ID and their score
  # Returns
  #   request_body: returns the formatted body after sorting the hash
  def generate_json_body(results)
    request_body = {}
    results.each_with_index do |record, _index|
      request_body['submission' + record[1].to_s] = {} unless request_body.key?('submission' + record[1].to_s)
      request_body['submission' + record[1].to_s]['stu' + record[0].to_s] = record[2]
    # sort the 2-dimension hash
    request_body.each { |k, v| request_body[k] = v.sort.to_h }

  # Method: generate_json_for_peer_reviews
  # This method retrieves all the peer reviews associated with
  # the assignment id list by calling the get_peer_reviews method.
  # It then formats the peer-review list in JSON.
  # Params
  #   assignment_id_list: list of assignment ids to get quiz scores for
  #   round_num: round number of the review
  # Returns
  #   request_body: request body populated with the formatted peer review data.
  def generate_json_for_peer_reviews(assignment_id_list, round_num = 2)
    has_topic = !SignUpTopic.where(assignment_id: assignment_id_list[0]).empty?

    peer_reviews_list = get_peer_reviews(assignment_id_list, round_num, has_topic)
    request_body = generate_json_body(peer_reviews_list)

  # Method: generate_json_for_quiz_scores
  # This method accepts a list of assignment ids as an argument.
  # It then calls the get_quiz_score method on the list to get
  # maps of teams and scores for the given assignments.
  # The map is then formatted into JSON.
  # Params
  #   assignment_id_list: list of assignment ids to get quiz scores for
  # Returns
  #   request_body: request body populated with quiz scores
  def generate_json_for_quiz_scores(assignment_id_list)
    participant_reviewee_map = get_quiz_score(assignment_id_list)
    request_body = generate_json_body(participant_reviewee_map)

  # Method: client
  # This method is called when the url reputation_web_service/client
  # is hit using GET method.
  # This renders the client.html.erb
  # It also populates the instance variables to be used in the views
  # Params
  # Returns
  #   nil
  def client
    @max_assignment_id =
    @assignment = Assignment.find(flash[:assignment_id]) rescue nil
    @another_assignment = Assignment.find(flash[:another_assignment_id]) rescue nil

  # Method: update_participants_reputation
  # This method accepts the response body in the JSON format.
  # It then parses the JSON and updates the reputation scores of the
  # participants in the list.
  # If the alg variable is not  Hamer/ Lauv, the updation step is skipped.
  # Params
  #   reputation_response: The response from the reputation web service
  # Returns
  #   nil
  def update_participants_reputation(reputation_response)
    JSON.parse(reputation_response.body.to_s).each do |reputation_algorithm, user_resputation_list|
      next unless %w[Hamer Lauw].include?(reputation_algorithm)

      user_resputation_list.each do |user_id, reputation|
        Participant.find_by(user_id: user_id).update(reputation_algorithm.to_sym => reputation) unless /leniency/ =~ user_id.to_s

  # Method: process_response_body
  # This method gets the control after receiving a response from the server.
  # It receives the response body as an argument
  # It updates the instance variables related to the response.
  # It then calls the update_participants_reputation to update the reputation
  # scores received in the response body.
  # Params
  #   reputation_response: The response from the reputation web service
  # Returns
  #   nil
  def process_response_body(reputation_response)
    flash[:response] = reputation_response
    flash[:response_body] = reputation_response.body

  # Method: add_expert_grades
  # It prepends the request body with the expert grades pertaining
  # to the default wiki contribution case of 754.
  # It receives the request body as an argument and prepends it
  # Params
  #   body: The request body to add the expert grades to
  # Returns
  #   body prepended with the expert grades
  def add_expert_grades(body)
    flash[:additional_info] = 'add expert grades'
    case params[:assignment_id]
    when '754' # expert grades of Wiki contribution (754)
      body.prepend('"expert_grades": {"submission25030":95,"submission25031":92,"submission25033":88,"submission25034":98,"submission25035":100,"submission25037":95,"submission25038":95,"submission25039":93,"submission25040":96,"submission25041":90,"submission25042":100,"submission25046":95,"submission25049":90,"submission25050":88,"submission25053":91,"submission25054":96,"submission25055":94,"submission25059":96,"submission25071":85,"submission25082":100,"submission25086":95,"submission25097":90,"submission25098":85,"submission25102":97,"submission25103":94,"submission25105":98,"submission25114":95,"submission25115":94},')

  # Method: add_quiz_scores
  # It gets the assignment id list and generates the json on quiz scores of
  # those assignments.
  # Finally processes quiz string is prepended to the request body, received
  # as an argument, and returns the body to prepare_request_body.
  # Params
  #   body: The request body to add the expert grades to
  # Returns
  #   body prepended with the expert grades
  def add_quiz_scores(body)
    flash[:additional_info] = 'add quiz scores'
    assignment_id_list_quiz = get_assignment_id_list(params[:assignment_id].to_i, params[:another_assignment_id].to_i)
    quiz_str =  generate_json_for_quiz_scores(assignment_id_list_quiz).to_json
    quiz_str[0] = '' # remove first {
    quiz_str.prepend('"quiz_scores":{') # add quiz_scores tag
    quiz_str += ','
    quiz_str = quiz_str.gsub('"N/A"', '20.0') # replace N/A values with 20

  # Method: add_lauw_reputation_values
  # This method sets the instance variable @additional_info.
  # This method is called by the prepare_request_body method
  # when params receive instruction through the corresponding view's checkbox.
  # Params
  # Returns
  #   nil
  def add_hamer_reputation_values
    flash[:additional_info] = 'add initial hamer reputation values'

  # Method: add_lauw_reputation_values
  # This method sets the instance variable @additional_info.
  # This method is called by the prepare_request_body method
  # when params receive instruction through the corresponding view's checkbox.
  # Params
  # Returns
  #   nil
  def add_lauw_reputation_values
    flash[:additional_info] = 'add initial lauw reputation values'

  # Method: get_assignment_id_list
  # This method on receipt of individual assignment IDs returns a list with all
  # the assignment IDs appended into a data structure
  # This function accepts 2 arguments, with the second argument being optional,
  # and returns the list assignment_id_list
  # If the second argument is 0, it is not appended to the list.
  # Params
  #   assignment_id_one: first assignment id (required)
  #   assignment_id_two: second assignment id (optional)
  # Returns
  #   assignment_id_list: list containing two assignment ids
  def get_assignment_id_list(assignment_id_one, assignment_id_two = 0)
    assignment_id_list = []
    assignment_id_list << assignment_id_one
    assignment_id_list << assignment_id_two unless

  # Method: add_flash_messages
  # This method sets the flash messages to pass on to the next request i.e
  # the request redirected to the client
  # Params
  #   post_req: This contains the entire post_req that needs to be sent to the reputation
  #     webservice
  # Returns
  #   nil
  def add_flash_messages(post_req)
    flash[:assignment_id] = params[:assignment_id]
    flash[:round_num] = params[:round_num]
    flash[:algorithm] = params[:algorithm]
    flash[:another_assignment_id] = params[:another_assignment_id]
    flash[:request_body] = post_req.body

  # Method: add_additional_info_details
  # This method sets the additional info details based on the options
  # selected in the additional information section. We populate the request
  # based on the selections
  # Params
  #   post_req: This contains the entire post_req that needs to be sent to the reputation
  #     webservice
  # Returns
  #   nil
  def add_additional_info_details(post_req)
    if params[:checkbox][:expert_grade] == 'Add expert grades'
    elsif params[:checkbox][:hamer] == 'Add initial Hamer reputation values'
    elsif params[:checkbox][:lauw] == 'Add initial Lauw reputation values'
    elsif params[:checkbox][:quiz] == 'Add quiz scores'
      flash[:additional_info] = ''

  # Method: prepare_request_body
  # This method is responsible for preparing the request body in a proper format
  # to send to the server. It populates the assignment scores and peer review
  # scores. It also populates the flash messages to send to the next request
  # It finally sends the prepared request body back to the send_post_request
  # method.
  # Params
  # Returns
  #   nil
  def prepare_request_body
    reputation_web_service_path = URI.parse(WEBSERVICE_CONFIG['reputation_web_service_url']).path
    post_req =, { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json', 'charset' => 'utf-8' })
    curr_assignment_id = (params[:assignment_id].empty? ? '754' : params[:assignment_id])
    assignment_id_list_peers = get_assignment_id_list(curr_assignment_id, params[:another_assignment_id].to_i)

    post_req.body = generate_json_for_peer_reviews(assignment_id_list_peers, params[:round_num].to_i).to_json

    post_req.body[0] = '' # remove the first '{'
    add_additional_info_details post_req
    add_flash_messages post_req

  # Method: send_post_request
  # This method calls the prepare_request_body function to get a prepared
  # request body in proper format to send to the server.
  # It populates the assignment scores and peer review
  # scores. It also populates the flash messages to send to the next request
  # We redirect to the client url to display the results.
  # Params
  # Returns
  #   nil
  def send_post_request
    post_req = prepare_request_body
    reputation_web_service_hostname = URI.parse(WEBSERVICE_CONFIG['reputation_web_service_url']).host
    reputation_response = { |http| http.request(post_req) }
    if %w[400 500].include?(reputation_response.code)
      flash[:error] = 'Post Request Failed'
    redirect_to action: 'client'

  def calculate_reputation_Score

# Method: calculate_reputation_score
# This method calculates the reputation scores for each reviewer based on the provided input data.
# It first parses the input JSON string to extract the submissions and their corresponding scores.
# Then, it calculates the average weighted grades per reviewer and the delta R values.
# Next, it calculates the weight prime values based on the delta R values.
# Finally, it calculates the reputation weights for each reviewer using the weight prime values.
# Params
#   - input_json: a JSON string representing the input data with submission scores
# Returns
#   An array of reputation scores, one score per reviewer, indicating their reputation in the system.
def calculate_reputation_score(reviews)
  # Parse the input JSON string
  # reviews = JSON.parse(input_json)

  # Initialize arrays to store intermediate values
  grades = []
  delta_r = []
  weight_prime = []
  weight = []

  # Calculate Average Weighted Grades per Reviewer
  reviews.each do |reviewer_marks|
    # Skip nil values when calculating the sum
    reviewer_marks_without_nil = reviewer_marks.compact
    assignment_grade_average = reviewer_marks_without_nil.sum.to_f / reviewer_marks_without_nil.length
    grades << assignment_grade_average

  # Calculate delta R
  reviews.each do |reviewer_marks|
    reviewer_delta_r = 0
    # Skip nil values when calculating the sum
    reviewer_marks_without_nil = reviewer_marks.compact
    reviewer_marks_without_nil.each_with_index do |grade, student_index|
      reviewer_delta_r += (grade - grades[student_index]) ** 2
    delta_r << reviewer_delta_r / reviewer_marks_without_nil.length

  # Calculate weight prime
  average_delta_r = delta_r.sum / delta_r.length.to_f

  delta_r.each do |reviewer_delta_r|
    weight_prime << average_delta_r / reviewer_delta_r

  # Calculate reputation weight
  weight_prime.each do |reviewer_weight_prime|
    if reviewer_weight_prime <= 2
      weight << reviewer_weight_prime.round(2)
      weight << (2 + Math.log(reviewer_weight_prime - 1)).round(2)

  # Return the reputation weights

Objective 4: Validate the accuracy of the newly implemented Hamer algorithm

We test the newly implemented Hamer algorithm function with our scenarios and verify if they match the expected values.

Test Code Snippet

describe ReputationWebServiceController do
    it "should calculate correct Hamer calculation" do
      weights =
      keys = ["maxtoall", "mintoall", "mediantoall", "incomplete_review", "sametoall", "passing1", "passing2", "passing3"]
      rounded_weights = { |w| w.round(1) }
      result_hash =
      expect(result_hash).to eq(JSON.parse(EXPECTED)["Hamer"])



Conclusion ?????

GitHub Links

Link to Expertiza repository: here

Link to the forked repository: here

Link to pull request: [???/]

Link to Github Project page: [1]

Link to Testing Video: [????]


1. Expertiza on GitHub (
2. The live Expertiza website (
3. Pluggable reputation systems for peer review: A web-service approach (