CSC/ECE 517 Spring 2023 -E2347. Reimplement duties controller.rb and badges controller.rb

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Revision as of 21:40, 7 April 2023 by Sstangad (talk | contribs) (Added Problem Statement)
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Problem Statement

The problem at hand involves the Duties and Badge modules of Expertiza. Mainly, the task is to improve the code logic and design by following the Object Oriented Design principles and methods and make the code base more efficient, easy to read and structured. We have two controller classes "duties_controller.rb" and "badge_controller.rb".

The duties_controller in the Duties module defines several actions, including create, edit, update, and delete. The create action is used to save the new duty to the database, while the edit action renders the form for editing an existing duty. The update action updates the duty in the database, and the delete action deletes a duty from the database.

On the other hand, the Badge module has a create action that creates a new Badge instance using user parameters and saves an image file if attached. It also updates the image_name attribute of the badge instance. Additionally, there is a new action that sets up a new Badge instance and a redirect_to_assignment method to redirect to the previous page visited by the user. This method is used with the new action to keep track of the page the user was on when they requested a new Badge instance.

The task is to ensure that the Duties and Badge modules function correctly and that the create, edit, update, delete, and new actions all work as intended as well as to optimize, restructure and reimplement the code by following the Object Oriented way. This will help manage duties and badges in Expertiza effectively.

Goals of this Project

The goals of this Project are:

  1. Separating the responsibilities of the QuestionnairesController and QuestionsController
  2. Fix bugs in the existing functionality
  3. Implementing CRUD operations for each controller
  4. Discarding unused or unclear functionality
  5. Writing tests for the two controllers

By achieving these goals, both the controllers can have their basic CRUD functionalities as well as it will also ensure that the code readability and functionality of the code for the two controllers is increased. It will also help in resolving the existing bugs which will increase correctness of the code.


Testing Methodology

Relevant Links


This feature was created as part of Dr. Edward Gehringer's "CSC/ECE 517: Object-Oriented Design and Development" class, Spring 2023. The contributors were: