CSC/ECE 517 Spring 2018- Project E1820 Review-Comment Tone Analysis Report

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Revision as of 00:36, 14 April 2018 by Rjmontgo (talk | contribs)
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Peter Shore (pnshore) Vishy Makthal (vmaktha) Cameron Nelson (cenelso3) Robert Montgomery (rjmontgo)

Background Information


Filler text for now.

Tone Analysis

Tone analysis is a tool that is used to measure the sentiment or tone of a sentence. This will be used in expertiza to help determine the tone of the review comments to determine if the feedback is useful. Since implementing a working tone analysis tool would be a project on its own we will use one that is already implemented through an NC State University project called Peer Logic.

Peer logic is going to be used to implement tone analysis throughout this project. The peer logic web service is able to provide colored HTML text based on the tone by sending a POST request of a JSON {“review”: “review comments….”} to an API endpoint[1]. The JSON data that is returned will be used to determine coloration of the cells that are displayed in the popup views as well as in the table. For reference, Peer logic assigns green to a positive tone, yellow to a moderate tone, and red to a negative tone.

Problem Statement

The basis of this project was to clean up the table in view_review_scores_popup_.html.rb. Currently, the table is very simple and unorganized, reducing its readability. There are incomplete table borders, misaligned cells, and HTML tags littered throughout the text. In addition, tabs were added to separate each review round. Another feature that was added was tone analysis of the comments. A colored tone analysis is retrieved from the Peer Logic web service [2] and displayed accordingly. This view was implemented as a pop up as well, showing a tile char visualization depicting points of review on the y-axis, and a color analysis of their review on the x-axis.

Files Modified



Design Documents

The UML diagram regarding the scope of our project is included below. Overall, an existing view will be modified, and a new one will be created. Both of these views are associated with the popup_controller, which, as a result, will also be modified accordingly.