CSC/ECE 517 Spring 2016/M1704 Servo Dependency Tool

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The Servo Dependency Tool is a set of python scripts that automatically upgrades Cargo dependencies for the Servo web browser engine.


Servo is a prototype web browser engine created by Mozilla Research and written in the Rust programming language. It is currently developed on 64-bit OS X, 64-bit Linux, and Android platforms. Servo depends on numerous other Rust libraries that are published on the package manager There are no notifications for when packages are updated so it's up to developers to keep track of when they need to upgrade the dependencies within their projects.

The goal of the Servo Dependency Tool is to automatically upgrade Servo's dependencies whenever new versions are released.


  • Use Python, Node.js, or Ruby to develop the tool
  • Tool must be easily ran on hosted services (Heroku, Amazon AWS, etc)
  • Parse a Cargo.lock file to determine the list of dependencies and their current versions
  • Compare the list of dependencies and their current versions to a local clone of the index to find out the latest versions available
  • Edit all Cargo.toml files within Servo with the latest versions
  • Update the packages by running the cargo-update command using Servo's Mach tool
  • Interact with GitHub to create a branch for the updates and then open a pull request on the main Servo repo

Tool Workflow Overview

  1. Perform a pull to ensure the servo fork is up-to-date
  2. Create a new branch on the servo fork to contain the changes performed by the tool
  3. Parse the Cargo.lock file to determine all the packages within Servo and their current versions
  4. Make a local clone of the index and compare the current versions of each package to the most recent version in the index
  5. Iterate through all the Cargo.toml files in the Servo project and update all listed versions to the most recent version found in the previous step

Project Structure is the main driver file of our tool. This file imports all of the other files and controls the overall flow of the tool from start to finish.







Running the Tool

The Servo Dependency Tool has been designed to be easy to setup and use. Detailed information can be found in the README on GitHub.


The tool runs using Python3 and requires two python libraries in order to run: GitPython and In addition, it is expected that the machine running the tool has a local copy of the forked Servo repo.

Installation and Execution

Installing the tool requires cloning the Servo Dependency Tool into the root folder of the local copy of Servo:

   git clone

Call to run the tool:


Project Links