CSC/ECE 517 Spring 2015 M1502 WSRA

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Implement Rust Websocket

This project concentrates on implementing Rust WebSocket API for Mozilla's web browser engine, Servo


Servo<ref> </ref> is a Web Browser engine written in Rust. It is an experimental project build that targets new generation of hardware: mobile devices, multi-core processors and high-performance GPUs to obtain power efficiency and maximum parallelism. Implementing WebSocket API for the Servo engine would allow a persistent single TCP socket connection to be established between the client and server that will provide bi-directional, full duplex, messages to be instantly exchanged with little overhead resulting in a very low latency connection and supporting interactive, dynamic applications.


Rust <ref> </ref> is a Systems programming language built in Rust itself that is fast, memory safe and multithreaded, but does not employ a garbage collector or otherwise impose significant runtime overhead. Rust is able to provide both control over hardware and safety which is not the case with other programming languages like C, C++, Python that provide only either control or safety but not both.


WebSockets is a protocol that provides full-duplex channel for a TCP connection and makes it possible to open an interactive communication session between the user's browser and a server. With WebSockets, you can send messages to a server and receive event-driven responses without having to request the server for a reply. The WebSocket specification defines an API to establish a "socket" connection between a web browser and a server. This establishment involves a handshake following which there is a persistent connection between the client and the server and both parties can start sending data asynchronously.

Cargo and Crate

Cargo <ref></ref> is a application level package manager that allows Rust projects to declare their various dependencies. Cargo resembles the Bundler in Rails that is used to run Rails app, install required Gems mentioned in the Gemfile. Gemfile correspond to Cargo.toml file and Gem correspond to Crates

Cargo introduces two metadata files with various bits of project information, fetches and builds project's dependencies, invokes rustc or another build tool with the correct parameters to build the project.

Project Description

Requirement Analysis



Component Design

Data Design

Design Patterns

Factory Pattern
For every web application application running on the web browser that requires a websocket for communicating with the server, a new thread needs to be spawned that creates a client end of the socket associated with the web app. Spawning this thread can be considered to be similar to instantiating an object for which Factory Pattern can be employed.
Thread Pool Pattern
Servo's primary objective was to provide concurrency. This concurrency can be attained by scheduling tasks which can be run in parallel. Threads help execute these tasks in parallel. Thread Pool Pattern helps manage these thread. For example, one thread could be to accept new requests for websockets, as a result of which new thread would be spawned (client side of websocket) for that application.

Proposed Test Cases

Further Readings

