CSC/ECE 517 Spring 2015 E1525 TIAA

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Expertiza - Teaming information and analytics


Introduction To Expertiza

Expertiza is a web application where students can submit and peer-review learning objects (articles, code, web sites, etc). It is used in select courses at NC State and by professors at several other colleges and universities.<ref>Expertiza on GitHub (Original version)</ref>


Expertiza is a large project developed as a combined effort of students and faculty using the Ruby on Rails framework. The main advantage of using Expertiza, in an educational environment, is for the instructor to introduce peer reviewing among the students. Expertiza allows the instructor to create and customize assignments, create a list of topics the students can sign up for, have students work on teams and then review each other's assignments at the end. Expertiza supports submission of almost any document type, including the URLs and wiki pages. Currently the teaming information is only accessible from specific assignment. Sometimes a course may require a student to work with at least, for example 5 other students. To check teaming information for a course, It would be helpful for a student to have a way in Expertiza to see how many other students (s)he has teamed with during a course, and who those students are. An instructor might also want to see this information for grading purposes. Similarly, instructors and students want to see scores that teammates have given them for contributions to their team projects.


New features added to the system will

  • Allow a student to see how many other students (s)he has teamed with during a course, and who those students are.
  • Allow students to see the review score that teammates have given them for contributions to their team projects.
  • Allow the instructor to be able to see the teaming information of all the students.
  • Prevent students from seeing individual review scores when the number of team members who reviewed the student is < k, where k should be settable by the instructor when editing an assignment.


All the documentation for the Expertiza system can be found in the following links: Expertiza on Github Wiki documentation for Expertiza

Problem statements

Use Cases

Test requirement


