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Thread Safety

A multi-threaded program presents the risk of race conditions, which are situations in which multiple threads rely on the same system state. This is a dangerous situation because if multiple threads access the same state simultaneously, the state could become corrupted. Thread safety avoids race conditions by guaranteeing that multiple threads can run safely, concurrently.


A thread is a small set of instructions that can be handled independently by the scheduler. Multithreading is the concept of allowing multiple threads within the execution of a single process, which allows those threads to share resources. Multithreading is a useful and powerful construct within web-server environments, such as rails. For example, multiple threads could be used to handle requests from multiple users simultaneously, while also handling long running tasks in the background. As a result of multithreading, users have a better experience, because tasks that would pause execution in a single threaded application, can be allotted their own thread, and the user is never interrupted. Although having multiple threads is powerful, it is equally dangerous, due to race conditions. Race conditions occur when multiple threads are accessing the same state, most specifically the same data, and thus the output depends on the correct order of operations, but the threads execute out of order, causing the data to be corrupted. Thus, thread safety ensures that when multiple threads alter shared components, they do so in a guaranteed safe manner, therefore there will be no race conditions within a thread safe application.


Multithreading is not a new concept to Rails. Previous versions of Rails were capable of supporting multithreading in the applications very effectively. In the previous versions of Rails, once an application template was created, a programmer could find a method named "threadsafe!" in the configurations and enable it for multithreaded applications. This option used to be located in the production.rb file located on the generic path config/environments/production.rb. Therefore, this option for multithreading was automatically disabled (commented out in the configuration file) in the previous versions of Rails and the programmers always had to manually enable it to make their application thread-safe.

Manually Enabling Multithreading

The source code of threadsafe method is shown bellow:

def threadsafe!
  @preload_frameworks = true
  @cache_classes      = true
  @dependency_loading = false
  @allow_concurrency  = true

We can see that threadsafe method consists of only 4 options. The first three options describe how the application is loaded and ensure that the entire framework is preloaded instead of relying on auto-loading behavior which is not thread-safe. The fourth option is set to true and it tells Rails to not use Rack::Lock middleware.

Rails 4.0

Beginning with Rails version 4.0 multithreading has been automatically enabled and supported by the initial configuration. The threadsafe method has been removed from the configuration file and it cannot be found in the production.rb file anymore. This enables Rails 4.0 to automatically provides thread safety to all of its applications. The authors of this wiki page believe that the main reason for this approach has been to make learning rails more beginner-friendly and eliminate corruption of Rails applications written by unexperienced programmers.
