CSC/ECE 517 Spring 2014/ch1a 1j sr

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Writing Assignment 1j - Watir


Watir, pronounced water, is an open-source (BSD) family of Ruby libraries for automating web browsers. It allows you to write tests that are easy to read and maintain. It is simple and flexible. Watir drives browsers the same way people do. It clicks links, fills in forms, presses buttons. Watir also checks results, such as whether expected text appears on the page. Watir is a family of Ruby libraries but it supports your app no matter what technology it is developed in. Whilst Watir supports only Internet Explorer on Windows, Watir-WebDriver supports Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera and also running in headless mode (HTMLUnit).


Here's Watir in action. Like all ruby gems, it has to be included to be used. Including Watir gem to drive Internet Explorer on Windows

require 'watir'

Including Watir-WebDriver gem to drive Firefox/Chrome on Windows/Mac/Linux

require 'watir-webdriver'

After including it, It can be used simply. For example to start a new browser & and going to Watir's demo website:

browser =
browser.goto ''

For setting the value of a text field

browser.text_field(:name => 'entry.0.single').set 'Watir'

For setting a multi-line text box

browser.text_field(:name => 'entry.1.single').set "I come here from Australia. \n The weather is great here."

Their official example page has a few examples.


Watir Compared to Capybara

Watir Compared to Cucumber

Cucumber and Watir are not comparable in the sense that they are both different tools that aid each other for the same goal simple behavior-driven unit testing of the app. As demonstrated in the example, Watir is used to manipulate the browser, while Cucumber is used to write business readable unit tests. On its website, Cucumber mentions these six steps for suing Cucumber:

  1. Describe behaviour in plain text
  2. Write a step definition in Ruby
  3. Run and watch it fail
  4. Write code to make the step pass
  5. Run again and see the step pass
  6. Repeat 2-5 until green like a cuke

Basically "Cucumber lets software development teams describe how software should behave in plain text. The text is written in a business-readable domain-specific language and serves as documentation, automated tests and development-aid - all rolled into one format."

In its community wiki Cucumber mentions the usage of Watir (or Selenium, a similar tool) for making transactions with the browser. So these two tools go hand in hand in order to write a complete successful automated unit test suit, one that can be readable by non-technical people as well.

For instance, consider this example:

The way Cucumber works is that after installing the gem, the steps in business readable form are stored in .feature file, and then actual steps are written in the step definitions file. As you can see in the example belo, the step defintions can then use Watir to make transactions with the browser.


Feature: Search In order to use Google users must be able to search for content 
  Scenario: Search for a term
    Given I have entered "watir" into the query
    When I click "search"
    Then I should see some results


require "watir-webdriver"
require "rspec/expectations"
Given /^I have entered "([^"]*)" into the query$/ do |term|
  @browser ||= :firefox
  @browser.goto ""
  @browser.text_field(:name => "q").set term
When /^I click "([^"]*)"$/ do |button_name|
Then /^I should see some results$/ do
  @browser.div(:id => "resultStats").wait_until_present
  @browser.div(:id => "resultStats").should exist 

Important Terms
