CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2021 - E2142. Improve e-mail notifications

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E2142. Improve e-mail notifications

Work in progress

This project is ongoing, and this page will be updated live.

Issue - Don't send email to reviewers for a new submission after the review deadline has passed

Pre conditions - There is an assignment, a student as a participant, a participant as a reviewer who is reviewing the this particular assignment - a review is made for a submission by the student - review deadline has passed - the student is allowed to submit after the review deadline has passed

Expected Behavior

Exact issue stating the expected behavior can be found at - "Evidently, if a submission is revised after review, the system e-mails the reviewer saying to revise the review. This is just fine ... except if the last round of review has been completed. The message telling reviewers to revise their reviews should not be sent after the last review deadline has passed."

So basically, When the student makes a new submission after the LAST review deadline has passed. The reviewer should not receive an email, asking the reviewer to update the review according to the new submission.

Actual Behavior

According to the current Code scenario on the beta branch if the deadline has passed, a student(participant) cannot make new submissions. So, automatically if the participant doe not make a new submission then the reviewer wont receive an email. So this issue does not really exist by the virtue of the state of the system.

Brief Introduction