CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2019 - E1989. Track the time students look at other submissions

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The Expertiza project takes advantage of peer-review among students to allow them to learn from each other. Tracking the time that a student spends on each submitted resources is meaningful to instructors to study and improve the teaching experience. Unfortunately, most peer assessment systems do not manage the content of students’ submission within the systems. They usually allow the authors submit external links to the submission (e.g. GitHub code / deployed application), which makes it difficult for the system to track the time that the reviewers spend on the submissions.

Current Implementation

Problem Statement


Code Changes

Test Plan

Automated Testing Using Rspec

Manual UI Testing


Our Work

The code we created can be found below.

The project could be run locally by cloning the GitHub Repository and then running the following commands sequentially.

bundle install
rake db:create:all
rake db:migrate
rails s

Team Information

  1. Dylan Spruill (drspruil)
  2. Forrest Devita (fcdevita)
  3. Rohan Pillai (rspillai)
  4. Shalin Rathi (sjrathi)

Mentor: Akanksha Mohan (amohan7)
Professor: Dr. Edward F. Gehringer (efg)


  1. Expertiza on GitHub
  2. RSpec Documentation